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  • IBB Reveals how Murtala Muhammed became the head of state and how he told Obasanjo and Danjuma that they would not be beholden to anyone as head of state, as well as the story about the day of his assassination in his Book

    IBB, in his book, also revealed that the early days of the Muhammed administration witnessed an unprecedented wave of retirements in Nigeria’s public service that had never been seen before.

    He wrote: “One of the accusations against General Gowon (which, in retrospect, seemed unfair) was that he ran the business of governance ‘like a one-man show’! So, we, the ‘younger’ senior officers who had played a role in the coup, decided that the new post-Gowon government’s leadership must be overtly collective. So, while we concluded that Brigadier Murtala Muhammed should be the head of state, our preference was for him to operate only as first among equals, especially in his dealings with the two other prominent senior officers, Brigadiers Olusegun Obasanjo and Theophilus Danjuma. But we knew Muhammed enough to know he would need to be persuaded to accept such an arrangement.à

    “So, while the rest of us ‘younger’ senior officers waited in an adjacent room, Colonel Wushishi, Lieutenant-Colonels Joe Garba, Abdullahi Mohammed and Yar’Adua took Brigadiers Muhammed, Obasanjo and Danjuma to another room to negotiate the terms of our proposal for a triumvirate-type leadership where Muhammed will be required to share power with Obasanjo and Danjuma. I couldn’t describe the mood since we were absent from that meeting. But we were close enough to pick up Muhammed’s thundering voice, rejecting such proposals outrightly. As far as I remember, the meeting lasted for hours past midnight. Finally, Murtala Muhammed agreed to be head of state while insisting that he would not be beholden to anyone as head of state!

    In a prompt style that typified his leadership, he quickly announced several retirements the next day, just as he made new appointments. All officers above the rank of Major-General or senior to any new government member were compulsorily retired. Those retired included such persons as the Chief of Staff, Supreme Headquarters, Vice-Admiral Joseph Wey; the Deputy Chief of Staff, Supreme Headquarters, Major-General Hassan Katsina; the Chief of Staff (Army), Major-General David Ejoor; the Chief of Naval Staff, Rear Admiral Nelson Soroh; the Chief of Air Staff, Brigadier Emmanuel Ikwue; the Inspector-General of Police, Alhaji Kam Salem; the Deputy Inspector-General of Police, T. A. Fagbola and Major-General Adeyinka Adebayo.

    “These retirements were followed simultaneously with new appointments. While the Commissioner for Works and Housing from the old SMC, Brigadier Olusegun Obasanjo, replaced Vice- Admiral Wey as the new Chief of Staff, Supreme Headquarters, Brigadier Theophilus Danjuma replaced Major-General Ejoor as the Chief of Staff (Army). Danjuma would change the designation of that position upon resumption of office to ‘Chief of Army Staff,’ which has remained the designation ever since. The only surviving senior army officer from Gowon’s SMC, Brigadier Iliya Bisalla, also the NDA’s Commandant, became Minister of Defence. Alhaji Mohammed Dikko Yusuf became the Inspector-General of Police. Colonel John Yisa-Doko took over from Brigadier Emmanuel Ikwue as Chief of Air Staff, while Commodore Michael Adelanwa replaced Rear Admiral Nelson Soroh as Chief of Naval Staff.

    “The early days of the Muhammed administration witnessed an unprecedented wave of retirements in Nigeria’s public service that had never been seen before. After the twelve military governors from the Gowon era were compulsorily retired, the government ordered a probe of their conduct in office.

    “Ten of the twelve governors were found guilty of illegal enrichment and ‘dismissed with ignominy.’ Brigadiers Oluwole Rotimi and Mobolaji Johnson were the only two not found to have enriched themselves illegally.

    “Some civilian members of the Gowon cabinet were also found to have enriched themselves illegally. Apart from Alhaji Shehu Shagari, the Finance Commissioner and Alhaji Ali Monguno, who was in charge of Mines and Power, the government found all others guilty of improper enrichment and were made to forfeit illegally acquired assets. Similarly, in a broad wave of retirements that affected thousands of civil servants, many top civil servants were also caught in the web of asset forfeiture of ill-gotten assets. Even the revered Federal Public Service Commission Chairman, Alhaji Sule Katagum, was not spared. He was also dismissed.

    “Looking back now and writing as a member of the SMC, I realise we probably overdid the retirement exercise. The idea of retiring corrupt and incompetent public officers was appropriate. But because we failed to provide a platform for challenging retirements in the surge of events, some civil servants may have been victims of an unfair witch-hunt. Goaded on by a seemingly over-exuberant mass media, we didn’t look deeply at the implications of the mass purge, mainly as it affected the civil service. I am not sure our federal civil service fully recovered from that purge.

    The General Murtala Assassination.

    “FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1976, started like any typical day for me. I lived at No 19 Crescent, Ikoyi, Lagos, although my troops were stationed at the cantonment in Ikeja. However, because the Committee on Army Reorganisation, which I headed, was furiously at work during that period, I reported first in the morning at Defence Headquarters, which was close by, before heading out to Ikeja.

    “My regular route to army headquarters was through the faster Osborne Road. But for some reason, on this fateful morning, as my driver opted at about 8.45 a.m. to turn right through our regular route, I instinctively told him to turn left and go through the more open Kingsway Road to avoid possible traffic congestion. That decision may have saved my life because, unknown to me, Major Ibrahim Rabo’s men, led by Lieutenant Peter Cigari, had been detailed to ambush and kill me on the Osborne Road route. At that time, I was oblivious to the fact that the so-called Dimka coup, which led to the assassination of General Murtala Muhammed, his ADC, Lieutenant Akintunde Akinsehinwa and his driver, Sergeant Adamu Michika, had been operational for over an hour. Muhammed’s orderly, who was also in the car, Staff Sergeant Michael Otuwe, narrowly survived the onslaught.

    “The plotters’ strategy was to lay several ambushes for different government members along their routes to work that morning. As emerged from subsequent investigations, Major Ibrahim Rabo, Captain Malaki Parwang and Lieutenant William Seri, led by Lt-Col. Bukar Suka Dimka, laid in wait for Muhammed’s entourage. In a well-coordinated plan, Dimka assigned each assassin specific roles and functions. In aiming his shots at Muhammed, Lieutenant Seri was said to be so ruthless that he emptied more than one magazine of ammunition into the car carrying the head of state.

    “The scene was in disarray when I arrived at the army headquarters, still oblivious to what had happened. But I soon found out that a coup attempt was ongoing and that it needed to be put down. I’ll never forget my exchange with General Akinrinade as I sauntered into the top floor of the building: ‘Ibrahim, where the hell have you been?’ the General inquired. ‘We’ve been looking for you. You must go and see T. Y. (Danjuma) immediately,’ he continued.

    “Convinced I was being sought after because of our ongoing meeting on the army’s reorganisation, I looked at my wristwatch and told the General I was on time since it wasn’t yet 9 a.m.! ‘Who’s talking of a meeting?’ the General thundered back. ‘Haven’t you heard what happened, that the head of state has just been assassinated and that Major Dimka has made a broadcast claiming to have taken over?’

    “I remember exactly how I felt that morning when General Akinrinade broke the news to me. I was utterly shattered and devastated. And I remember muttering to myself as I walked towards General Danjuma’s office: ‘Dimka, organising a coup? That’s not a serious character. How could he contemplate such a thing? Dimka? That’s impossible.’

    “When I met with Danjuma, his instructions were unambiguous: ‘Ibrahim, go to the Radio House and flush Dimka out of that place immediately.’ The first thing I did was to get in touch with my troops stationed at the Ikeja cantonment. But I also knew I had to be careful with so much uncertainty in the air since I wasn’t sure where they stood regarding their loyalty. After I failed to establish contact with any of my most trusted lieutenants by telephone, I quickly hopped on a motorcycle ridden by a young corporal, whose name I forget now. On our way to Ikeja, I stopped at Lt-Col. Hamzat Abdullahi’s residence at Ilupeju, close to the Ikeja cantonment. Once I confirmed that it was safe to enter the cantonment, I borrowed Hamzat’s car and entered the premises through a rear entrance. Once inside the cantonment, I established contact with Lt-Col. Chris Ugokwe. With the assistance of Lt-Cols. Ugokwe and Joshua Dogonyaro, I mobilised loyal troops, weapons and vehicles before heading back to the Nigerian Broadcasting Corporation (NBC) Radio House at Ikoyi.

    “When we got to Radio House in an armoured column, we noticed that Dimka’s men surrounded the place, primarily young officers who were a part of the plot, including his ADC, 2nd Lt Samuel Garba. As I got down from my armoured vehicle, unarmed, and approached the building, Dimka’s ADC, Garba, attempted to stop me. By now, Dimka had spotted me from the storey building and screamed: ‘Ibrahim, I’m going to shoot you’! I shouted back: ‘Well, that’s okay. If you shoot me, you know my family. You’ll take care of them. They’ll become your responsibility. I have no problem. It would be nice to die in the hands of a friend.’ After a pause, Dimka soberly replied: ‘Ibrahim, I like your guts. Come upstairs.’

    “As I gingerly took my steps up the stairs, a visibly fretful Ugokwe pleaded with me to be very careful. I waved Chris away, reminding him that ‘Bukar’ (his middle name, by which close friends called Dimka) and I had come a long way. Besides, being a trained officer, I was confident that Dimka would not shoot an unarmed colleague.

    “And Dimka was indeed a close friend, one of the groomsmen at my wedding to Maryam in Kaduna in 1969. A 1963 Australian Army Officer Cadet School graduate in Portsea, Australia, Dimka was one of the first Nigerian army officers to be trained in faraway Australia. Although he had risen to the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel in the Physical Training Corps of the Army, he lived on the edge and earned himself a crappy reputation for womanising and heavy drinking.
    When I got upstairs, I could tell from his breath that he had had a lot to drink.

    “The stench of alcohol from around him and his boys was pungent. Chris Ugokwe was right, after all! I needed to be careful because the atmosphere was so charged that any wrong move could lead to the loss of lives. To keep Dimka at ease, I opened the conversation. ‘Bukar, why didn’t you tell me you were planning this? Com’on, you and I are supposed to be close.’
    ‘No, we couldn’t trust you. We didn’t know where you belonged. But I hope you know that you are one of the most unpopular officers in the Nigerian army today.’ he blurted out, his glaring bloodshot eyes betraying evidence of tiredness and confusion.

    “He continued this time with a self-applauding, misplaced cockiness: ‘Ibrahim, you’re lucky to be alive because you were one of those pencilled down to be killed, but I was against it. And if I wanted to do it, I would have done it when you walked in now!’‘Why me?’ I asked him.
    ‘Because people felt that officers like Danjuma favoured you and liked you more than other officers,’ he replied. How could YOU be a member of the Supreme Military Council? he queried.

