I salute the strength of a WOMAN
    ● changes her name
    ● changes her home
    ● leaves her family
    ● moves in with you
    ● builds a home with you
    ● gets pregnant for you
    ● pregnancy changes her body
    ● she gets fat
    ● almost gives up in the labour room due to the
    pain of child birth
    ● even the kids she delivers bear your name
    till the day she dies... everything she does...are.......
    cooking delicious meals,
    cleaning your house,
    taking care of your parents,
    up your children,
    earning to support you,
    advising you, ensuring
    you are comfortable, you can relax while she works without a moment of rest,
    maintaining all family relations,
    does everything that u
    benefit from..... sometimes at the cost of her own
    hobbies and beauty.
    So who is really doing whom a favour?
    Dear men, appreciate the women in your lives always,
    because it is not easy to be a woman.
    *Being a woman is priceless*
    Happy women's week!
    Pass this to every woman in your contact to
    make her feel
    proud of herself.
    Rock the world ladies!
    Salute to you ladies!
    Pass to every man to know the value of women
    Pass to every woman to feel proud!
    H A P P Y WOMEN’S W E E K I salute the strength of a WOMAN ● changes her name ● changes her home ● leaves her family ● moves in with you ● builds a home with you ● gets pregnant for you ● pregnancy changes her body ● she gets fat ● almost gives up in the labour room due to the unbearable pain of child birth ● even the kids she delivers bear your name till the day she dies... everything she does...are....... cooking delicious meals, cleaning your house, taking care of your parents, bringing up your children, earning to support you, advising you, ensuring you are comfortable, you can relax while she works without a moment of rest, maintaining all family relations, does everything that u benefit from..... sometimes at the cost of her own health, hobbies and beauty. So who is really doing whom a favour? Dear men, appreciate the women in your lives always, because it is not easy to be a woman. *Being a woman is priceless* Happy women's week! Pass this to every woman in your contact to make her feel proud of herself. Rock the world ladies! Salute to you ladies! MY DEFINITION OF A WOMAN WOULD BE:- W ➖ WONDERFUL WIFE O ➖ OUTSTANDING MOTHER M ➖ MARVELLOUS HELP MEET A ➖ ADMIRABLE COUNSELOR N ➖ NICEST CONFIDANT GIFT FROM GOD TO MAN Pass to every man to know the value of women & Pass to every woman to feel proud!
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 59 Views 0 önizleme

    1. BE THERE:
    The biggest failure as a man is having a child and rejecting that child, abdicating your responsibility as a father, being quick to have sex and quicker to run away when pregnancy comes. Too many children are hurting because of a father who is alive but has disowned them, it makes the child grow feeling unwanted and unloved, it dents the child's self esteem and some become adults with a constant feeling of rejection. If you have a child, be there; no matter how bad things are between you and the mother of the child- be there; you owe it to your young one.

    The first man to compliment a girl should be her father, the first man to take note of her beauty should be her dad. A girl should grow up convinced she is beautiful and feeling like a king's princess that even when boys and men try to woo her saying she's beautiful she responds "I know, dad has been telling me that for years". Too many girls fall for preying men because they are desperately looking for affection, they have daddy issues and had no encounter with a male figure who genuinely loved them before the preying men noticed their ***** and hips; so they fall prey to men who use compliments and give attention as a carrot to lure to a trap that leads to hurt.

    A boy comes into the world as a naive student who will absorb what the male figures around him teach. He can be taught the right way to be a man or be misled. He learns how to treat females whether good or bad from the men around him. He should learn proper manhood from the father. The father should model how best to treat and respect females, how to love as a man, how to work, how to provide, how to be a man of integrity.

    Food brings people together, one of the greatest show of security to a child is when the dad makes time to share meals.

    The father should be the High Priest. He should lead the child/ children towards living a Godly life, he should be seen praying, reading God's word, living out a Godly life, loving. The child should be given a Godly foundation that will shape a stable future and the father should be seen submitting to the God who gave the child life and who makes parenthood possible.

