1. Not everything will go as you expect in your life. This is why you need to drop expectations and go with the flow.
    2.Reduce bitterness from your life, that **** delays blessings!
    3. Dating a supportive woman is everything.
    4. If you want to be successful, you must respect one rule - Never lie to yourself.
    5. If your parents always count on you, don't play the same game with those who count on their parents.
    6. Chase goals, not people.
    7. Your 20's are your selfish years, build yourself, choose yourself first at all cost.
    8. Detachment is power. Release anything that doesn't bring you peace.
    9. Only speak when your words are more beautiful than your silence.
    10. Invest in your looks. Do it for no one else but yourself. When you look good, you feel good. Normalize dressing well, you're broke not mad.
    11. Some people want to see everything go wrong for you because nothing is going right for them.
    12. Being a good person doesn't get you loved. It gets you used.
    13. Don't be afraid of losing people, be afraid of losing yourself by trying to please everyone around you.
    14. Keep your move private. Don't announce it until it's SEALED! Premature announcements attract bad spirits. Best thing you can do is stop telling people what's going on in your life.
    15. For the sake of your mental health don't love too hard, therapy sessions are expensive. Also, marry when you're ready, not when you're lonely.
    16. Your thoughts are very powerful, make them positive.
    17. Social media will make you envy someone you should actually pity.
    18. Nobody owes you anything on your birthday, learn to save money and spoil yourself.
    19. That move you're scared to make might just be the one that changes everything. Do it. Move.
    20. Dont mess up your progress trying to rush the process.
    21. No matter how thirsty you are, there are some people you should never ask for water.
    22. Add value to your life, learn a skill, develop yourself.
    23. Never love someone to the point where you no longer mind them hurting you.
    24. You are your own best friend. Never ever, put yourself down.
    25. Sometimes people come back in your life just to check if you're still ******.
    26. The sooner you figure out which chairs don't belong at your table, the more peaceful your meals become.
    27. If you want to run, first you must learn to walk. Yes, the dreams are big, but you have to start somewhere, and doing something is better than nothing at all. Start small, stay consistent and watch it get bigger.
    28. Before spending money on someone else, make sure your family is good.
    29. What comes easy, won't last. What lasts, won't come easy.
    30. Normalize lying to people who ask you lots of questions about your personal life.
    31. One day you'll test HIV positive because of forgiving cheating partners.
    32. Some Ex's need to understand that even if we hear they now drive a plane or own the world, we will never regret leaving them.
    33. Avoid peer pressure.
    34. Do not abuse and kill women. Respect yourself.
    35. Not everyone at your work place is your friend.
    ~ Do your job.
    ~ Get paid.
    ~ Go home.
    MY FATHER'S ADVICE... 1. Not everything will go as you expect in your life. This is why you need to drop expectations and go with the flow. 2.Reduce bitterness from your life, that shit delays blessings! 3. Dating a supportive woman is everything. 4. If you want to be successful, you must respect one rule - Never lie to yourself. 5. If your parents always count on you, don't play the same game with those who count on their parents. 6. Chase goals, not people. 7. Your 20's are your selfish years, build yourself, choose yourself first at all cost. 8. Detachment is power. Release anything that doesn't bring you peace. 9. Only speak when your words are more beautiful than your silence. 10. Invest in your looks. Do it for no one else but yourself. When you look good, you feel good. Normalize dressing well, you're broke not mad. 11. Some people want to see everything go wrong for you because nothing is going right for them. 12. Being a good person doesn't get you loved. It gets you used. 13. Don't be afraid of losing people, be afraid of losing yourself by trying to please everyone around you. 14. Keep your move private. Don't announce it until it's SEALED! Premature announcements attract bad spirits. Best thing you can do is stop telling people what's going on in your life. 15. For the sake of your mental health don't love too hard, therapy sessions are expensive. Also, marry when you're ready, not when you're lonely. 16. Your thoughts are very powerful, make them positive. 17. Social media will make you envy someone you should actually pity. 18. Nobody owes you anything on your birthday, learn to save money and spoil yourself. 19. That move you're scared to make might just be the one that changes everything. Do it. Move. 20. Dont mess up your progress trying to rush the process. 21. No matter how thirsty you are, there are some people you should never ask for water. 22. Add value to your life, learn a skill, develop yourself. 23. Never love someone to the point where you no longer mind them hurting you. 24. You are your own best friend. Never ever, put yourself down. 25. Sometimes people come back in your life just to check if you're still stupid. 26. The sooner you figure out which chairs don't belong at your table, the more peaceful your meals become. 27. If you want to run, first you must learn to walk. Yes, the dreams are big, but you have to start somewhere, and doing something is better than nothing at all. Start small, stay consistent and watch it get bigger. 28. Before spending money on someone else, make sure your family is good. 29. What comes easy, won't last. What lasts, won't come easy. 30. Normalize lying to people who ask you lots of questions about your personal life. 31. One day you'll test HIV positive because of forgiving cheating partners. 32. Some Ex's need to understand that even if we hear they now drive a plane or own the world, we will never regret leaving them. 33. Avoid peer pressure. 34. Do not abuse and kill women. Respect yourself. 35. Not everyone at your work place is your friend. ~ Do your job. ~ Get paid. ~ Go home.
    1 Commenti 0 condivisioni 46 Views 0 Anteprima
  • Hanging out
    Hanging out
    0 Commenti 0 condivisioni 24 Views 0 Anteprima
  • Those who died yestoday has plans for this morning.And those who died this morning had plans for tonight. Don't take life for granted. In the blink of an eye, everything can change. So,forgive often and love with a full heart. You never know when you may not have that chance again.
    Those who died yestoday has plans for this morning.And those who died this morning had plans for tonight. Don't take life for granted. In the blink of an eye, everything can change. So,forgive often and love with a full heart. You never know when you may not have that chance again.
    0 Commenti 0 condivisioni 43 Views 0 Anteprima
  • How to roleplay without feeling ******
    Become the Al Pacino of your bedroom in seven easy steps!