    “Then, suddenly, his ADC, 2nd Lt Garba, also visibly drunk, nervously showed up and suggested that Dimka take me hostage and use me as a bargaining chip with the government. Dimka angrily screamed at Garba and chased him out. Once Garba scampered out, Dimka and I settled for a ‘frank’ discussion. In doing so, I reminded him of the need to keep things under control to avoid flaring tempers in the circumstances we had all found ourselves in.
    First, he wanted to know if I had come to trick him into some form of surrender, akin to what happened to Chukwuma Nzeogwu during the January 1966 coup when Lt-Col. Conrad Nwawo came to Kaduna to persuade Nzeogwu to give himself up in return for some form of amnesty. When I convinced him that that was not my mission, he calmed down and listened. I asked him what he wanted, and he said he wanted a change of government. He even attempted to persuade me to join them in their attempt!

    “But even as he made that intolerable request of me, it was apparent from his body language that he knew the game was up. Then, his tone started to change. Could I guarantee his safety? Could I negotiate a written amnesty for him and all his co-plotters? Again, as I had done earlier, I pleaded with him to give himself up and avoid any form of conflagration that could damage the Radio House and lead to the death of civilians and soldiers. That chit-chat went on for quite some time, and when I appeared not to be making headway with him, I left with a promise to return later.

    “Only after I left Dimka did I get a better glimpse of what had happened in the past few hours. Apart from General Muhammed, who had earlier been murdered, a group of mutineers, in a case of mistaken identity, opened fire on the car carrying Colonel Reis Dumuje on Awolowo Road, believing that Lieutenant-General Olusegun Obasanjo was in the vehicle. Fortunately, Dumuje survived. In Kwara State, the Military Governor, Colonel Ibrahim Taiwo, was abducted outside Offa by Lieutenant Zagni and some NCOs and murdered.

    “In Ibadan, another group of mutineers led by Major Gagara went on a rampage and invaded the 26th Infantry Battalion and the WNBS/WNTV Broadcast House in Agodi. However, they could not capture the Military Governor of Oyo State, Colonel David Jemibewon, who was also to have been killed. And, as subsequent investigations showed, the mutineers laid other ambushes for General Danjuma and other senior members of the administration. I was pained to discover that not only were my close friends, such as Colonel Wya, Lt-Col. Tense, Major Ola Ogunmekan, Major Joe Kasai, and Major Alfa Aliyu, knee-deep in the plot, one of them that was closest to me, Major Clement Dabang, would be the one to suggest that I be killed.

    “Meanwhile, I returned to General Danjuma to give him a report of my encounter with Dimka. Danjuma was furious. He ordered me back to the Radio House with a reiteration of his earlier instructions to ‘flush Dimka out of place immediately.’ I returned to Radio House with Chris Ugokwe, better equipped and prepared. By now, we had been joined by, among others, Mike Otuwa, James Ojokojo, John Shagaya and Jack Iketubosin. But first, I had to reach out to my friend and classmate, Sani Sami, who commanded the Brigade of Guards, to handle a difficult assignment. The Brigade of Guards’ barracks provided easy access to the Radio House. But again, I had to be careful since I wasn’t sure whether the Brigade was still loyal to the government.

    “Sani Sami and I consulted and agreed that there should be minimum destruction. And that we would do what we were taught as cadets in situations involving a civilian population to ensure that civilians got out of the way and didn’t get injured. Once that was done, we moved in, cordoned off the area and engaged the mutineers in a gun battle. There were casualties in the ensuing armed confrontation, including Dimka’s ADC, 2nd Lt Garba. Also, one of the other vital plotters, Major Ibrahim Rabo, was arrested by Major Yomi Williams as he tried to escape and was promptly taken to the Bonny camp for interrogation. But, somehow, Dimka, quite inexplicably to this day, managed to escape from the scene unharmed.

    “Later that evening, the Federal government announced that the coup attempt had been quashed and declared seven days of national mourning in Murtala’s honour. The next day, February 14, General Muhammed was buried in Kano at a ceremony witnessed by thousands of mourners and members of the SMC, including Major- General Bisalla, who would later be implicated in the coup attempt.”
    🇳🇬IBB Reveals how Murtala Muhammed became the head of state and how he told Obasanjo and Danjuma that they would not be beholden to anyone as head of state, as well as the story about the day of his assassination in his Book 📚 📖 IBB, in his book, also revealed that the early days of the Muhammed administration witnessed an unprecedented wave of retirements in Nigeria’s public service that had never been seen before. He wrote: “One of the accusations against General Gowon (which, in retrospect, seemed unfair) was that he ran the business of governance ‘like a one-man show’! So, we, the ‘younger’ senior officers who had played a role in the coup, decided that the new post-Gowon government’s leadership must be overtly collective. So, while we concluded that Brigadier Murtala Muhammed should be the head of state, our preference was for him to operate only as first among equals, especially in his dealings with the two other prominent senior officers, Brigadiers Olusegun Obasanjo and Theophilus Danjuma. But we knew Muhammed enough to know he would need to be persuaded to accept such an arrangement.à “So, while the rest of us ‘younger’ senior officers waited in an adjacent room, Colonel Wushishi, Lieutenant-Colonels Joe Garba, Abdullahi Mohammed and Yar’Adua took Brigadiers Muhammed, Obasanjo and Danjuma to another room to negotiate the terms of our proposal for a triumvirate-type leadership where Muhammed will be required to share power with Obasanjo and Danjuma. I couldn’t describe the mood since we were absent from that meeting. But we were close enough to pick up Muhammed’s thundering voice, rejecting such proposals outrightly. As far as I remember, the meeting lasted for hours past midnight. Finally, Murtala Muhammed agreed to be head of state while insisting that he would not be beholden to anyone as head of state! In a prompt style that typified his leadership, he quickly announced several retirements the next day, just as he made new appointments. All officers above the rank of Major-General or senior to any new government member were compulsorily retired. Those retired included such persons as the Chief of Staff, Supreme Headquarters, Vice-Admiral Joseph Wey; the Deputy Chief of Staff, Supreme Headquarters, Major-General Hassan Katsina; the Chief of Staff (Army), Major-General David Ejoor; the Chief of Naval Staff, Rear Admiral Nelson Soroh; the Chief of Air Staff, Brigadier Emmanuel Ikwue; the Inspector-General of Police, Alhaji Kam Salem; the Deputy Inspector-General of Police, T. A. Fagbola and Major-General Adeyinka Adebayo. “These retirements were followed simultaneously with new appointments. While the Commissioner for Works and Housing from the old SMC, Brigadier Olusegun Obasanjo, replaced Vice- Admiral Wey as the new Chief of Staff, Supreme Headquarters, Brigadier Theophilus Danjuma replaced Major-General Ejoor as the Chief of Staff (Army). Danjuma would change the designation of that position upon resumption of office to ‘Chief of Army Staff,’ which has remained the designation ever since. The only surviving senior army officer from Gowon’s SMC, Brigadier Iliya Bisalla, also the NDA’s Commandant, became Minister of Defence. Alhaji Mohammed Dikko Yusuf became the Inspector-General of Police. Colonel John Yisa-Doko took over from Brigadier Emmanuel Ikwue as Chief of Air Staff, while Commodore Michael Adelanwa replaced Rear Admiral Nelson Soroh as Chief of Naval Staff. “The early days of the Muhammed administration witnessed an unprecedented wave of retirements in Nigeria’s public service that had never been seen before. After the twelve military governors from the Gowon era were compulsorily retired, the government ordered a probe of their conduct in office. “Ten of the twelve governors were found guilty of illegal enrichment and ‘dismissed with ignominy.’ Brigadiers Oluwole Rotimi and Mobolaji Johnson were the only two not found to have enriched themselves illegally. “Some civilian members of the Gowon cabinet were also found to have enriched themselves illegally. Apart from Alhaji Shehu Shagari, the Finance Commissioner and Alhaji Ali Monguno, who was in charge of Mines and Power, the government found all others guilty of improper enrichment and were made to forfeit illegally acquired assets. Similarly, in a broad wave of retirements that affected thousands of civil servants, many top civil servants were also caught in the web of asset forfeiture of ill-gotten assets. Even the revered Federal Public Service Commission Chairman, Alhaji Sule Katagum, was not spared. He was also dismissed. “Looking back now and writing as a member of the SMC, I realise we probably overdid the retirement exercise. The idea of retiring corrupt and incompetent public officers was appropriate. But because we failed to provide a platform for challenging retirements in the surge of events, some civil servants may have been victims of an unfair witch-hunt. Goaded on by a seemingly over-exuberant mass media, we didn’t look deeply at the implications of the mass purge, mainly as it affected the civil service. I am not sure our federal civil service fully recovered from that purge. The General Murtala Assassination. “FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1976, started like any typical day for me. I lived at No 19 Crescent, Ikoyi, Lagos, although my troops were stationed at the cantonment in Ikeja. However, because the Committee on Army Reorganisation, which I headed, was furiously at work during that period, I reported first in the morning at Defence Headquarters, which was close by, before heading out to Ikeja. “My regular route to army headquarters was through the faster Osborne Road. But for some reason, on this fateful morning, as my driver opted at about 8.45 a.m. to turn right through our regular route, I instinctively told him to turn left and go through the more open Kingsway Road to avoid possible traffic congestion. That decision may have saved my life because, unknown to me, Major Ibrahim Rabo’s men, led by Lieutenant Peter Cigari, had been detailed to ambush and kill me on the Osborne Road route. At that time, I was oblivious to the fact that the so-called Dimka coup, which led to the assassination of General Murtala Muhammed, his ADC, Lieutenant Akintunde Akinsehinwa and his driver, Sergeant Adamu Michika, had been operational for over an hour. Muhammed’s orderly, who was also in the car, Staff Sergeant Michael Otuwe, narrowly survived the onslaught. “The plotters’ strategy was to lay several ambushes for different government members along their routes to work that morning. As emerged from subsequent investigations, Major Ibrahim Rabo, Captain Malaki Parwang and Lieutenant William Seri, led by Lt-Col. Bukar Suka Dimka, laid in wait for Muhammed’s entourage. In a well-coordinated plan, Dimka assigned each assassin specific roles and functions. In aiming his shots at Muhammed, Lieutenant Seri was said to be so ruthless that he emptied more than one magazine of ammunition into the car carrying the head of state. “The scene was in disarray when I arrived at the army headquarters, still oblivious to what had happened. But I soon found out that a coup attempt was ongoing and that it needed to be put down. I’ll never forget my exchange with General Akinrinade as I sauntered into the top floor of the building: ‘Ibrahim, where the hell have you been?’ the General inquired. ‘We’ve been looking for you. You must go and see T. Y. (Danjuma) immediately,’ he continued. “Convinced I was being sought after because of our ongoing meeting on the army’s reorganisation, I looked at my wristwatch and told the General I was on time since it wasn’t yet 9 a.m.! ‘Who’s talking of a meeting?’ the General thundered back. ‘Haven’t you heard what happened, that the head of state has just been assassinated and that Major Dimka has made a broadcast claiming to have taken over?’ “I remember exactly how I felt that morning when General Akinrinade broke the news to me. I was utterly shattered and devastated. And I remember muttering to myself as I walked towards General Danjuma’s office: ‘Dimka, organising a coup? That’s not a serious character. How could he contemplate such a thing? Dimka? That’s impossible.’ “When I met with Danjuma, his instructions were unambiguous: ‘Ibrahim, go to the Radio House and flush Dimka out of that place immediately.’ The first thing I did was to get in touch with my troops stationed at the Ikeja cantonment. But I also knew I had to be careful with so much uncertainty in the air since I wasn’t sure where they stood regarding their loyalty. After I failed to establish contact with any of my most trusted lieutenants by telephone, I quickly hopped on a motorcycle ridden by a young corporal, whose name I forget now. On our way to Ikeja, I stopped at Lt-Col. Hamzat Abdullahi’s residence at Ilupeju, close to the Ikeja cantonment. Once I confirmed that it was safe to enter the cantonment, I borrowed Hamzat’s car and entered the premises through a rear entrance. Once inside the cantonment, I established contact with Lt-Col. Chris Ugokwe. With the assistance of Lt-Cols. Ugokwe and Joshua Dogonyaro, I mobilised loyal troops, weapons and vehicles before heading back to the Nigerian Broadcasting Corporation (NBC) Radio House at Ikoyi. “When we got to Radio House in an armoured column, we noticed that Dimka’s men surrounded the place, primarily young officers who were a part of the plot, including his ADC, 2nd Lt Samuel Garba. As I got down from my armoured vehicle, unarmed, and approached the building, Dimka’s ADC, Garba, attempted to stop me. By now, Dimka had spotted me from the storey building and screamed: ‘Ibrahim, I’m going to shoot you’! I shouted back: ‘Well, that’s okay. If you shoot me, you know my family. You’ll take care of them. They’ll become your responsibility. I have no problem. It would be nice to die in the hands of a friend.’ After a pause, Dimka soberly replied: ‘Ibrahim, I like your guts. Come upstairs.’ “As I gingerly took my steps up the stairs, a visibly fretful Ugokwe pleaded with me to be very careful. I waved Chris away, reminding him that ‘Bukar’ (his middle name, by which close friends called Dimka) and I had come a long way. Besides, being a trained officer, I was confident that Dimka would not shoot an unarmed colleague. “And Dimka was indeed a close friend, one of the groomsmen at my wedding to Maryam in Kaduna in 1969. A 1963 Australian Army Officer Cadet School graduate in Portsea, Australia, Dimka was one of the first Nigerian army officers to be trained in faraway Australia. Although he had risen to the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel in the Physical Training Corps of the Army, he lived on the edge and earned himself a crappy reputation for womanising and heavy drinking. When I got upstairs, I could tell from his breath that he had had a lot to drink. “The stench of alcohol from around him and his boys was pungent. Chris Ugokwe was right, after all! I needed to be careful because the atmosphere was so charged that any wrong move could lead to the loss of lives. To keep Dimka at ease, I opened the conversation. ‘Bukar, why didn’t you tell me you were planning this? Com’on, you and I are supposed to be close.’ ‘No, we couldn’t trust you. We didn’t know where you belonged. But I hope you know that you are one of the most unpopular officers in the Nigerian army today.’ he blurted out, his glaring bloodshot eyes betraying evidence of tiredness and confusion. “He continued this time with a self-applauding, misplaced cockiness: ‘Ibrahim, you’re lucky to be alive because you were one of those pencilled down to be killed, but I was against it. And if I wanted to do it, I would have done it when you walked in now!’‘Why me?’ I asked him. ‘Because people felt that officers like Danjuma favoured you and liked you more than other officers,’ he replied. How could YOU be a member of the Supreme Military Council? he queried. “Then, suddenly, his ADC, 2nd Lt Garba, also visibly drunk, nervously showed up and suggested that Dimka take me hostage and use me as a bargaining chip with the government. Dimka angrily screamed at Garba and chased him out. Once Garba scampered out, Dimka and I settled for a ‘frank’ discussion. In doing so, I reminded him of the need to keep things under control to avoid flaring tempers in the circumstances we had all found ourselves in. First, he wanted to know if I had come to trick him into some form of surrender, akin to what happened to Chukwuma Nzeogwu during the January 1966 coup when Lt-Col. Conrad Nwawo came to Kaduna to persuade Nzeogwu to give himself up in return for some form of amnesty. When I convinced him that that was not my mission, he calmed down and listened. I asked him what he wanted, and he said he wanted a change of government. He even attempted to persuade me to join them in their attempt! “But even as he made that intolerable request of me, it was apparent from his body language that he knew the game was up. Then, his tone started to change. Could I guarantee his safety? Could I negotiate a written amnesty for him and all his co-plotters? Again, as I had done earlier, I pleaded with him to give himself up and avoid any form of conflagration that could damage the Radio House and lead to the death of civilians and soldiers. That chit-chat went on for quite some time, and when I appeared not to be making headway with him, I left with a promise to return later. “Only after I left Dimka did I get a better glimpse of what had happened in the past few hours. Apart from General Muhammed, who had earlier been murdered, a group of mutineers, in a case of mistaken identity, opened fire on the car carrying Colonel Reis Dumuje on Awolowo Road, believing that Lieutenant-General Olusegun Obasanjo was in the vehicle. Fortunately, Dumuje survived. In Kwara State, the Military Governor, Colonel Ibrahim Taiwo, was abducted outside Offa by Lieutenant Zagni and some NCOs and murdered. “In Ibadan, another group of mutineers led by Major Gagara went on a rampage and invaded the 26th Infantry Battalion and the WNBS/WNTV Broadcast House in Agodi. However, they could not capture the Military Governor of Oyo State, Colonel David Jemibewon, who was also to have been killed. And, as subsequent investigations showed, the mutineers laid other ambushes for General Danjuma and other senior members of the administration. I was pained to discover that not only were my close friends, such as Colonel Wya, Lt-Col. Tense, Major Ola Ogunmekan, Major Joe Kasai, and Major Alfa Aliyu, knee-deep in the plot, one of them that was closest to me, Major Clement Dabang, would be the one to suggest that I be killed. “Meanwhile, I returned to General Danjuma to give him a report of my encounter with Dimka. Danjuma was furious. He ordered me back to the Radio House with a reiteration of his earlier instructions to ‘flush Dimka out of place immediately.’ I returned to Radio House with Chris Ugokwe, better equipped and prepared. By now, we had been joined by, among others, Mike Otuwa, James Ojokojo, John Shagaya and Jack Iketubosin. But first, I had to reach out to my friend and classmate, Sani Sami, who commanded the Brigade of Guards, to handle a difficult assignment. The Brigade of Guards’ barracks provided easy access to the Radio House. But again, I had to be careful since I wasn’t sure whether the Brigade was still loyal to the government. “Sani Sami and I consulted and agreed that there should be minimum destruction. And that we would do what we were taught as cadets in situations involving a civilian population to ensure that civilians got out of the way and didn’t get injured. Once that was done, we moved in, cordoned off the area and engaged the mutineers in a gun battle. There were casualties in the ensuing armed confrontation, including Dimka’s ADC, 2nd Lt Garba. Also, one of the other vital plotters, Major Ibrahim Rabo, was arrested by Major Yomi Williams as he tried to escape and was promptly taken to the Bonny camp for interrogation. But, somehow, Dimka, quite inexplicably to this day, managed to escape from the scene unharmed. “Later that evening, the Federal government announced that the coup attempt had been quashed and declared seven days of national mourning in Murtala’s honour. The next day, February 14, General Muhammed was buried in Kano at a ceremony witnessed by thousands of mourners and members of the SMC, including Major- General Bisalla, who would later be implicated in the coup attempt.”
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    1. WHEELBARROW PEOPLE: This category of people are energy drainers and time wasters. Such people would always want you to do everything for them. They don’t care about your own good but only theirs. They believe it’s your problem to solve their problems. One terrible thing about “wheelbarrow” is that, after you have laboured to load it up, you will still have to labour to push before it moves.