    6. LISTEN:
    A child with a father who loves to listen grows in confidence. When a child feels he/she can tell daddy anything, no battle will intimidate the child. Sometimes you don't have to say much, just sit back and pay attention. The first need of love is to be listened to, to be treated like how you feel and what you have to say is important.

    A father should be there to offer counsel whether solicited or not. Children cry for direction. As a father, be involved in the process of the seeking of answers. Be open about your mistakes, your childhood, your lessons and your expectations of the child. Give advice not as a dictator whose word is final lest you isolate yourself from the child because the child can do what you ask yet fear and despise you; but help the child understand why you are insisting on your way, help the child understand your reasons, train your child to think through solutions; this way, he/ she will grow up with the self-sufficient capacity of making sound and wise decisions.

    8. BE PRESENT:
    The father's presence should be felt, too many fathers have left parenting to the wife. The best test of love is the giving of time, do not fail this test.

    No matter how rich you are, fatherhood is not done by throwing money at issues. When your child complains of your absence, when problems arise, when dealing with your child becomes a handful and you feel you have no time; don't use money to silence or appease the child. Fatherhood is a hands on approach, it will not be easy but its fruits are sweet. Don't escape through your ATM. Material things can contain a child for a while, but soon the child will look around and see empty things but no love from dad.

    10. SHOW UP:
    Make daddy appearances; show up at your child's sports day, birthday, parent's day, graduation or any other special day. Make random visits to what your child cares alot about even if for a few minutes. Meet your child's friends briefly, let your child feel daddy's loving eyes are watching over me.
    THE BEST WAY TO BE A FATHER 1. BE THERE: ✅The biggest failure as a man is having a child and rejecting that child, abdicating your responsibility as a father, being quick to have sex and quicker to run away when pregnancy comes. Too many children are hurting because of a father who is alive but has disowned them, it makes the child grow feeling unwanted and unloved, it dents the child's self esteem and some become adults with a constant feeling of rejection. If you have a child, be there; no matter how bad things are between you and the mother of the child- be there; you owe it to your young one. 2. TELL YOUR DAUGHTER SHE IS BEAUTIFUL: ✅The first man to compliment a girl should be her father, the first man to take note of her beauty should be her dad. A girl should grow up convinced she is beautiful and feeling like a king's princess that even when boys and men try to woo her saying she's beautiful she responds "I know, dad has been telling me that for years". Too many girls fall for preying men because they are desperately looking for affection, they have daddy issues and had no encounter with a male figure who genuinely loved them before the preying men noticed their boobs and hips; so they fall prey to men who use compliments and give attention as a carrot to lure to a trap that leads to hurt. 3. MODEL MANHOOD TO THE SONS: ✅A boy comes into the world as a naive student who will absorb what the male figures around him teach. He can be taught the right way to be a man or be misled. He learns how to treat females whether good or bad from the men around him. He should learn proper manhood from the father. The father should model how best to treat and respect females, how to love as a man, how to work, how to provide, how to be a man of integrity. 4. EAT WITH YOUR FAMILY: ✅ Food brings people together, one of the greatest show of security to a child is when the dad makes time to share meals. 5. BE THE SPIRITUAL LEADER: ✅ The father should be the High Priest. He should lead the child/ children towards living a Godly life, he should be seen praying, reading God's word, living out a Godly life, loving. The child should be given a Godly foundation that will shape a stable future and the father should be seen submitting to the God who gave the child life and who makes parenthood possible. 6. LISTEN: ✅ A child with a father who loves to listen grows in confidence. When a child feels he/she can tell daddy anything, no battle will intimidate the child. Sometimes you don't have to say much, just sit back and pay attention. The first need of love is to be listened to, to be treated like how you feel and what you have to say is important. 7. GIVE ADVICE: ✅ A father should be there to offer counsel whether solicited or not. Children cry for direction. As a father, be involved in the process of the seeking of answers. Be open about your mistakes, your childhood, your lessons and your expectations of the child. Give advice not as a dictator whose word is final lest you isolate yourself from the child because the child can do what you ask yet fear and despise you; but help the child understand why you are insisting on your way, help the child understand your reasons, train your child to think through solutions; this way, he/ she will grow up with the self-sufficient capacity of making sound and wise decisions. 8. BE PRESENT: ✅ The father's presence should be felt, too many fathers have left parenting to the wife. The best test of love is the giving of time, do not fail this test. 9. REFRAIN FROM THROWING MONEY AT THE PROBLEM: ✅ No matter how rich you are, fatherhood is not done by throwing money at issues. When your child complains of your absence, when problems arise, when dealing with your child becomes a handful and you feel you have no time; don't use money to silence or appease the child. Fatherhood is a hands on approach, it will not be easy but its fruits are sweet. Don't escape through your ATM. Material things can contain a child for a while, but soon the child will look around and see empty things but no love from dad. 10. SHOW UP: ✅ Make daddy appearances; show up at your child's sports day, birthday, parent's day, graduation or any other special day. Make random visits to what your child cares alot about even if for a few minutes. Meet your child's friends briefly, let your child feel daddy's loving eyes are watching over me.
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 71 Views 0 önizleme
  • My wife and I had beautiful dreams when our love was new. We dreamt of building a business where she was the boss and I was the assistant. In our dreams, we had a beautiful house full of kids who brought joy to our hearts. The only disagreement we had was about the “full of kids” aspect of our dream. How many kids made a house full? She said six, and I said two. She even went ahead and split the genders of our future kids: “Three boys, three girls,” she would say with a dreamy smile on her lips.