    Sure, Christian Gray literally spent a fortune to bring his fave sexual fantasies to life … but he was always a little extra. If you’re nervous to play pretend for hotter sex (or your acting skills are more ‘I was in my grade five play, I think?’ than ‘My Oscars speech is ready to go’), I’m on it. Here’s how to get it right on your first take.

    But before I go into it, let me first really quickly point you to my Squirting Orgasm Shortcuts program, which will definitely prove to be the best way to add some novelty to your erotic endeavours. Try the techniques with your partner and watch her ejaculate freely, like never before.


    Actual actors do full character studies, but you can just think of roles you’re already familiar with, from real life (masseuse + client) or pop culture (superhero + whoever’s lucky enough to hook up with superhero). Starting with a known scenario cuts down on prep so you can get right down to business.


    I recommend starting at home, where you’re more likely to feel comfortable. If you can’t get in the headspace of a lusty lit professor boning his top student next to the pile of half-clean clothes on the chair in your bedroom, maybe lead your eager-to-please pupil to new territory, like the living room – as long as, you know, you’re alone in the house. This show doesn’t need an audience.


    No costume designer or stylist on your ‘set’? Keeping it simple, with a couple of props, can be just as sultry. I suggest improvising with stuff you have at home and imagining the rest. Put a regular old tie on your otherwise shirtless ‘accountant’ (the naked-er, the better, right?), and voilà.


    No need to write a screenplay, but agreeing on a few basic cues can help with nerves. If you’re a client meeting your sexy personal trainer, maybe you agree (over a series of NSFW texts throughout the day) that she’ll punish you for every squat set you can’t complete. By the time you get to your sweat sesh, you’ll already be warmed up.


    Similarly, having a couple of go-to phrases at the ready can help keep things moving along if you’re stumped. Before you get busy, try to think of what you’d say in the actual situation. Then add a kinky kicker: ‘I bet it’s been so hot without the AC… Thank goodness I’m here to fix it! If you get too warm while I work, feel free to strip down…’


    This is so not the time to act all serious or particular. Role-playing is about having fun in the bedroom and reconnecting with your partner. So if somebody says something that’s totally out of character, you can just giggle about it and then jump back into the scene with each other. Aka prepare to crack up. A lot.