    Note: Wheelbarrow people are consumers of energy, time and resources.

    2. MOSQUITO PEOPLE: This set of people are only interested in sucking goodies out of your life and injected poison in replacement. They are benefits seekers but will never add values to others. Mosquito people have nothing good to offer but always want to derive goodness from others. Here is one terrible thing about “Mosquitos”, they only sing around you whenever they want to suck your blood and give you malaria.

    Note: Mosquito people only sing your praises when they have something to benefit from you, while they backbite and backstab you thereafter.

    3. SCAFFOLDING PEOPLE: This category of people are glory seekers and takers. Just because they have helped you at one time or another, they would want to be god over your life. They want to always control you and dictate the directions of your life. They won’t want you to be free and shine on your own but to always be under them.

    One good thing about “Scaffolding” is that it’s useful but it’s usefulness is for short-term purpose. It is dangerous to be kept for permanent purpose.

    Note: You must know when the relevances of scaffolding people have started constituting nuisance to your personal development and progress. And at such a time, all you must do is to discard them without delay, if not, your star will never shine.

    4. CROCODILE PEOPLE: This category of people are nothing but pretenders. They don't have good reasons or godly intentions for getting closer to you. They only get close to know your secrets and will possibly use whatever personal information they know about you against you at any slightest provocation or disagreement. Crocodile people are not pretenders, they are liars, backstabbers, gossipers and twaddlers.

    Note: Crocodile people would pretend to gain your empathy and make you vulnerable to their attack thereafter.

    5. CHAMELEON PEOPLE: This set of people are envious and full of jealousy. They are always in unhealthy competition with you. They pretend as if they are going the same direction with you but only to silently monitor your life's progress with evil and negative intentions. They are envious of your success and as a result enter into competitive jealousy with you. Chameleon people are friends that will neither support you nor celebrate your progress, but would always amplify your downfall and mistakes.

    Note: A jealous and envious friend can go any length to sabotage your efforts, frustrate your plans and destroy your dreams.

    6. NAYSAYER PEOPLE: This set of people are dream killers. They won't appreciate your dreams and they will never support it. They will tell you 1001 reasons why your dream is impossible. They won't see your efforts but will always capitalise on your failed attempts. They will always see your cup half-empty and not half-full. When you are working on solutions, they would be busy creating more problems for you. They are passion killers and hope drainers.

    Note: Naysayer People don't have dreams, so they will neither appreciate your dream nor support it.

    7. GARBAGE PUSHER PEOPLE: This category of people are the worst of them all. They don't have anything good to offer. Their lives are full of debris, dirtiness and trashes. They are carriers of bad and negative news. They are carriers and disseminators discouraging and demoralizing information. Anytime they surface, it means they have something negative to talk about. They a peddlers of unfortunate events and negative development.

    Note: Garbage Pusher People are always the first set of people to twit, post and broadcast ungodly, unfortunate, unprofitable and heartbreaking information.

    You know them on your list as I also have them on my list too.