    We had our first child when our marriage was barely a year and a half old. A boy. We named him Hector. She called him “Buba” because he was a bubbly kid. Two years after Buba, Amanda came. Amanda gave her a lot of trouble during pregnancy and delivery. It was very tough for her, and at one point, she nearly lost her life. So, we decided our definition of “a house full of kids” was a house that had Ama and Buba in it. We closed the curtains on childbirth, and to avoid an accidental pregnancy, I had a vasectomy.

    A beautiful wife. Two adorable kids. A place we could call home. Life was good for us. All that was left was to start building our own business. She couldn’t wait to be the boss, and I couldn’t wait to push her to the top.

    I had travelled to see my parents on Easter when I received a call from a strange voice: “Sir, your wife has been admitted to the intensive care unit at [hospital name]. Currently, she’s responding to treatment, but we’ll need you here to sign some papers.” I asked who he was and what was wrong with my wife. “I spoke to her just last night, and she was in great spirits,” I said.

    I returned home that evening, went to the hospital, and saw my wife in a hospital bed with a mask over her nose. Her condition looked critical. The doctor told me, “Your wife attempted an abortion with a dangerous drug. She was brought in here quite late. The drug caused significant damage, but we are doing our best.”

    I asked the doctor, “You said she attempted what? Suicide?” He repeated, “She attempted an abortion, and it didn’t go well.”

    “My wife? An abortion?”

    I was overwhelmed with a cocktail of emotions. Should I be worried about her? Should I be angry? I didn’t know how to feel, but I couldn’t wait for her to get better so she could tell me in her own words how she got pregnant. The next morning, I received the worst news of my life: “Your wife couldn’t make it.”

    When I was a boy, my grandpa told me a story about a man who died just as he was about to tell his kids where he had hidden the family treasure. The story traumatized me. All day, I kept thinking, “How could the man do that? Why didn’t he say it earlier instead of waiting until his dying moment?” I felt sorry for the kids. All their lives, they wouldn’t know where the treasure was. They would starve and die, even though they had a fortune sitting idle somewhere.

    When I heard the news of my wife’s death, I cried like a baby. Just moments ago, I saw her as the pillar of my life, the beauty of my dreams. Now, she was gone—just when she had something to tell me, an explanation to give. I knew my wife. She could have had a reason, or maybe the doctor was wrong. Even if it was true, we would have fought about it. We would have gotten angry and threatened to end each other’s lives, but in the end, we would have held hands again as husband and wife. Because what we had and what we had built over the years was stronger than a single act of infidelity.