    After your grand finales, you can share positive performance notes, like ‘That changed my life!’ But keep negative critiques to yourself, since feelings can get hurt easily when it comes to ~art~. If you’re up for doing the scene again, talk through anything that tripped you up. Or suggest a new fantasy, since you two are obviously now award-worthy at boning.

    Hot kisses,
    How to roleplay without feeling stupid Become the Al Pacino of your bedroom in seven easy steps! Sure, Christian Gray literally spent a fortune to bring his fave sexual fantasies to life … but he was always a little extra. If you’re nervous to play pretend for hotter sex (or your acting skills are more ‘I was in my grade five play, I think?’ than ‘My Oscars speech is ready to go’), I’m on it. Here’s how to get it right on your first take. But before I go into it, let me first really quickly point you to my Squirting Orgasm Shortcuts program, which will definitely prove to be the best way to add some novelty to your erotic endeavours. Try the techniques with your partner and watch her ejaculate freely, like never before. PLAY WHAT YOU KNOW Actual actors do full character studies, but you can just think of roles you’re already familiar with, from real life (masseuse + client) or pop culture (superhero + whoever’s lucky enough to hook up with superhero). Starting with a known scenario cuts down on prep so you can get right down to business. SET THE SCENE I recommend starting at home, where you’re more likely to feel comfortable. If you can’t get in the headspace of a lusty lit professor boning his top student next to the pile of half-clean clothes on the chair in your bedroom, maybe lead your eager-to-please pupil to new territory, like the living room – as long as, you know, you’re alone in the house. This show doesn’t need an audience. GET IN COSTUME (OR DON’T!) No costume designer or stylist on your ‘set’? Keeping it simple, with a couple of props, can be just as sultry. I suggest improvising with stuff you have at home and imagining the rest. Put a regular old tie on your otherwise shirtless ‘accountant’ (the naked-er, the better, right?), and voilà. LOCK DOWN THE PLOT No need to write a screenplay, but agreeing on a few basic cues can help with nerves. If you’re a client meeting your sexy personal trainer, maybe you agree (over a series of NSFW texts throughout the day) that she’ll punish you for every squat set you can’t complete. By the time you get to your sweat sesh, you’ll already be warmed up. LEARN (A FEW) LINES Similarly, having a couple of go-to phrases at the ready can help keep things moving along if you’re stumped. Before you get busy, try to think of what you’d say in the actual situation. Then add a kinky kicker: ‘I bet it’s been so hot without the AC… Thank goodness I’m here to fix it! If you get too warm while I work, feel free to strip down…’ LAUGH OFF THE BLOOPERS This is so not the time to act all serious or particular. Role-playing is about having fun in the bedroom and reconnecting with your partner. So if somebody says something that’s totally out of character, you can just giggle about it and then jump back into the scene with each other. Aka prepare to crack up. A lot. JUST DON’T GO ALL ‘ROTTEN TOMATOES’ ON YOUR PARTNER After your grand finales, you can share positive performance notes, like ‘That changed my life!’ But keep negative critiques to yourself, since feelings can get hurt easily when it comes to ~art~. If you’re up for doing the scene again, talk through anything that tripped you up. Or suggest a new fantasy, since you two are obviously now award-worthy at boning. Hot kisses,
    0 Commenti 1 condivisioni 56 Views 0 Anteprima