    It is your sole responsibility to examine your life to really understand what categories of people you are surrounded with. Your life can only move in right directions the moment you associate with positive people and disconnect from negative people. Am I communicating?
    SEVEN TYPES OF PEOPLE TO AVOID! 1. WHEELBARROW PEOPLE: This category of people are energy drainers and time wasters. Such people would always want you to do everything for them. They don’t care about your own good but only theirs. They believe it’s your problem to solve their problems. One terrible thing about “wheelbarrow” is that, after you have laboured to load it up, you will still have to labour to push before it moves. Note: Wheelbarrow people are consumers of energy, time and resources. 2. MOSQUITO PEOPLE: This set of people are only interested in sucking goodies out of your life and injected poison in replacement. They are benefits seekers but will never add values to others. Mosquito people have nothing good to offer but always want to derive goodness from others. Here is one terrible thing about “Mosquitos”, they only sing around you whenever they want to suck your blood and give you malaria. Note: Mosquito people only sing your praises when they have something to benefit from you, while they backbite and backstab you thereafter. 3. SCAFFOLDING PEOPLE: This category of people are glory seekers and takers. Just because they have helped you at one time or another, they would want to be god over your life. They want to always control you and dictate the directions of your life. They won’t want you to be free and shine on your own but to always be under them. One good thing about “Scaffolding” is that it’s useful but it’s usefulness is for short-term purpose. It is dangerous to be kept for permanent purpose. Note: You must know when the relevances of scaffolding people have started constituting nuisance to your personal development and progress. And at such a time, all you must do is to discard them without delay, if not, your star will never shine. 4. CROCODILE PEOPLE: This category of people are nothing but pretenders. They don't have good reasons or godly intentions for getting closer to you. They only get close to know your secrets and will possibly use whatever personal information they know about you against you at any slightest provocation or disagreement. Crocodile people are not pretenders, they are liars, backstabbers, gossipers and twaddlers. Note: Crocodile people would pretend to gain your empathy and make you vulnerable to their attack thereafter. 5. CHAMELEON PEOPLE: This set of people are envious and full of jealousy. They are always in unhealthy competition with you. They pretend as if they are going the same direction with you but only to silently monitor your life's progress with evil and negative intentions. They are envious of your success and as a result enter into competitive jealousy with you. Chameleon people are friends that will neither support you nor celebrate your progress, but would always amplify your downfall and mistakes. Note: A jealous and envious friend can go any length to sabotage your efforts, frustrate your plans and destroy your dreams. 6. NAYSAYER PEOPLE: This set of people are dream killers. They won't appreciate your dreams and they will never support it. They will tell you 1001 reasons why your dream is impossible. They won't see your efforts but will always capitalise on your failed attempts. They will always see your cup half-empty and not half-full. When you are working on solutions, they would be busy creating more problems for you. They are passion killers and hope drainers. Note: Naysayer People don't have dreams, so they will neither appreciate your dream nor support it. 7. GARBAGE PUSHER PEOPLE: This category of people are the worst of them all. They don't have anything good to offer. Their lives are full of debris, dirtiness and trashes. They are carriers of bad and negative news. They are carriers and disseminators discouraging and demoralizing information. Anytime they surface, it means they have something negative to talk about. They a peddlers of unfortunate events and negative development. Note: Garbage Pusher People are always the first set of people to twit, post and broadcast ungodly, unfortunate, unprofitable and heartbreaking information. You know them on your list as I also have them on my list too. NOTE: It is your sole responsibility to examine your life to really understand what categories of people you are surrounded with. Your life can only move in right directions the moment you associate with positive people and disconnect from negative people. Am I communicating?
    0 Comments 0 Shares 106 Views 0 Reviews
  • Encyclopedia Britannica
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    Religious practices and institutions
    inMiddle Eastern religion
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    Article History
    Nature: the framework of ideas and practices
    Fertility of agriculture, of edible animals, and of the human population was a paramount factor in the life and religion of the ancient Middle East. The forms that the fertility rites assumed varied from region to region, depending on climate and geography. Rain and dew were all-important in Canaan but of little significance in Egypt. In both areas water was crucial, but the source of the life-giving water was entirely different. The agricultural year varied in the two regions. In Egypt the year was divided into three seasons: inundation, sowing, and harvest. In Canaan there were two seasons: the winter, characterized by rainfall, and the summer, characterized by dew. The year was punctuated by different agricultural activities, as is indicated in the Gezer Calendar, in which all 12 months are accounted for as times of profitable agricultural activity, with harvests in the rainless summer as well as in the green winter. Anxiety was caused by the uncertainty of rain in the rainy season and of dew in its season. All of the regions of the ancient Middle East schematized the blessing of good years and the threat of bad years in terms of seven-year cycles. A Mesopotamian text illustrating this is the Gilgamesh epic (8:101–113), in which the slaying of the hero Gilgamesh would initiate seven lean years. At Ugarit the slaying of the hero Aqhat evokes a curse depriving the land of rain and dew for seven (or, climactically, eight) years. The seven lean and seven fat years in the biblical story of Joseph in Egypt reflect the same system. In Egypt, of course, rain and dew are out of the picture; instead, generous Nile risings mean prosperity; inadequate risings in the season of inundation spells misery. A text of the Ptolemaic period (4th–1st century bc), purporting to record events of the Pyramid age, tells of seven lean years in the reign of Djoser (3rd dynasty; i.e., c. 2650–c. 2575 bc). The pharaoh appealed to the gods, who responded by restoring an abundant flow of the Nile.

    The population desired the normal pattern of times and seasons, so that “seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night, shall not cease” (Genesis 8:22). But since the seasonal pattern is not dependable, the need for order evoked a system of cycles, notably the sabbatical, or seven-year, cycle. The sabbatical year was the seventh year, and the jubilee year followed seven sabbatical cycles. This was a pervasive system in the ancient Middle East. A Ugaritic liturgical text specially designed for this phenomenon aims at terminating a sabbatical cycle of privation and ushering in one of fertility by celebrating the birth and triumphal entrance of the deities Shahar (“Dawn”) and Shalim (“Dusk”), whose advent brings an abundance of food and wine.

    Related Topics: Mesopotamian religion ancient Egyptian religion ancient Iranian religion Syrian and Palestinian religion Anatolian religion
    It was only natural that fertility rites should include sexual myths that were acted out dramatically. The Ugaritic text just alluded to describes El, the head of the pantheon, copulating with two human women. This has echoes in Hosea and Ezekiel where God, as in the Canaanite literary tradition, is referred to as having a love affair with two women, symbolizing Judah and Israel. The Hebrews, however, eventually eliminated sex from their official theology as well as from their religious practices. Up to the time of King Josiah’s reform (621 bc) there was a women’s cult of Asherah (under qedeshim auspices [consecrated for fertility practices], according to 2 Kings 23:7) in the Jerusalem Temple, alongside the male cult of Yahweh. Asherah’s devotees considered her the chief wife of Yahweh, even as she was the wife of El, head of the Canaanite pantheon, for in the Bible El is identified with Yahweh. But Josiah eliminated the cult of Asherah, and official Judaism has since then left no place for other gods, which meant the elimination of every goddess. Popular religion, to be sure, persisted in the female fertility principle until the destruction of the Temple in 586 bc. In Judaean excavations Astarte figurines were found in private homes down to that time. Further purification of the Hebrew religion, which was intensified by the catastrophe of 586, put an end to the practice of pagan fertility rites, including the use of goddess figurines. Without goddesses there could be no sexual activity in the pantheon, and thus Judaism has developed without a divine mother figure.

    The ancient Middle East made a place for homosexuality and bestiality in its myths and rites. In the Asherah cult the qedeshim priests had a reputation for homosexual practices, even as the qedeshot priestesses for prostitution. Israel eventually banned both the qedeshim and qedeshot, while in Ugarit the qedeshim and kohanim were priestly guilds in equally good standing. Baal is portrayed in Ugaritic mythology as impregnating a heifer to sire the young bull god. The biblical book of Leviticus (18:22–27) bans homosexuality and bestiality expressly because the Canaanite population had been practicing those rites, which the Hebrews rejected as abominations.

    Phoenician/Punic sites include an area called the tophet that contains large numbers of infant burials. One explanation of the tophet is that it reflects a major aspect of a fertility cult in which the first-born child belonged to the deity. The deity rewarded the parents who had sacrificed their child with future fertility. In the Hebrew Bible, just as the firstfruits of the harvest belong to God, so do the first-born of the people and their domestic animals (Exodus 13:1, 12–13, 15).

    The actual cases in the literature do not always specify infant sacrifice. The Bible describes how King Mesha of Moab sacrificed his crown prince to avert a military disaster (2 Kings 3:27). King Ahaz of Judah sacrificed his son in pagan fashion (2 Kings 16:3). King Manasseh of Judah sacrificed his sons by fire (2 Chronicles 33:6), filling Jerusalem with innocent blood.

    The Jewish practice of redeeming a first-born son at the age of one month (Numbers 18:16–17) appears to be a milder substitute for the practice of child sacrifice. Another alternative to sacrificing a child was to dedicate it to the service of God. Hannah, by fulfilling her vow to dedicate her first-born, Samuel, to God’s service (1 Samuel 1:27–28) was rewarded by the birth of five other children whom she and her husband could keep for themselves (1 Samuel 2:20–21).

    According to ancient views, the myth came first, and the rite imitated or reenacted it. This sequence, however, is not necessarily the order in which religion develops. Rites can be very tenacious, and when the origin of a rite has been forgotten, a myth has often been invented to explain it.

    Types of religious organization and authority
    Religion occurs at different levels of society: personal, familial, local, national, and international. At the personal and international extremes there is need for but little organization. And yet in religion, as the people of the ancient Middle East saw it, there was a progression from one stage to the next. In the early myths of Genesis, God and Noah have direct personal relations. This leads to a covenant between God and all who went out of the ark: birds and beasts as well as mankind (Genesis 9:9–10). Through the sons of Noah and their descendants, who form the nations of the world (Genesis 10), there is a theoretical progress to international religion. This scheme of the relations between God and mankind, from the personal to the universal level, mirrors the historical record of religion. Judaism (followed later by Christianity and Islām) traces “the Religion” back to Abraham, who had personal and direct relations with God, as was customary in the ancient Middle Eastern milieu. Abraham’s intimacy with God is similar to the intimacy between Odysseus and the Greek goddess Athena. The next step is a covenant between a particular deity and a particular person, binding the two together in a contractual relationship for all eternity from generation to generation. Such covenants were not rare; the Hittite King Hattusilis III made such a covenant with Ishtar. Abraham’s covenant is unique simply because it was the only one destined to last in history.