    I didn’t get to hear her reason. Worse still, her family blamed me for her death. They said, “A man like you can’t take care of a third kid, so you drove your wife to her death.” I told them, “You don’t understand, and nothing I say will make you believe me.”

    A few weeks later, the family laid her in state for friends and family to pay their last respects. As her husband, I should have been the first to see her, but I couldn’t go in. I didn’t want to face her. I was scared of what might come out of my mouth, so I declined to see her corpse. The last image I have of my wife was from that afternoon when her body was being lowered into her grave. I told her, “So you’re leaving without telling me anything? Who got you pregnant? Why didn’t you say anything to me?”

    I felt tears streaming down my cheeks. Tears are usually warm, but mine were cold. It felt like they were flowing from a special place in my spirit. They weren’t normal tears. We said our goodbyes. I left my ring on her coffin and walked away from the cemetery.

    I was haunted. I thought about her every day. Amanda had a striking resemblance to her mom. I couldn’t look at my own daughter because I was scared. One morning, a thought flashed through my mind: “How long did she cheat with the guy who got her pregnant? Could it be that the same guy is the real father of my kids?”

    I decided to do a DNA test. Some days, I was ready to go ahead with it, but other days, I was terrified. “If the results come back and these kids aren’t mine, I’ll kill myself,” I thought. I didn’t want to die. I didn’t want to know. But the thought never left me. It kept haunting me until one day I decided to do it.

    Amanda was mine. Buba wasn’t.

    Jesus Christ!

    “Buba was our first. How could this be?”

    They say alcohol wipes the hurt away. No matter how much I drank, the pain persisted. Nothing could put me to sleep. I was dead and alive at the same time. I was depressed. Everything about me showed I was just a facade of who I used to be. People said I was taking my wife’s death too hard. They didn’t know what else was eating away at me.

    One night, when the kids were asleep, I hung a rope and thought about how easy it would be to end the pain once and for all. Well, you know I didn’t do it because if I had, you wouldn’t be reading this story.

    I lay on the bare floor, face up, staring at the dangling rope. That night, I fell asleep. It was the deepest sleep I’d had since my wife’s death. When I woke up, I felt a strange sensation. It was as though a piece of my burden had been lifted. I realized I needed a good night’s sleep, not the forever kind.

    The next morning, I went to work and walked straight to my boss’s office. She’s a woman I’ve always trusted. I poured my heart out to her. I cried. I cried some more. Then she said, “Cry, but not too loudly, or your colleagues will hear you.” I cried again. And again. And again.

    She said, “Your wife did you so much wrong. It’s hard, especially because you didn’t get closure. But hey, she’s dead and gone. She’s sorry. She would have apologized if she were alive. You might have forgiven her if she had. The apology didn’t come, but please accept it. Forgive her and be thankful for the beautiful kids she gave you. Buba is yours. He calls you father. Forget about what the DNA says. What you believe to be true is the truth. Buba is yours, and that’s the truth.”

    My boss became my healer. She checked up on me every day to make sure I was doing okay. “Don’t tell anyone else about this,” she said. “It might spread, and you’ll have to bear the shame. Keep your story to yourself and live the rest as it comes.” Life wasn’t easy, especially the thought of seeing Buba every day and thinking he wasn’t mine.