    I salute the strength of a WOMAN
    ● changes her name
    ● changes her home
    ● leaves her family
    ● moves in with you
    ● builds a home with you
    ● gets pregnant for you
    ● pregnancy changes her body
    ● she gets fat
    ● almost gives up in the labour room due to the
    pain of child birth
    ● even the kids she delivers bear your name
    till the day she dies... everything she does...are.......
    cooking delicious meals,
    cleaning your house,
    taking care of your parents,
    up your children,
    earning to support you,
    advising you, ensuring
    you are comfortable, you can relax while she works without a moment of rest,
    maintaining all family relations,
    does everything that u
    benefit from..... sometimes at the cost of her own
    hobbies and beauty.
    So who is really doing whom a favour?
    Dear men, appreciate the women in your lives always,
    because it is not easy to be a woman.
    *Being a woman is priceless*
    Happy women's week!
    Pass this to every woman in your contact to
    make her feel
    proud of herself.
    Rock the world ladies!
    Salute to you ladies!
    Pass to every man to know the value of women
    Pass to every woman to feel proud!
    H A P P Y WOMEN’S W E E K I salute the strength of a WOMAN ● changes her name ● changes her home ● leaves her family ● moves in with you ● builds a home with you ● gets pregnant for you ● pregnancy changes her body ● she gets fat ● almost gives up in the labour room due to the unbearable pain of child birth ● even the kids she delivers bear your name till the day she dies... everything she does...are....... cooking delicious meals, cleaning your house, taking care of your parents, bringing up your children, earning to support you, advising you, ensuring you are comfortable, you can relax while she works without a moment of rest, maintaining all family relations, does everything that u benefit from..... sometimes at the cost of her own health, hobbies and beauty. So who is really doing whom a favour? Dear men, appreciate the women in your lives always, because it is not easy to be a woman. *Being a woman is priceless* Happy women's week! Pass this to every woman in your contact to make her feel proud of herself. Rock the world ladies! Salute to you ladies! MY DEFINITION OF A WOMAN WOULD BE:- W ➖ WONDERFUL WIFE O ➖ OUTSTANDING MOTHER M ➖ MARVELLOUS HELP MEET A ➖ ADMIRABLE COUNSELOR N ➖ NICEST CONFIDANT GIFT FROM GOD TO MAN Pass to every man to know the value of women & Pass to every woman to feel proud!
    0 Commenti 0 condivisioni 57 Views 0 Anteprima
    Specially for you.

    1. THE AMAZEMENT STAGE: This is the "wow" stage. Lots of new things to discover with your spouse. The newness, the freshness is so amazing. Sleeping on the same bed, wearing the same attire, cooking for him, doing house chores with her, bathing together. Wearing your dazzling wedding ring everywhere, turning people's head at the newest couple around. Loads and lots of fun. Sexual exploration and excitement. Being in control of your kitchen, feeding him and lots more. It's the honeymoon stage and it's so so beautiful.

    2. THE IRRITATION STAGE: This is when you begin to notice weaknesses you have overlooked or blissfully wish they go away but didn't. The repetition of such weaknesses begins to work on your nerves and you are getting irritated: he snores a lot, she is slow in the kitchen, she belches loudly, he screams unnecessarily, she won't bathe before coming to bed or shave, he spends many hours watching football and ignores you when you talk. "What's just wrong with this guy?" You think aloud, well it's part of marriage.

    3. THE ANGER STAGE: This is when the repetition of such weaknesses gets on your nerves and you display your anger. The introverted partners stuffs it in and either keep malice, avoid you or stubbornly continue with the irritating habit. It's the stage you begin to wonder: "have I really married the wrong guy?" "Have I married the wrong woman?" No, you did not, you are simply going through a phase together.

    4. THE RESSOLUTION STAGE: When you both begin to face the reality of marriage and acknowledge your partner's weaknesses. You eventually realize anger and malice does not solve any problem and begins to find ways to deal with your differences, both of you begin to compromise here and there and adjust to each other.

    5. THE ACCEPTANCE STAGE: When it dawned on you that some things are just part of your partner and may never change till Jesus comes. You resigned from anger, abuse and quarrel THE DIFFERENT STAGES OF MARRIAGE...
    Specially for you.

    1. THE AMAZEMENT STAGE: This is the "wow" stage. Lots of new things to discover with your spouse. The newness, the freshness is so amazing. Sleeping on the same bed, wearing the same attire, cooking for him, doing house chores with her, bathing together. Wearing your dazzling wedding ring everywhere, turning people's head at the newest couple around. Loads and lots of fun. Sexual exploration and excitement. Being in control of your kitchen, feeding him and lots more. It's the honeymoon stage and it's so so beautiful.

    2. THE IRRITATION STAGE: This is when you begin to notice weaknesses you have overlooked or blissfully wish they go away but didn't. The repetition of such weaknesses begins to work on your nerves and you are getting irritated: he snores a lot, she is slow in the kitchen, she belches loudly, he screams unnecessarily, she won't bathe before coming to bed or shave, he spends many hours watching football and ignores you when you talk. "What's just wrong with this guy?" You think aloud, well it's part of marriage.