    The descendants of able men who established a dynasty or tradition would worship the God of their father, or fathers, and adhere to the original covenant. Genesis 31 portrays Jacob and Laban swearing by their respective ancestral gods: Jacob by the god(s) of Abraham and Laban by the god(s) of Nahor. Once a group expanded into a federation of clans or tribes, religious organization became necessary. A central shrine (such as the one at Shiloh in Israel) for amphictyonic (religious confederational) pilgrimage festivals required a professional priesthood and other religious personnel to take care of sacrifices, give oracular guidance, interpret dreams and omens, as well as to provide instruction. In an amphictyony of 12 tribes, each tribe could render federal service for religious and secular purposes, one month each year. A special tribe (such as the Levites in Israel, or the Magians in Iran) could be dedicated full-time to cultic duties.
    Encyclopedia Britannica Ask the ChatbotGames & QuizzesHistory & SocietyScience & TechBiographiesAnimals & NatureGeography & TravelArts & CultureProConMoneyVideos Philosophy & Religion Ancient Religions & Mythology Religious practices and institutions inMiddle Eastern religion Written by Fact-checked by Article History Nature: the framework of ideas and practices Fertility of agriculture, of edible animals, and of the human population was a paramount factor in the life and religion of the ancient Middle East. The forms that the fertility rites assumed varied from region to region, depending on climate and geography. Rain and dew were all-important in Canaan but of little significance in Egypt. In both areas water was crucial, but the source of the life-giving water was entirely different. The agricultural year varied in the two regions. In Egypt the year was divided into three seasons: inundation, sowing, and harvest. In Canaan there were two seasons: the winter, characterized by rainfall, and the summer, characterized by dew. The year was punctuated by different agricultural activities, as is indicated in the Gezer Calendar, in which all 12 months are accounted for as times of profitable agricultural activity, with harvests in the rainless summer as well as in the green winter. Anxiety was caused by the uncertainty of rain in the rainy season and of dew in its season. All of the regions of the ancient Middle East schematized the blessing of good years and the threat of bad years in terms of seven-year cycles. A Mesopotamian text illustrating this is the Gilgamesh epic (8:101–113), in which the slaying of the hero Gilgamesh would initiate seven lean years. At Ugarit the slaying of the hero Aqhat evokes a curse depriving the land of rain and dew for seven (or, climactically, eight) years. The seven lean and seven fat years in the biblical story of Joseph in Egypt reflect the same system. In Egypt, of course, rain and dew are out of the picture; instead, generous Nile risings mean prosperity; inadequate risings in the season of inundation spells misery. A text of the Ptolemaic period (4th–1st century bc), purporting to record events of the Pyramid age, tells of seven lean years in the reign of Djoser (3rd dynasty; i.e., c. 2650–c. 2575 bc). The pharaoh appealed to the gods, who responded by restoring an abundant flow of the Nile. The population desired the normal pattern of times and seasons, so that “seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night, shall not cease” (Genesis 8:22). But since the seasonal pattern is not dependable, the need for order evoked a system of cycles, notably the sabbatical, or seven-year, cycle. The sabbatical year was the seventh year, and the jubilee year followed seven sabbatical cycles. This was a pervasive system in the ancient Middle East. A Ugaritic liturgical text specially designed for this phenomenon aims at terminating a sabbatical cycle of privation and ushering in one of fertility by celebrating the birth and triumphal entrance of the deities Shahar (“Dawn”) and Shalim (“Dusk”), whose advent brings an abundance of food and wine. Related Topics: Mesopotamian religion ancient Egyptian religion ancient Iranian religion Syrian and Palestinian religion Anatolian religion It was only natural that fertility rites should include sexual myths that were acted out dramatically. The Ugaritic text just alluded to describes El, the head of the pantheon, copulating with two human women. This has echoes in Hosea and Ezekiel where God, as in the Canaanite literary tradition, is referred to as having a love affair with two women, symbolizing Judah and Israel. The Hebrews, however, eventually eliminated sex from their official theology as well as from their religious practices. Up to the time of King Josiah’s reform (621 bc) there was a women’s cult of Asherah (under qedeshim auspices [consecrated for fertility practices], according to 2 Kings 23:7) in the Jerusalem Temple, alongside the male cult of Yahweh. Asherah’s devotees considered her the chief wife of Yahweh, even as she was the wife of El, head of the Canaanite pantheon, for in the Bible El is identified with Yahweh. But Josiah eliminated the cult of Asherah, and official Judaism has since then left no place for other gods, which meant the elimination of every goddess. Popular religion, to be sure, persisted in the female fertility principle until the destruction of the Temple in 586 bc. In Judaean excavations Astarte figurines were found in private homes down to that time. Further purification of the Hebrew religion, which was intensified by the catastrophe of 586, put an end to the practice of pagan fertility rites, including the use of goddess figurines. Without goddesses there could be no sexual activity in the pantheon, and thus Judaism has developed without a divine mother figure. The ancient Middle East made a place for homosexuality and bestiality in its myths and rites. In the Asherah cult the qedeshim priests had a reputation for homosexual practices, even as the qedeshot priestesses for prostitution. Israel eventually banned both the qedeshim and qedeshot, while in Ugarit the qedeshim and kohanim were priestly guilds in equally good standing. Baal is portrayed in Ugaritic mythology as impregnating a heifer to sire the young bull god. The biblical book of Leviticus (18:22–27) bans homosexuality and bestiality expressly because the Canaanite population had been practicing those rites, which the Hebrews rejected as abominations. Phoenician/Punic sites include an area called the tophet that contains large numbers of infant burials. One explanation of the tophet is that it reflects a major aspect of a fertility cult in which the first-born child belonged to the deity. The deity rewarded the parents who had sacrificed their child with future fertility. In the Hebrew Bible, just as the firstfruits of the harvest belong to God, so do the first-born of the people and their domestic animals (Exodus 13:1, 12–13, 15). The actual cases in the literature do not always specify infant sacrifice. The Bible describes how King Mesha of Moab sacrificed his crown prince to avert a military disaster (2 Kings 3:27). King Ahaz of Judah sacrificed his son in pagan fashion (2 Kings 16:3). King Manasseh of Judah sacrificed his sons by fire (2 Chronicles 33:6), filling Jerusalem with innocent blood. The Jewish practice of redeeming a first-born son at the age of one month (Numbers 18:16–17) appears to be a milder substitute for the practice of child sacrifice. Another alternative to sacrificing a child was to dedicate it to the service of God. Hannah, by fulfilling her vow to dedicate her first-born, Samuel, to God’s service (1 Samuel 1:27–28) was rewarded by the birth of five other children whom she and her husband could keep for themselves (1 Samuel 2:20–21). According to ancient views, the myth came first, and the rite imitated or reenacted it. This sequence, however, is not necessarily the order in which religion develops. Rites can be very tenacious, and when the origin of a rite has been forgotten, a myth has often been invented to explain it. Types of religious organization and authority Religion occurs at different levels of society: personal, familial, local, national, and international. At the personal and international extremes there is need for but little organization. And yet in religion, as the people of the ancient Middle East saw it, there was a progression from one stage to the next. In the early myths of Genesis, God and Noah have direct personal relations. This leads to a covenant between God and all who went out of the ark: birds and beasts as well as mankind (Genesis 9:9–10). Through the sons of Noah and their descendants, who form the nations of the world (Genesis 10), there is a theoretical progress to international religion. This scheme of the relations between God and mankind, from the personal to the universal level, mirrors the historical record of religion. Judaism (followed later by Christianity and Islām) traces “the Religion” back to Abraham, who had personal and direct relations with God, as was customary in the ancient Middle Eastern milieu. Abraham’s intimacy with God is similar to the intimacy between Odysseus and the Greek goddess Athena. The next step is a covenant between a particular deity and a particular person, binding the two together in a contractual relationship for all eternity from generation to generation. Such covenants were not rare; the Hittite King Hattusilis III made such a covenant with Ishtar. Abraham’s covenant is unique simply because it was the only one destined to last in history. The descendants of able men who established a dynasty or tradition would worship the God of their father, or fathers, and adhere to the original covenant. Genesis 31 portrays Jacob and Laban swearing by their respective ancestral gods: Jacob by the god(s) of Abraham and Laban by the god(s) of Nahor. Once a group expanded into a federation of clans or tribes, religious organization became necessary. A central shrine (such as the one at Shiloh in Israel) for amphictyonic (religious confederational) pilgrimage festivals required a professional priesthood and other religious personnel to take care of sacrifices, give oracular guidance, interpret dreams and omens, as well as to provide instruction. In an amphictyony of 12 tribes, each tribe could render federal service for religious and secular purposes, one month each year. A special tribe (such as the Levites in Israel, or the Magians in Iran) could be dedicated full-time to cultic duties.
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    God saved me from death through this marathon prayer. My family is Dangerous with wickedness. Almost every family buried one thing or the other. After my visit to the village since 2022, I have been sick and since then, I have refuse to go to the Village. It all started in the dream: someone came and was drawing blood out of my body. I was telling him to stop, but he told me that he will remove the whole blood and give me another blood. It was in the process that I woke up. From that day, I had a terrible sickness, until the doctors confirmed it was cancer. I started fighting it with both herbal and orthodox medicine. It was really draining both my health and wealth. I kept having dreams where I was locked up in my village, and under the watch of a horrible masquerade. It was my daughter that made me to follow this online program. One night, a prophecy came that I should sow dangerous battle seed. That day, my daughter was also following. She called me and told me the message that came. I sowed that dangerous seed, and in the dream, I now saw myself defecating to the extent that I passed everything inside me, and I woke up. The dream was so real as if it was physical. Man of God, till today, I have not taken any medicine, and the cancer has returned back to where it came from. The doctor in charge of my case has given me a cancer free letter. Man of God, may the oil on your head never run dry. I love you so much sir. I am Mr Jerome.