    But so far, so good. I realized that the only way to bring revival and warmth back into my life was to forgive and move on. It hasn’t been easy. Memories of what happened haven’t left me. I live with them every day, but I’m conscious that they are just memories. They can’t control my life if I don’t allow them. Buba is mine. Amanda is mine.
    My wife and I had beautiful dreams when our love was new. We dreamt of building a business where she was the boss and I was the assistant. In our dreams, we had a beautiful house full of kids who brought joy to our hearts. The only disagreement we had was about the “full of kids” aspect of our dream. How many kids made a house full? She said six, and I said two. She even went ahead and split the genders of our future kids: “Three boys, three girls,” she would say with a dreamy smile on her lips. We had our first child when our marriage was barely a year and a half old. A boy. We named him Hector. She called him “Buba” because he was a bubbly kid. Two years after Buba, Amanda came. Amanda gave her a lot of trouble during pregnancy and delivery. It was very tough for her, and at one point, she nearly lost her life. So, we decided our definition of “a house full of kids” was a house that had Ama and Buba in it. We closed the curtains on childbirth, and to avoid an accidental pregnancy, I had a vasectomy. A beautiful wife. Two adorable kids. A place we could call home. Life was good for us. All that was left was to start building our own business. She couldn’t wait to be the boss, and I couldn’t wait to push her to the top. I had travelled to see my parents on Easter when I received a call from a strange voice: “Sir, your wife has been admitted to the intensive care unit at [hospital name]. Currently, she’s responding to treatment, but we’ll need you here to sign some papers.” I asked who he was and what was wrong with my wife. “I spoke to her just last night, and she was in great spirits,” I said. I returned home that evening, went to the hospital, and saw my wife in a hospital bed with a mask over her nose. Her condition looked critical. The doctor told me, “Your wife attempted an abortion with a dangerous drug. She was brought in here quite late. The drug caused significant damage, but we are doing our best.” I asked the doctor, “You said she attempted what? Suicide?” He repeated, “She attempted an abortion, and it didn’t go well.” “My wife? An abortion?” I was overwhelmed with a cocktail of emotions. Should I be worried about her? Should I be angry? I didn’t know how to feel, but I couldn’t wait for her to get better so she could tell me in her own words how she got pregnant. The next morning, I received the worst news of my life: “Your wife couldn’t make it.” When I was a boy, my grandpa told me a story about a man who died just as he was about to tell his kids where he had hidden the family treasure. The story traumatized me. All day, I kept thinking, “How could the man do that? Why didn’t he say it earlier instead of waiting until his dying moment?” I felt sorry for the kids. All their lives, they wouldn’t know where the treasure was. They would starve and die, even though they had a fortune sitting idle somewhere. When I heard the news of my wife’s death, I cried like a baby. Just moments ago, I saw her as the pillar of my life, the beauty of my dreams. Now, she was gone—just when she had something to tell me, an explanation to give. I knew my wife. She could have had a reason, or maybe the doctor was wrong. Even if it was true, we would have fought about it. We would have gotten angry and threatened to end each other’s lives, but in the end, we would have held hands again as husband and wife. Because what we had and what we had built over the years was stronger than a single act of infidelity. I didn’t get to hear her reason. Worse still, her family blamed me for her death. They said, “A man like you can’t take care of a third kid, so you drove your wife to her death.” I told them, “You don’t understand, and nothing I say will make you believe me.” A few weeks later, the family laid her in state for friends and family to pay their last respects. As her husband, I should have been the first to see her, but I couldn’t go in. I didn’t want to face her. I was scared of what might come out of my mouth, so I declined to see her corpse. The last image I have of my wife was from that afternoon when her body was being lowered into her grave. I told her, “So you’re leaving without telling me anything? Who got you pregnant? Why didn’t you say anything to me?” I felt tears streaming down my cheeks. Tears are usually warm, but mine were cold. It felt like they were flowing from a special place in my spirit. They weren’t normal tears. We said our goodbyes. I left my ring on her coffin and walked away from the cemetery. I was haunted. I thought about her every day. Amanda had a striking resemblance to her mom. I couldn’t look at my own daughter because I was scared. One morning, a thought flashed through my mind: “How long did she cheat with the guy who got her pregnant? Could it be that the same guy is the real father of my kids?” I decided to do a DNA test. Some days, I was ready to go ahead with it, but other days, I was terrified. “If the results come back and these kids aren’t mine, I’ll kill myself,” I thought. I didn’t want to die. I didn’t want to know. But the thought never left me. It kept haunting me until one day I decided to do it. Amanda was mine. Buba wasn’t. Jesus Christ! “Buba was our first. How could this be?” They say alcohol wipes the hurt away. No matter how much I drank, the pain persisted. Nothing could put me to sleep. I was dead and alive at the same time. I was depressed. Everything about me showed I was just a facade of who I used to be. People said I was taking my wife’s death too hard. They didn’t know what else was eating away at me. One night, when the kids were asleep, I hung a rope and thought about how easy it would be to end the pain once and for all. Well, you know I didn’t do it because if I had, you wouldn’t be reading this story. I lay on the bare floor, face up, staring at the dangling rope. That night, I fell asleep. It was the deepest sleep I’d had since my wife’s death. When I woke up, I felt a strange sensation. It was as though a piece of my burden had been lifted. I realized I needed a good night’s sleep, not the forever kind. The next morning, I went to work and walked straight to my boss’s office. She’s a woman I’ve always trusted. I poured my heart out to her. I cried. I cried some more. Then she said, “Cry, but not too loudly, or your colleagues will hear you.” I cried again. And again. And again. She said, “Your wife did you so much wrong. It’s hard, especially because you didn’t get closure. But hey, she’s dead and gone. She’s sorry. She would have apologized if she were alive. You might have forgiven her if she had. The apology didn’t come, but please accept it. Forgive her and be thankful for the beautiful kids she gave you. Buba is yours. He calls you father. Forget about what the DNA says. What you believe to be true is the truth. Buba is yours, and that’s the truth.” My boss became my healer. She checked up on me every day to make sure I was doing okay. “Don’t tell anyone else about this,” she said. “It might spread, and you’ll have to bear the shame. Keep your story to yourself and live the rest as it comes.” Life wasn’t easy, especially the thought of seeing Buba every day and thinking he wasn’t mine. But so far, so good. I realized that the only way to bring revival and warmth back into my life was to forgive and move on. It hasn’t been easy. Memories of what happened haven’t left me. I live with them every day, but I’m conscious that they are just memories. They can’t control my life if I don’t allow them. Buba is mine. Amanda is mine.
    1 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 166 Views 0 önizleme