    3. THE ANGER STAGE: This is when the repetition of such weaknesses gets on your nerves and you display your anger. The introverted partners stuffs it in and either keep malice, avoid you or stubbornly continue with the irritating habit. It's the stage you begin to wonder: "have I really married the wrong guy?" "Have I married the wrong woman?" No, you did not, you are simply going through a phase together.

    4. THE RESSOLUTION STAGE: When you both begin to face the reality of marriage and acknowledge your partner's weaknesses. You eventually realize anger and malice does not solve any problem and begins to find ways to deal with your differences, both of you begin to compromise here and there and adjust to each other.

    5. THE ACCEPTANCE STAGE: When it dawned on you that some things are just part of your partner and may never change till Jesus comes. You resigned from anger, abuse and quarrel and choose to accept them, lovingly adjust to them and enjoy them regardless of their weaknesses.

    6. THE RESTUL STAGE:This is the stage you permanently accept them with all their strengths, weaknesses, short comings and flaws and love them unconditionally regardless of what they do. This is real love -agape, divine and true. You reconnect emotionally, spiritually and physically at a deeper level and enjoy honey moon again while building a lasting marriage regardless of the challenges you face.

    There is no perfect marriage. Every marriage goes through this stages. How you handle it will determine if you will come out bitter or better.

    You don't have to abuse your spouse or keep malice if Christ is at the centre of your home and you obey the word of God daily.

    Nevertheless, do not be disappointed if you go through the unpleasant stages in marriage. It is a phase and will surely end.

    Handle your marriage with wisdom and keep loving regardless of the challenges you face.
    THE DIFFERENT STAGES OF MARRIAGE... Specially for you. 1. THE AMAZEMENT STAGE: This is the "wow" stage. Lots of new things to discover with your spouse. The newness, the freshness is so amazing. Sleeping on the same bed, wearing the same attire, cooking for him, doing house chores with her, bathing together. Wearing your dazzling wedding ring everywhere, turning people's head at the newest couple around. Loads and lots of fun. Sexual exploration and excitement. Being in control of your kitchen, feeding him and lots more. It's the honeymoon stage and it's so so beautiful. 2. THE IRRITATION STAGE: This is when you begin to notice weaknesses you have overlooked or blissfully wish they go away but didn't. The repetition of such weaknesses begins to work on your nerves and you are getting irritated: he snores a lot, she is slow in the kitchen, she belches loudly, he screams unnecessarily, she won't bathe before coming to bed or shave, he spends many hours watching football and ignores you when you talk. "What's just wrong with this guy?" You think aloud, well it's part of marriage. 3. THE ANGER STAGE: This is when the repetition of such weaknesses gets on your nerves and you display your anger. The introverted partners stuffs it in and either keep malice, avoid you or stubbornly continue with the irritating habit. It's the stage you begin to wonder: "have I really married the wrong guy?" "Have I married the wrong woman?" No, you did not, you are simply going through a phase together. 4. THE RESSOLUTION STAGE: When you both begin to face the reality of marriage and acknowledge your partner's weaknesses. You eventually realize anger and malice does not solve any problem and begins to find ways to deal with your differences, both of you begin to compromise here and there and adjust to each other. 5. THE ACCEPTANCE STAGE: When it dawned on you that some things are just part of your partner and may never change till Jesus comes. You resigned from anger, abuse and quarrel THE DIFFERENT STAGES OF MARRIAGE... Specially for you. 1. THE AMAZEMENT STAGE: This is the "wow" stage. Lots of new things to discover with your spouse. The newness, the freshness is so amazing. Sleeping on the same bed, wearing the same attire, cooking for him, doing house chores with her, bathing together. Wearing your dazzling wedding ring everywhere, turning people's head at the newest couple around. Loads and lots of fun. Sexual exploration and excitement. Being in control of your kitchen, feeding him and lots more. It's the honeymoon stage and it's so so beautiful. 2. THE IRRITATION STAGE: This is when you begin to notice weaknesses you have overlooked or blissfully wish they go away but didn't. The repetition of such weaknesses begins to work on your nerves and you are getting irritated: he snores a lot, she is slow in the kitchen, she belches loudly, he screams unnecessarily, she won't bathe before coming to bed or shave, he spends many hours watching football and ignores you when you talk. "What's just wrong with this guy?" You think aloud, well it's part of marriage. 3. THE ANGER STAGE: This is when the repetition of such weaknesses gets on your nerves and you display your anger. The introverted partners stuffs it in and either keep malice, avoid you or stubbornly continue with the irritating habit. It's the stage you begin to wonder: "have I really married the wrong guy?" "Have I married the wrong woman?" No, you did not, you are simply going through a phase together. 4. THE RESSOLUTION STAGE: When you both begin to face the reality of marriage and acknowledge your partner's weaknesses. You eventually realize anger and malice does not solve any problem and begins to find ways to deal with your differences, both of you begin to compromise here and there and adjust to each other. 5. THE ACCEPTANCE STAGE: When it dawned on you that some things are just part of your partner and may never change till Jesus comes. You resigned from anger, abuse and quarrel and choose to accept them, lovingly adjust to them and enjoy them regardless of their weaknesses. 6. THE RESTUL STAGE:This is the stage you permanently accept them with all their strengths, weaknesses, short comings and flaws and love them unconditionally regardless of what they do. This is real love -agape, divine and true. You reconnect emotionally, spiritually and physically at a deeper level and enjoy honey moon again while building a lasting marriage regardless of the challenges you face. There is no perfect marriage. Every marriage goes through this stages. How you handle it will determine if you will come out bitter or better. You don't have to abuse your spouse or keep malice if Christ is at the centre of your home and you obey the word of God daily. Nevertheless, do not be disappointed if you go through the unpleasant stages in marriage. It is a phase and will surely end. Handle your marriage with wisdom and keep loving regardless of the challenges you face.
    0 Commenti 0 condivisioni 54 Views 0 Anteprima
  • *Just one small positive* *thought in the morning* *can change your whole* *day*
    *Just one small positive* *thought in the morning* *can change your whole* *day* *GOOD MORNING*.
    0 Commenti 0 condivisioni 30 Views 0 Anteprima
  • Live one day at a time. Reflect daily on your life. What shall a man give in exchange of his soul?
    Live one day at a time. Reflect daily on your life. What shall a man give in exchange of his soul?
    0 Commenti 0 condivisioni 47 Views 0 Anteprima