    1. Every habitation of cruelty, fashioned against my destiny, become desolate, in the name of Jesus.

    2. Anger and judgement of God, write the obituary of all my oppressors, in the name of Jesus.

    3. O Lord, let Your presence begin a glorious story in my life in Jesus name

    4. Every strange god, attacking my destiny, scatter and die, in the name of Jesus.

    5. Every horn of darkness fighting against my destiny, scatter in the name of Jesus.

    6. Every altar of darkness speaking hardship into my life, catch fire and burn to ashes in the name of Jesus.

    7. Every inherited battle in my life, die, in Jesus’ name.

    8. All my blessings, that have been buried with dead relatives, come alive and locate me, in Jesus’ name.

    9. Every stronghold of my father’s house effecting me negatively, be dismantled, in Jesus name.

    10. Father, let me find favour in the sight of men and women that will change my story for good in the name of Jesus.

    11. My money, being caged by the enemy, be released, in Jesus’ name.

    12. O Lord, give me supernatural breakthroughs, in all my dealings in Jesus name

    13. I bind and put to flight, all the spirits of fear, anxiety and discouragement in the name of Jesus.

    14. I break the backbone of any spirit of conspiracy and treachery, in the name of Jesus.

    15. I paralyse the handiwork of household enemies and envious agents against me in the name of Jesus.

    16. Where is the God of Elijah, contend with them that contend against me, in the name of Jesus

    *Evang IG Newman*
    *Contact: +2348032454273.*
    *DECLARE THESE PRAYER POINTS AND ENDEAVOUR TO JOIN US TONIGHT FOR THE NIGHT OF MARATHON PRAYER (THEME: DEALING WITH ENEMIES OF PROSPERITY) BY CLICKING THE LINK BELOW:* https://web.facebook.com/events/2545125005691191/ *TESTIMONY* God saved me from death through this marathon prayer. My family is Dangerous with wickedness. Almost every family buried one thing or the other. After my visit to the village since 2022, I have been sick and since then, I have refuse to go to the Village. It all started in the dream: someone came and was drawing blood out of my body. I was telling him to stop, but he told me that he will remove the whole blood and give me another blood. It was in the process that I woke up. From that day, I had a terrible sickness, until the doctors confirmed it was cancer. I started fighting it with both herbal and orthodox medicine. It was really draining both my health and wealth. I kept having dreams where I was locked up in my village, and under the watch of a horrible masquerade. It was my daughter that made me to follow this online program. One night, a prophecy came that I should sow dangerous battle seed. That day, my daughter was also following. She called me and told me the message that came. I sowed that dangerous seed, and in the dream, I now saw myself defecating to the extent that I passed everything inside me, and I woke up. The dream was so real as if it was physical. Man of God, till today, I have not taken any medicine, and the cancer has returned back to where it came from. The doctor in charge of my case has given me a cancer free letter. Man of God, may the oil on your head never run dry. I love you so much sir. I am Mr Jerome. *PRAYER POINTS* 1. Every habitation of cruelty, fashioned against my destiny, become desolate, in the name of Jesus. 2. Anger and judgement of God, write the obituary of all my oppressors, in the name of Jesus. 3. O Lord, let Your presence begin a glorious story in my life in Jesus name 4. Every strange god, attacking my destiny, scatter and die, in the name of Jesus. 5. Every horn of darkness fighting against my destiny, scatter in the name of Jesus. 6. Every altar of darkness speaking hardship into my life, catch fire and burn to ashes in the name of Jesus. 7. Every inherited battle in my life, die, in Jesus’ name. 8. All my blessings, that have been buried with dead relatives, come alive and locate me, in Jesus’ name. 9. Every stronghold of my father’s house effecting me negatively, be dismantled, in Jesus name. 10. Father, let me find favour in the sight of men and women that will change my story for good in the name of Jesus. 11. My money, being caged by the enemy, be released, in Jesus’ name. 12. O Lord, give me supernatural breakthroughs, in all my dealings in Jesus name 13. I bind and put to flight, all the spirits of fear, anxiety and discouragement in the name of Jesus. 14. I break the backbone of any spirit of conspiracy and treachery, in the name of Jesus. 15. I paralyse the handiwork of household enemies and envious agents against me in the name of Jesus. 16. Where is the God of Elijah, contend with them that contend against me, in the name of Jesus *Evang IG Newman* *Contact: +2348032454273.* THIS IS *OUR YEAR OF MANIFESTATION.* *SHARE TO INVITE YOUR FAMILY AND FRIENDS*
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    ✔ 5-6 eggshells (cleaned and dried)
    ✔ 2 cups water


    1️⃣ Wash the eggshells thoroughly to remove any residue.
    2️⃣ Boil them in water for 10 minutes to kill bacteria.
    3️⃣ Let them dry completely, then grind them into a fine powder using a blender or mortar and pestle.
    4️⃣ Store in a jar and use as needed.

    How to Take Eggshell Powder for Bone & Joint Health?

    Mix ½ teaspoon of eggshell powder into warm water, milk, or yogurt and drink daily.
    Add it to smoothies, soups, or oatmeal for an extra calcium boost.
    Massage a small amount mixed with olive oil onto sore knees and joints for pain relief.

    Additional Benefits:
    ✔ Strengthens teeth & nails
    ✔ Promotes better posture & mobility
    ✔ Helps prevent fractures & bone loss

    Final Thoughts
    This simple, natural eggshell remedy has helped many people regain movement and reduce joint pain. If your loved one struggles with knee and bone discomfort, give this a try—consistency is key!

    My Mom Could NOT Walk Due to Knee & Bone Pain Until She Tried This! Boiled Eggshell Remedy 🥚 If knee and bone pain are making daily activities difficult, boiled eggshells might be the natural solution you need! Many people overlook eggshells, but they are one of the best natural sources of calcium, collagen, and essential minerals for strengthening bones and relieving joint pain. Why Eggshells Help with Bone & Joint Pain? ✔ Rich in Natural Calcium – Strengthens bones and prevents osteoporosis. ✔ Boosts Collagen Production – Supports joint flexibility and cartilage repair. ✔ Reduces Inflammation – Helps with arthritis, rheumatism, and knee pain. ✔ Easy to Absorb – The minerals in eggshells are bioavailable, meaning your body can absorb them easily. How to Make & Use Boiled Eggshell Remedy Ingredients: ✔ 5-6 eggshells (cleaned and dried) ✔ 2 cups water Instructions: 1️⃣ Wash the eggshells thoroughly to remove any residue. 2️⃣ Boil them in water for 10 minutes to kill bacteria. 3️⃣ Let them dry completely, then grind them into a fine powder using a blender or mortar and pestle. 4️⃣ Store in a jar and use as needed. How to Take Eggshell Powder for Bone & Joint Health? 🔸 Mix ½ teaspoon of eggshell powder into warm water, milk, or yogurt and drink daily. 🔸 Add it to smoothies, soups, or oatmeal for an extra calcium boost. 🔸 Massage a small amount mixed with olive oil onto sore knees and joints for pain relief. Additional Benefits: ✔ Strengthens teeth & nails ✔ Promotes better posture & mobility ✔ Helps prevent fractures & bone loss Final Thoughts This simple, natural eggshell remedy has helped many people regain movement and reduce joint pain. If your loved one struggles with knee and bone discomfort, give this a try—consistency is key! 🦴💪😊 FOBCARES ✍️
    0 Comments 0 Shares 95 Views 0 Reviews
  • Breaking News: New Lagos CP Withdraws Security Escorts for Speaker Mojisola Meranda

    In a shocking turn of events, the newly appointed Commissioner of Police in Lagos State Jimoh Moshood has withdrawn all police escorts assigned to the Speaker of the Lagos State House of Assembly, Rt. Hon. Mojisola Meranda, as well as security personnel guarding the Assembly complex.

    The sudden withdrawal has left both the Speaker and the legislative premises vulnerable, raising concerns about her safety and the security of the state’s legislative arm.

    Confirming the development, the Speaker’s Special Adviser on Information, Mr. Victor Ganzallo, expressed deep concern over the abrupt action.

    “As we speak, all security has been withdrawn from the Speaker, and she is now on her own,” Ganzallo stated, warning that she is now “vulnerable and open to attack.”

    The reason behind the security withdrawal remains unclear, with no official statement from the Lagos State Police Command or the state government addressing the situation.

    This development comes amid ongoing political tensions within the Lagos Assembly following the impeachment of former Speaker Mudashiru Obasa. Analysts speculate that the security withdrawal may be linked to the unresolved crisis within the House.

    The situation has sparked concerns over the safety of government officials and the stability of governance in Lagos State. Stakeholders are calling for an urgent resolution to prevent any potential security breaches.

    More details to follow as the situation unfolds.
    Breaking News: New Lagos CP Withdraws Security Escorts for Speaker Mojisola Meranda In a shocking turn of events, the newly appointed Commissioner of Police in Lagos State Jimoh Moshood has withdrawn all police escorts assigned to the Speaker of the Lagos State House of Assembly, Rt. Hon. Mojisola Meranda, as well as security personnel guarding the Assembly complex. The sudden withdrawal has left both the Speaker and the legislative premises vulnerable, raising concerns about her safety and the security of the state’s legislative arm. Confirming the development, the Speaker’s Special Adviser on Information, Mr. Victor Ganzallo, expressed deep concern over the abrupt action. “As we speak, all security has been withdrawn from the Speaker, and she is now on her own,” Ganzallo stated, warning that she is now “vulnerable and open to attack.” The reason behind the security withdrawal remains unclear, with no official statement from the Lagos State Police Command or the state government addressing the situation. This development comes amid ongoing political tensions within the Lagos Assembly following the impeachment of former Speaker Mudashiru Obasa. Analysts speculate that the security withdrawal may be linked to the unresolved crisis within the House. The situation has sparked concerns over the safety of government officials and the stability of governance in Lagos State. Stakeholders are calling for an urgent resolution to prevent any potential security breaches. More details to follow as the situation unfolds.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 113 Views 0 Reviews

    This is one of the questions most new couples who are expecting for the first time will ask.

    While some are scared it can cause miscarriage, others believe it can result in developmental problems.

    Some men will also completely avoid their wives with the intention of protecting the unborn baby and also to give their partners some space.

    Some women will also avoid having sex due to the hormonal and emotional changes that occur with pregnancy.

    It is worth knowing that sex during pregnancy is #safe and does not pose a problem to the mum or unborn baby. Baby is enclosed in its sac/membranes and the opening of the uterus the cervix is also closed. It also has a mucus plug that prevents anything from entering the uterus.

    What is important is to have considerations. The pregnancy hormones and the early signs and symptoms can make a woman not desire to be intimate. It's important for her partner to be considerate to support her through the process. There are times she will want to be intimate, there are times she will refrain. Make use of her happy days.

    Some women who have had repeated abortions or threatened abortions may be advised by their doctors or midwives to avoid sex especially if an incompetent cervix is diagnosed.

    Couples can have sex from the second trimester of the pregnancy. It is only to be #avoided when your midwife or doctor advises you due to your health condition.

    During the last trimester, couples can still have sex. What is needed is to assume a position that will not put pressure on the abdomen and also the woman will be comfortable. It should also be gentle.

    During the last trimester when labor is about to set in, it is believed to help trigger the onset of labor. The semen also contains prostaglandin which also helps to soften the cervix and help labor to start.

    Its also important to know that, you really do not need sex to maintain your pregnancy. Baby is safe and mum is also safe. Women should not be compelled to have sex if they don't feel like or are currently not in any relationship whilst pregnant. Labor will still be initiated naturally
    SEX DURING PREGNANCY, IS IT SAFE? ☑️This is one of the questions most new couples who are expecting for the first time will ask. ☑️While some are scared it can cause miscarriage, others believe it can result in developmental problems. ☑️Some men will also completely avoid their wives with the intention of protecting the unborn baby and also to give their partners some space. ☑️Some women will also avoid having sex due to the hormonal and emotional changes that occur with pregnancy. ☑️It is worth knowing that sex during pregnancy is #safe and does not pose a problem to the mum or unborn baby. Baby is enclosed in its sac/membranes and the opening of the uterus the cervix is also closed. It also has a mucus plug that prevents anything from entering the uterus. ☑️What is important is to have considerations. The pregnancy hormones and the early signs and symptoms can make a woman not desire to be intimate. It's important for her partner to be considerate to support her through the process. There are times she will want to be intimate, there are times she will refrain. Make use of her happy days. ☑️Some women who have had repeated abortions or threatened abortions may be advised by their doctors or midwives to avoid sex especially if an incompetent cervix is diagnosed. ☑️Couples can have sex from the second trimester of the pregnancy. It is only to be #avoided when your midwife or doctor advises you due to your health condition. ☑️During the last trimester, couples can still have sex. What is needed is to assume a position that will not put pressure on the abdomen and also the woman will be comfortable. It should also be gentle. ☑️During the last trimester when labor is about to set in, it is believed to help trigger the onset of labor. The semen also contains prostaglandin which also helps to soften the cervix and help labor to start. ☑️Its also important to know that, you really do not need sex to maintain your pregnancy. Baby is safe and mum is also safe. Women should not be compelled to have sex if they don't feel like or are currently not in any relationship whilst pregnant. Labor will still be initiated naturally
    1 Comments 1 Shares 122 Views 1 Reviews
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    Good Afternoon, Ogodo Jerome
    This afternoon is a beauty, just like you
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    Also, if you have type 1 or type 2 diabetes:

    *• IDENTIFY YOURSELF.* Make a note that says you have diabetes. Keep a glucagon kit nearby in case of a low blood sugar emergency. Make sure your friends and loved ones know how to use it.

    *• SCHEDULE A MONTHLY PHYSICAL AND REGULAR EYE EXAMS.* Your regular diabetes checkups aren't meant to replace yearly physicals or routine eye exams. During the physical, your provider will look for any diabetes-related complications and screen for other medical problems. Your eye care specialist will check for signs of eye damage, including retinal damage (retinopathy), cataracts and glaucoma.