    This is one of the questions most new couples who are expecting for the first time will ask.

    While some are scared it can cause miscarriage, others believe it can result in developmental problems.

    Some men will also completely avoid their wives with the intention of protecting the unborn baby and also to give their partners some space.

    Some women will also avoid having sex due to the hormonal and emotional changes that occur with pregnancy.

    It is worth knowing that sex during pregnancy is #safe and does not pose a problem to the mum or unborn baby. Baby is enclosed in its sac/membranes and the opening of the uterus the cervix is also closed. It also has a mucus plug that prevents anything from entering the uterus.

    What is important is to have considerations. The pregnancy hormones and the early signs and symptoms can make a woman not desire to be intimate. It's important for her partner to be considerate to support her through the process. There are times she will want to be intimate, there are times she will refrain. Make use of her happy days.

    Some women who have had repeated abortions or threatened abortions may be advised by their doctors or midwives to avoid sex especially if an incompetent cervix is diagnosed.

    Couples can have sex from the second trimester of the pregnancy. It is only to be #avoided when your midwife or doctor advises you due to your health condition.

    During the last trimester, couples can still have sex. What is needed is to assume a position that will not put pressure on the abdomen and also the woman will be comfortable. It should also be gentle.

    During the last trimester when labor is about to set in, it is believed to help trigger the onset of labor. The semen also contains prostaglandin which also helps to soften the cervix and help labor to start.