    There was this poor man who *wrote a book at the age of 40* and decided to launch it on his Birthday.

    He had no money to fund the launching and so, *he decided to seek help from a millionaire* in his community.

    He made a visit to the Millionaires home and after they exchanged pleasantries, he told his host what brought him.

    The Millionaire told him to take out a piece of paper and pen.
    He said, " I will give you a test. If you pass it, I will give you the money you need and if you fail, I will still give you the money"

    He then told him to write down the names of 10 people who could give him 10k each for his book during the launch.

    Surprisingly, the man could not write even 3 names.

    Now, take a glass of water and let me tell you something..

    It is not enough to have talent and skills. You must understand the power of building valuable relationship.

    It was a wise man that said, *your network is directly proportional to your net worth.*

    *_Relationship is a currency_*

    Relationship is a stream of income. Everything in this life actually reproduces on the basis of relationship.

    See eh, *Who likes you in this life matters.*

    Men are lifted through men.

    *Many of us are talented but we lack a cup bearer* to tell the King that there is a Joseph that can interpret dreams.

    *Who you know matters a lot in this life.* Don't say it doesn't matter. It does.

    There are heights and opportunities you will never attain if you don't understand *the power of Keeping Valuable Relationships* .

    When they say, *turn and greet your neighbour at times, you don't even know who you are talking to* .

    That might be the CEO of a company. But sometimes, *we despise people based on their outward looks and judge them wrongly.*

    Have this wisdom am sharing with you.

    That person you sit with, or the colleagues at work that you look down on, may be the ones that will lead you to your destiny helper because you have no idea who they know.

    Sometimes, it takes just a recommendation to change your story.

    *Don't despise men in Life.* You will need them one day.

    Sometimes *those who crown Kings don't look like kings* and may never become kings but they can help you wear the crown.
    Shut the door of relationship gently; you may need to use it tomorrow.

    Please value even the least person, because, that person might be the one to wear you the crown !