    The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) also currently recommends hepatitis B vaccination if you haven't previously had it and you're an adult age 19 to 59 with type 1 or type 2 diabetes.

    The most recent CDC guidelines suggest vaccination as soon as possible after diagnosis with type 1 or type 2 diabetes. If you are age 60 or older, have been diagnosed with diabetes, and haven't previously received the vaccine, talk to your provider about whether it's right for you.

    *• PAY ATTENTION TO YOUR FEET* . Wash your feet daily in lukewarm water. Dry them gently, especially between the toes. Moisturize with lotion, but not between the toes. Check your feet every day for blisters, cuts, sores, redness or swelling. Talk to your healthcare provider if you have a sore or other foot problem that doesn't heal quickly on its own.

    *• CONTROL YOUR BLOOD PRESSURE AND CHOLESTEROL.* Eating healthy foods and exercising regularly can help control high blood pressure and cholesterol. Drugs may be needed, too.

    *• TAKE CARE OF YOUR TEETH.* Diabetes may leave you prone to more-serious gum infections. Brush and floss your teeth at least twice a day. And if you have type 1 or type 2 diabetes, schedule regular dental exams. Talk to your dentist right away if your gums bleed or look red or swollen.

    *• IF YOU SMOKE OR USE OTHER TYPES OF TOBACCO, ASK YOUR PROVIDER TO HELP YOU QUIT.* Smoking increases your risk of many diabetes complications. Smokers who have diabetes are more likely to die of cardiovascular disease than are nonsmokers who have diabetes. Talk to your provider about ways to stop smoking or to stop using other types of tobacco.

    • If you drink alcohol, do so responsibly. Alcohol can cause either high or low blood sugar. This depends on how much you drink and if you eat at the same time. If you choose to drink, do so only in moderation one drink a day for women and up to two drinks a day for men and always with food.

    Remember to include the carbohydrates from any alcohol you drink in your daily carbohydrate count. And check your blood sugar levels before going to bed.

    *• TAKE STRESS SERIOUSLY.* The hormones your body may make in response to long-term stress may prevent insulin from working properly. This will raise your blood sugar and stress you even more. Set limits for yourself and prioritize your tasks. Learn relaxation techniques. And get plenty of sleep.


    Many substances have been shown to improve the body's ability to process insulin in some studies. Other studies fail to find any benefit for blood sugar control or in lowering A1C levels. Because of the conflicting findings, there aren't any alternative therapies that are currently recommended to help everyone to manage blood sugar.
    If you decide to try any type of alternative therapy, don't stop taking the drugs that your provider has prescribed. Be sure to discuss the use of any of these therapies with your provider. Make sure that they won't cause bad reactions or interact with your current therapy.
    Also, no treatments — alternative or conventional — can cure diabetes. If you're using insulin therapy for diabetes, never stop using insulin unless directed to do so by your provider.
    Welcome to Gada News Feed My Blogs My Products My Funding Saved Posts Memories ADVERTISING Wallet Boosted EXPLORE People Pages Groups Events Reels Watch Blogs Marketplace Funding Offers Jobs Courses Forums Movies Games Developers Stories Richard Oyemechi Ogueri Maduabuchi What is on your mind? #Hashtag.. @Mention.. Link.. Good Afternoon, Ogodo Jerome This afternoon is a beauty, just like you Upgrade Pro Users Promoted Posts HEALTH TIPS 💕💕 a month ago - Translate - *LIFESTYLE RECOMMENDATIONS FOR TYPE 1 AND TYPE 2 DIABETES* Also, if you have type 1 or type 2 diabetes: *• IDENTIFY YOURSELF.* Make a note that says you have diabetes. Keep a glucagon kit nearby in case of a low blood sugar emergency. Make sure your friends and loved ones know how to use it. *• SCHEDULE A MONTHLY PHYSICAL AND REGULAR EYE EXAMS.* Your regular diabetes checkups aren't meant to replace yearly physicals or routine eye exams. During the physical, your provider will look for any diabetes-related complications and screen for other medical problems. Your eye care specialist will check for signs of eye damage, including retinal damage (retinopathy), cataracts and glaucoma. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) also currently recommends hepatitis B vaccination if you haven't previously had it and you're an adult age 19 to 59 with type 1 or type 2 diabetes. The most recent CDC guidelines suggest vaccination as soon as possible after diagnosis with type 1 or type 2 diabetes. If you are age 60 or older, have been diagnosed with diabetes, and haven't previously received the vaccine, talk to your provider about whether it's right for you. *• PAY ATTENTION TO YOUR FEET* . Wash your feet daily in lukewarm water. Dry them gently, especially between the toes. Moisturize with lotion, but not between the toes. Check your feet every day for blisters, cuts, sores, redness or swelling. Talk to your healthcare provider if you have a sore or other foot problem that doesn't heal quickly on its own. *• CONTROL YOUR BLOOD PRESSURE AND CHOLESTEROL.* Eating healthy foods and exercising regularly can help control high blood pressure and cholesterol. Drugs may be needed, too. *• TAKE CARE OF YOUR TEETH.* Diabetes may leave you prone to more-serious gum infections. Brush and floss your teeth at least twice a day. And if you have type 1 or type 2 diabetes, schedule regular dental exams. Talk to your dentist right away if your gums bleed or look red or swollen. *• IF YOU SMOKE OR USE OTHER TYPES OF TOBACCO, ASK YOUR PROVIDER TO HELP YOU QUIT.* Smoking increases your risk of many diabetes complications. Smokers who have diabetes are more likely to die of cardiovascular disease than are nonsmokers who have diabetes. Talk to your provider about ways to stop smoking or to stop using other types of tobacco. • If you drink alcohol, do so responsibly. Alcohol can cause either high or low blood sugar. This depends on how much you drink and if you eat at the same time. If you choose to drink, do so only in moderation one drink a day for women and up to two drinks a day for men and always with food. Remember to include the carbohydrates from any alcohol you drink in your daily carbohydrate count. And check your blood sugar levels before going to bed. *• TAKE STRESS SERIOUSLY.* The hormones your body may make in response to long-term stress may prevent insulin from working properly. This will raise your blood sugar and stress you even more. Set limits for yourself and prioritize your tasks. Learn relaxation techniques. And get plenty of sleep. *ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE FOR DIABETES (HIGH BLOOD SUGAR) TREATMENT.* Many substances have been shown to improve the body's ability to process insulin in some studies. Other studies fail to find any benefit for blood sugar control or in lowering A1C levels. Because of the conflicting findings, there aren't any alternative therapies that are currently recommended to help everyone to manage blood sugar. If you decide to try any type of alternative therapy, don't stop taking the drugs that your provider has prescribed. Be sure to discuss the use of any of these therapies with your provider. Make sure that they won't cause bad reactions or interact with your current therapy. Also, no treatments — alternative or conventional — can cure diabetes. If you're using insulin therapy for diabetes, never stop using insulin unless directed to do so by your provider.
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  • 𝗦𝗰𝗮𝗹𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗨𝗽 𝗪𝗶𝘁𝗵𝗼𝘂𝘁 𝗦𝗰𝗮𝗹𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗢𝘂𝘁, 𝗔 𝗦𝗺𝗮𝗿𝘁 𝗔𝗽𝗽𝗿𝗼𝗮𝗰𝗵 𝘁𝗼 𝗜𝗻𝗰𝗿𝗲𝗮𝘀𝗲 𝗠𝗮𝗿𝗸𝗲𝘁 𝗦𝗵𝗮𝗿𝗲

    Do you want to expand your customer base without increasing overhead by hiring more employees? This strategy might be the perfect fit for you.

    Many entrepreneurs unknowingly find themselves trapped in a cycle of endless work. There's a widespread belief that running a business guarantees financial freedom and flexibility. However, experienced entrepreneurs often laugh at this misconception. The truth is, without the right approach, entrepreneurship can feel like a never-ending rat race.

    By the end of this article, you will discover practical strategies for scaling up operations efficiently—without necessarily scaling out.

    𝐶𝑜𝑚𝑚𝑜𝑛 𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑙𝑙𝑒𝑛𝑔𝑒𝑠 𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑟𝑒𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑛𝑒𝑢𝑟𝑠 𝑓𝑎𝑐𝑒 when scaling up:

    1. Resource Overload and Burnout

    a. Maintaining a Sustainable Work-Life Balance

    Failing to separate work from personal life leads to exhaustion. Without proper boundaries, burnout becomes inevitable, leaving your business vulnerable to stagnation. To foster long-term growth, prioritizing mental and physical well-being is crucial. Building a successful business starts with a healthy entrepreneur.

    b. Smart Delegation for Efficiency

    One-man operations are not sustainable. Holding on to every task without outsourcing or hiring support can quickly lead to inefficiency and fatigue. Learning to delegate tasks—whether through freelancers or additional team members—ensures smoother operations and prevents overwhelming workload.

    c. Strategic Task Prioritization

    Many business owners lack a structured work schedule. Without prioritizing tasks based on urgency and importance, productivity suffers. Creating a clear roadmap for daily activities allows for better time management, improved efficiency, and more time for essential self-care and business strategy development.

    Scaling up doesn't always mean scaling out. Instead of merely expanding your workforce, implementing smarter, more strategic business practices can help you grow effectively while maintaining sustainability and profitability.

    Join us next time as we explore 𝐒𝐤𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐆𝐚𝐩𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐋𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐨𝐟 𝐒𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐳𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 in part 2 of our '𝗦𝗰𝗮𝗹𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗨𝗽 𝗪𝗶𝘁𝗵𝗼𝘂𝘁 𝗦𝗰𝗮𝗹𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗢𝘂𝘁' series.

    Follow for updates and don't miss out on valuable insights to grow your business!