    *Your full participation in any group or environment you meet yourself will speak volume when you need the group in future*

    THOSE WHO CROWN KINGS DO NOT LOOK LIKE KINGS ; BEWARE !!! There was this poor man who *wrote a book at the age of 40* and decided to launch it on his Birthday. He had no money to fund the launching and so, *he decided to seek help from a millionaire* in his community. He made a visit to the Millionaires home and after they exchanged pleasantries, he told his host what brought him. The Millionaire told him to take out a piece of paper and pen. He said, " I will give you a test. If you pass it, I will give you the money you need and if you fail, I will still give you the money" He then told him to write down the names of 10 people who could give him 10k each for his book during the launch. Surprisingly, the man could not write even 3 names. Now, take a glass of water and let me tell you something.. It is not enough to have talent and skills. You must understand the power of building valuable relationship. It was a wise man that said, *your network is directly proportional to your net worth.* *_Relationship is a currency_* Relationship is a stream of income. Everything in this life actually reproduces on the basis of relationship. See eh, *Who likes you in this life matters.* Men are lifted through men. *Many of us are talented but we lack a cup bearer* to tell the King that there is a Joseph that can interpret dreams. *Who you know matters a lot in this life.* Don't say it doesn't matter. It does. There are heights and opportunities you will never attain if you don't understand *the power of Keeping Valuable Relationships* . When they say, *turn and greet your neighbour at times, you don't even know who you are talking to* . That might be the CEO of a company. But sometimes, *we despise people based on their outward looks and judge them wrongly.* Have this wisdom am sharing with you. That person you sit with, or the colleagues at work that you look down on, may be the ones that will lead you to your destiny helper because you have no idea who they know. Sometimes, it takes just a recommendation to change your story. *Don't despise men in Life.* You will need them one day. Sometimes *those who crown Kings don't look like kings* and may never become kings but they can help you wear the crown. Again, Shut the door of relationship gently; you may need to use it tomorrow. Please value even the least person, because, that person might be the one to wear you the crown ! *Your full participation in any group or environment you meet yourself will speak volume when you need the group in future* LETS NOT FORGET EVERY ONE IS A PLUS!!
    1 Commenti 0 condivisioni 71 Views 0 Anteprima
    The Deputy Chief Whip, Senator Onyekachi Nwaebonyi, has accused Senator Natasha Akpoti-Uduaghan of having six children with different men and equally dismissed the sexual harassment allegation Senator Natasha levied against the President of the Senate, Godswill Akpabio.
    The senator representing Kogi Central had recently accused the Senate President of sexually harassing her when she and other senators visited his house to celebrate his birthday in December 2023.
    While appearing on Arise TV’s The Morning Show on Friday, February 28, 2025, Senator Natasha recounted how Akpabio allegedly requested an intimate relationship while showing her the interior of his Ikot-Ekpene residence.
    She said the Senate President made the same request again when she went to his office to ask him why her move to raise a motion about Ajaokuta Steel Company was not being considered.
    However, the Deputy Chief Whip has rejected Senator Natasha’s claim, saying the Senate President did not move close to her on his birthday.
    Speaking on Arise TV on Monday, March 3, 2025, Senator Nwaebonyi said he was among the lawmakers who attended Akpabio’s birthday ceremony, saying the Senate President did not sexually harass Senator Natasha that day.
    “On the issue of sexual harassment as alleged by Natasha, as God would have it, I am an eyewitness, and as I posted on social media, I narrated what transpired. On that fateful day of December 8, 2023, I was among the Senators that attended the birthday ceremony of the Senate President
    “Right from Senator Attah Airport, I drove in the same vehicle with the Senator and her husband. In fact, I was in the front seat while the senator and her husband were in the back seat. We attended a series of programmes with the Senate President within Uyo town. At the end of the day, we moved to Ikot-Ekpene, the hometown of the Senate President.
    “I remember very well, as we were coming down from the vehicle, she was complaining about her shoes paining her, and she and her husband (had) to stay back while I rushed inside to join other senators to inspect the building of the Senate President,” the lawmaker said.
    Nwaebonyi maintained that Senator Natasha did not join her colleagues when Akpabio was taking them around the house, adding that the Senate President did not touch Natasha, let alone ask her to come and have a good time at his residence.
    “I must tell you for free, and that’s the truth, that Senator Natasha never joined us inspecting the building of the Senate President. She was seated at the parlour with her husband. The Senate President took us around, took us to the chapel, and called those who were Catholic Senators to join him in a Holy Mass.
    We celebrated the Holy Mass and, at the end of the day, ended up in the garden as he hosted us. There was never a time when the Senate President touched Senator Natasha.
    “There was never a time the Senate President told Senator Natasha do you like my house? We will come back to have a good time. That never happened, Senator Natasha knows that very well,” Nwaebonyi said.
    He claimed that Senator Natasha came up with the sexual harassment allegation against Akpabio because the Senate President moved her to another seat.
    “It is disheartening and unbelievable for a Senator of the Federal republic to, out of mere provocation — simply because you were given a new seat and probably your committee was changed — get up to lay a false allegation against a man that is old enough to be your father,” the Senator alleged.
    When asked what step the Senate is taking on the matter, Nwaebonyi said, “The Senate can’t act on hearsay. Senator Natasha has never presented any issue before us.”
    SEN. NEWAEBONYI REVEALS THAT SEN NATASHA HAS SIX CHILDREN WITH DIFFERENT MEN. SAYS AKPABIO NEVER TOUCHED HER. The Deputy Chief Whip, Senator Onyekachi Nwaebonyi, has accused Senator Natasha Akpoti-Uduaghan of having six children with different men and equally dismissed the sexual harassment allegation Senator Natasha levied against the President of the Senate, Godswill Akpabio. The senator representing Kogi Central had recently accused the Senate President of sexually harassing her when she and other senators visited his house to celebrate his birthday in December 2023. While appearing on Arise TV’s The Morning Show on Friday, February 28, 2025, Senator Natasha recounted how Akpabio allegedly requested an intimate relationship while showing her the interior of his Ikot-Ekpene residence. She said the Senate President made the same request again when she went to his office to ask him why her move to raise a motion about Ajaokuta Steel Company was not being considered. However, the Deputy Chief Whip has rejected Senator Natasha’s claim, saying the Senate President did not move close to her on his birthday. Speaking on Arise TV on Monday, March 3, 2025, Senator Nwaebonyi said he was among the lawmakers who attended Akpabio’s birthday ceremony, saying the Senate President did not sexually harass Senator Natasha that day. “On the issue of sexual harassment as alleged by Natasha, as God would have it, I am an eyewitness, and as I posted on social media, I narrated what transpired. On that fateful day of December 8, 2023, I was among the Senators that attended the birthday ceremony of the Senate President “Right from Senator Attah Airport, I drove in the same vehicle with the Senator and her husband. In fact, I was in the front seat while the senator and her husband were in the back seat. We attended a series of programmes with the Senate President within Uyo town. At the end of the day, we moved to Ikot-Ekpene, the hometown of the Senate President. “I remember very well, as we were coming down from the vehicle, she was complaining about her shoes paining her, and she and her husband (had) to stay back while I rushed inside to join other senators to inspect the building of the Senate President,” the lawmaker said. Nwaebonyi maintained that Senator Natasha did not join her colleagues when Akpabio was taking them around the house, adding that the Senate President did not touch Natasha, let alone ask her to come and have a good time at his residence. “I must tell you for free, and that’s the truth, that Senator Natasha never joined us inspecting the building of the Senate President. She was seated at the parlour with her husband. The Senate President took us around, took us to the chapel, and called those who were Catholic Senators to join him in a Holy Mass. We celebrated the Holy Mass and, at the end of the day, ended up in the garden as he hosted us. There was never a time when the Senate President touched Senator Natasha. “There was never a time the Senate President told Senator Natasha do you like my house? We will come back to have a good time. That never happened, Senator Natasha knows that very well,” Nwaebonyi said. He claimed that Senator Natasha came up with the sexual harassment allegation against Akpabio because the Senate President moved her to another seat. “It is disheartening and unbelievable for a Senator of the Federal republic to, out of mere provocation — simply because you were given a new seat and probably your committee was changed — get up to lay a false allegation against a man that is old enough to be your father,” the Senator alleged. When asked what step the Senate is taking on the matter, Nwaebonyi said, “The Senate can’t act on hearsay. Senator Natasha has never presented any issue before us.”
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