    𝗦𝗰𝗮𝗹𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗨𝗽 𝗪𝗶𝘁𝗵𝗼𝘂𝘁 𝗦𝗰𝗮𝗹𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗢𝘂𝘁, 𝗔 𝗦𝗺𝗮𝗿𝘁 𝗔𝗽𝗽𝗿𝗼𝗮𝗰𝗵 𝘁𝗼 𝗜𝗻𝗰𝗿𝗲𝗮𝘀𝗲 𝗠𝗮𝗿𝗸𝗲𝘁 𝗦𝗵𝗮𝗿𝗲 Do you want to expand your customer base without increasing overhead by hiring more employees? This strategy might be the perfect fit for you. Many entrepreneurs unknowingly find themselves trapped in a cycle of endless work. There's a widespread belief that running a business guarantees financial freedom and flexibility. However, experienced entrepreneurs often laugh at this misconception. The truth is, without the right approach, entrepreneurship can feel like a never-ending rat race. By the end of this article, you will discover practical strategies for scaling up operations efficiently—without necessarily scaling out. 𝐶𝑜𝑚𝑚𝑜𝑛 𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑙𝑙𝑒𝑛𝑔𝑒𝑠 𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑟𝑒𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑛𝑒𝑢𝑟𝑠 𝑓𝑎𝑐𝑒 when scaling up: 1. Resource Overload and Burnout a. Maintaining a Sustainable Work-Life Balance Failing to separate work from personal life leads to exhaustion. Without proper boundaries, burnout becomes inevitable, leaving your business vulnerable to stagnation. To foster long-term growth, prioritizing mental and physical well-being is crucial. Building a successful business starts with a healthy entrepreneur. b. Smart Delegation for Efficiency One-man operations are not sustainable. Holding on to every task without outsourcing or hiring support can quickly lead to inefficiency and fatigue. Learning to delegate tasks—whether through freelancers or additional team members—ensures smoother operations and prevents overwhelming workload. c. Strategic Task Prioritization Many business owners lack a structured work schedule. Without prioritizing tasks based on urgency and importance, productivity suffers. Creating a clear roadmap for daily activities allows for better time management, improved efficiency, and more time for essential self-care and business strategy development. Scaling up doesn't always mean scaling out. Instead of merely expanding your workforce, implementing smarter, more strategic business practices can help you grow effectively while maintaining sustainability and profitability. Join us next time as we explore 𝐒𝐤𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐆𝐚𝐩𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐋𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐨𝐟 𝐒𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐳𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 in part 2 of our '𝗦𝗰𝗮𝗹𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗨𝗽 𝗪𝗶𝘁𝗵𝗼𝘂𝘁 𝗦𝗰𝗮𝗹𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗢𝘂𝘁' series. Follow for updates and don't miss out on valuable insights to grow your business! #Ganetmedia #Scalingyourbusiness #Socialmediaengagement
    0 Comments 0 Shares 269 Views 0 Reviews
  • THE LATE PRESIDENT OF UGANDA, Idi Amin wanted to change the name of Uganda to Idi. Everybody in his Cabinet agreed because they were afraid of him. But there was one man, Malyamungu. He said to Idi Amin, "Your excellency do you know a country called Cyprus?" Idi Amin said to him,"What does Cyprus have to do with the changing of Uganda to Idi?"

    Malyamungu replied, the citizens of Cyprus are called Cypriots. If we change the name of Uganda to Idi, we, the Ugandans shall be called Idiots" and the world will call us idiots, which we are not.

    Idi Amin looked at him and said "You and I are the most intelligent men in this cabinet. The name of the country shall remain Uganda and so it remained to this day.

    He was a lone voice yet it stopped the madness of the most despotic dictator that Africa has ever produced. The silence of good people makes evil to prevail.


    1. THE POWER OF COURAGEOUS TRUTH : Malyamungu demonstrated that speaking up against wrongdoing, even in the face of danger, can prevent disastrous decisions. Silence in the presence of injustice allows it to flourish.

    2. WISDOM OVER FEAR: While others in the cabinet agreed out of fear, Malyamungu used wisdom and reasoning to counter Idi Amin’s idea. Intelligence, when used wisely, can challenge tyranny.

    3. ONE VOICE CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE : Even when surrounded by silence, one bold individual can change the course of events. It only takes one person to challenge a bad idea and steer things in the right direction.

    4. DICTATORSHIP THRIVES ON SILENCE: Evil prevails when good people refuse to act. The willingness to challenge authority when necessary is essential in preventing the abuse of power.

    5. LEADERS NEED HONEST ADVISERS: A leader surrounded by fearful and sycophantic followers will make poor decisions. Good leadership requires advisers who are willing to speak the truth, no matter how uncomfortable.

    6. NAMES AND IDENTITY MATTER: The story also emphasizes how names shape identity.
    THE LATE PRESIDENT OF UGANDA, Idi Amin wanted to change the name of Uganda to Idi. Everybody in his Cabinet agreed because they were afraid of him. But there was one man, Malyamungu. He said to Idi Amin, "Your excellency do you know a country called Cyprus?" Idi Amin said to him,"What does Cyprus have to do with the changing of Uganda to Idi?" Malyamungu replied, the citizens of Cyprus are called Cypriots. If we change the name of Uganda to Idi, we, the Ugandans shall be called Idiots" and the world will call us idiots, which we are not. Idi Amin looked at him and said "You and I are the most intelligent men in this cabinet. The name of the country shall remain Uganda and so it remained to this day. He was a lone voice yet it stopped the madness of the most despotic dictator that Africa has ever produced. The silence of good people makes evil to prevail. MORAL LESSONS 1. THE POWER OF COURAGEOUS TRUTH : Malyamungu demonstrated that speaking up against wrongdoing, even in the face of danger, can prevent disastrous decisions. Silence in the presence of injustice allows it to flourish. 2. WISDOM OVER FEAR: While others in the cabinet agreed out of fear, Malyamungu used wisdom and reasoning to counter Idi Amin’s idea. Intelligence, when used wisely, can challenge tyranny. 3. ONE VOICE CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE : Even when surrounded by silence, one bold individual can change the course of events. It only takes one person to challenge a bad idea and steer things in the right direction. 4. DICTATORSHIP THRIVES ON SILENCE: Evil prevails when good people refuse to act. The willingness to challenge authority when necessary is essential in preventing the abuse of power. 5. LEADERS NEED HONEST ADVISERS: A leader surrounded by fearful and sycophantic followers will make poor decisions. Good leadership requires advisers who are willing to speak the truth, no matter how uncomfortable. 6. NAMES AND IDENTITY MATTER: The story also emphasizes how names shape identity. HAVE YOU EVER ASKED YOURSELF THE MEANING OF NIGERIA?
    0 Comments 0 Shares 174 Views 0 Reviews
  • Chewing 2 Cloves Daily After 50: A Natural Way to Transform Your Health!
    Are you over 50? If so, your body may need some extra support when it comes to digestion, immunity, heart health, and inflammation. Luckily, there’s a simple habit that can make a big difference: chewing just 2 cloves every day. This small change can bring about remarkable improvements to your health that most people don’t even know about!

    Cloves: Nature’s Powerful Healing Spice
    Cloves are more than just a flavorful spice. They are actually one of nature’s most potent healers. Packed with antioxidants, vitamins, and essential oils, cloves can help your body fight disease, reduce pain, and improve your overall health.

    What Happens When You Chew 2 Cloves Daily?
    Strengthens Immunity & Fights Infections: Cloves have strong antibacterial and antiviral properties, which can protect your body from colds, flu, and infections. By chewing cloves daily, you can keep yourself healthy and strong.

    Eliminates Bad Breath & Improves Oral Health: Cloves have the ability to kill bacteria in the mouth, preventing bad breath, tooth decay, and gum infections. Chewing cloves not only freshens your breath naturally but also protects your teeth.

    Reduces Joint Pain & Inflammation: Cloves contain a compound called eugenol, which acts as a natural pain reliever. By chewing cloves, you can reduce arthritis pain, joint stiffness, and muscle soreness.

    Improves Digestion & Prevents Bloating: Chewing cloves stimulates digestion, reduces gas, and relieves bloating. It can also be beneficial for people suffering from acid reflux and indigestion.

    Boosts Heart Health & Lowers Blood Pressure: Cloves can improve blood circulation, lower cholesterol, and stabilize blood pressure. These properties contribute to keeping your heart healthy as you age.

    Supports Brain Function & Memory: The antioxidants in cloves help protect brain cells, improve focus, and reduce the risk of memory loss. By chewing cloves, you can play a part in preventing cognitive decline.

    Regulates Blood Sugar & Prevents Diabetes: Cloves can help stabilize blood sugar levels, making them excellent for diabetics or those looking to prevent insulin resistance.

    Detoxifies the Liver & Improves Kidney Function: Cloves support liver detoxification by flushing out harmful toxins and reducing fatty liver symptoms.

    Helps with Respiratory Issues (Cough & Congestion Relief): Cloves act as a natural expectorant, helping clear mucus, relieve coughs, and open up airways for better breathing.

    How to Use Cloves for Maximum Benefits?
    There are two simple methods to incorporate cloves into your daily routine:

    Method 1: Simply chew 2 whole cloves every morning on an empty stomach.

    Method 2: Crush 2 cloves, mix them with warm water or honey, and consume the mixture before bed.

    Do this daily, and you’ll start noticing the benefits in just a few days!

    Final Thoughts: A Simple Habit with HUGE Health Benefits!
    By making the simple habit of chewing just 2 cloves a day, you can naturally boost your immunity, reduce pain, improve digestion, protect your heart, and enhance brain function. Don’t wait any longer, start incorporating cloves into your daily routine, and experience the powerful, natural benefits for yourself!

    Chewing 2 Cloves Daily After 50: A Natural Way to Transform Your Health! Are you over 50? If so, your body may need some extra support when it comes to digestion, immunity, heart health, and inflammation. Luckily, there’s a simple habit that can make a big difference: chewing just 2 cloves every day. This small change can bring about remarkable improvements to your health that most people don’t even know about! Cloves: Nature’s Powerful Healing Spice Cloves are more than just a flavorful spice. They are actually one of nature’s most potent healers. Packed with antioxidants, vitamins, and essential oils, cloves can help your body fight disease, reduce pain, and improve your overall health. What Happens When You Chew 2 Cloves Daily? Strengthens Immunity & Fights Infections: Cloves have strong antibacterial and antiviral properties, which can protect your body from colds, flu, and infections. By chewing cloves daily, you can keep yourself healthy and strong. Eliminates Bad Breath & Improves Oral Health: Cloves have the ability to kill bacteria in the mouth, preventing bad breath, tooth decay, and gum infections. Chewing cloves not only freshens your breath naturally but also protects your teeth. Reduces Joint Pain & Inflammation: Cloves contain a compound called eugenol, which acts as a natural pain reliever. By chewing cloves, you can reduce arthritis pain, joint stiffness, and muscle soreness. Improves Digestion & Prevents Bloating: Chewing cloves stimulates digestion, reduces gas, and relieves bloating. It can also be beneficial for people suffering from acid reflux and indigestion. Boosts Heart Health & Lowers Blood Pressure: Cloves can improve blood circulation, lower cholesterol, and stabilize blood pressure. These properties contribute to keeping your heart healthy as you age. Supports Brain Function & Memory: The antioxidants in cloves help protect brain cells, improve focus, and reduce the risk of memory loss. By chewing cloves, you can play a part in preventing cognitive decline. Regulates Blood Sugar & Prevents Diabetes: Cloves can help stabilize blood sugar levels, making them excellent for diabetics or those looking to prevent insulin resistance. Detoxifies the Liver & Improves Kidney Function: Cloves support liver detoxification by flushing out harmful toxins and reducing fatty liver symptoms. Helps with Respiratory Issues (Cough & Congestion Relief): Cloves act as a natural expectorant, helping clear mucus, relieve coughs, and open up airways for better breathing. How to Use Cloves for Maximum Benefits? There are two simple methods to incorporate cloves into your daily routine: 🖤 Method 1: Simply chew 2 whole cloves every morning on an empty stomach. 🖤 Method 2: Crush 2 cloves, mix them with warm water or honey, and consume the mixture before bed. 💡 Do this daily, and you’ll start noticing the benefits in just a few days! Final Thoughts: A Simple Habit with HUGE Health Benefits! By making the simple habit of chewing just 2 cloves a day, you can naturally boost your immunity, reduce pain, improve digestion, protect your heart, and enhance brain function. Don’t wait any longer, start incorporating cloves into your daily routine, and experience the powerful, natural benefits for yourself! 🌿🔥💪✨ *FOBCARES ✍️*
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