    Its also important to know that, you really do not need sex to maintain your pregnancy. Baby is safe and mum is also safe. Women should not be compelled to have sex if they don't feel like or are currently not in any relationship whilst pregnant. Labor will still be initiated naturally
    SEX DURING PREGNANCY, IS IT SAFE? ☑️This is one of the questions most new couples who are expecting for the first time will ask. ☑️While some are scared it can cause miscarriage, others believe it can result in developmental problems. ☑️Some men will also completely avoid their wives with the intention of protecting the unborn baby and also to give their partners some space. ☑️Some women will also avoid having sex due to the hormonal and emotional changes that occur with pregnancy. ☑️It is worth knowing that sex during pregnancy is #safe and does not pose a problem to the mum or unborn baby. Baby is enclosed in its sac/membranes and the opening of the uterus the cervix is also closed. It also has a mucus plug that prevents anything from entering the uterus. ☑️What is important is to have considerations. The pregnancy hormones and the early signs and symptoms can make a woman not desire to be intimate. It's important for her partner to be considerate to support her through the process. There are times she will want to be intimate, there are times she will refrain. Make use of her happy days. ☑️Some women who have had repeated abortions or threatened abortions may be advised by their doctors or midwives to avoid sex especially if an incompetent cervix is diagnosed. ☑️Couples can have sex from the second trimester of the pregnancy. It is only to be #avoided when your midwife or doctor advises you due to your health condition. ☑️During the last trimester, couples can still have sex. What is needed is to assume a position that will not put pressure on the abdomen and also the woman will be comfortable. It should also be gentle. ☑️During the last trimester when labor is about to set in, it is believed to help trigger the onset of labor. The semen also contains prostaglandin which also helps to soften the cervix and help labor to start. ☑️Its also important to know that, you really do not need sex to maintain your pregnancy. Baby is safe and mum is also safe. Women should not be compelled to have sex if they don't feel like or are currently not in any relationship whilst pregnant. Labor will still be initiated naturally
    1 Yorumlar 1 hisse senetleri 121 Views 1 önizleme
  • High blood pressure, also known as hypertension, is a serious health condition that can lead to heart disease, stroke, and kidney problems if left unmanaged. Many people are unaware that they have high blood pressure, which is why it's often called the "silent killer." It's essential to monitor your blood pressure regularly, especially if you're at risk due to factors like age, family history, poor diet, lack of exercise, or excessive stress.

    For women, high blood pressure can be particularly concerning during pregnancy, as it may lead to conditions such as preeclampsia. It's important for women to take proactive steps to prevent or manage high blood pressure, such as maintaining a balanced diet, staying physically active, avoiding smoking, and reducing stress.

    Remember, you don’t have to face it alone. Many support systems are available, including healthcare professionals, family, friends, and online communities, to help you manage your condition.

    #SifonSambo #YoureNotAlone #WomensHealth
    High blood pressure, also known as hypertension, is a serious health condition that can lead to heart disease, stroke, and kidney problems if left unmanaged. Many people are unaware that they have high blood pressure, which is why it's often called the "silent killer." It's essential to monitor your blood pressure regularly, especially if you're at risk due to factors like age, family history, poor diet, lack of exercise, or excessive stress. For women, high blood pressure can be particularly concerning during pregnancy, as it may lead to conditions such as preeclampsia. It's important for women to take proactive steps to prevent or manage high blood pressure, such as maintaining a balanced diet, staying physically active, avoiding smoking, and reducing stress. Remember, you don’t have to face it alone. Many support systems are available, including healthcare professionals, family, friends, and online communities, to help you manage your condition. #SifonSambo #YoureNotAlone #WomensHealth
    65 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 188 Views 0 önizleme
  • https://guardian.ng/property/real-estate/ned-nwoko-addresses-marriage-pregnancy-rumours-with-actress-chika-ike/
    Ned Nwoko addresses marriage, pregnancy rumours with Actress Chika Ike
    The senator representing Delta North senatorial district at the National Assembly, Ned Nwoko, has denied recent rumours claiming that he is planning to marry Nollywood actress Chika Ike as his seventh wife and that she is pregnant with his child.
    0 Yorumlar 3 hisse senetleri 262 Views 0 önizleme
  • The groom sent his pregnant bride on a tour to the taiga and left her in the forest. What happened next?

    Taya took a long time getting ready and twirled in front of the mirror, critically examining herself. Well, today was a special day! Sergey had invited her to an expensive restaurant, surely he wanted to propose. She also had a surprise for her beloved; she had learned incredible news yesterday—she was two months pregnant. Her beloved would be thrilled!

    The girl was already anticipating their soon-to-be wedding, the beautiful dress, and her beloved by her side. Finally, even she, a poor orphanage graduate, was lucky in life. She hadn't settled into her waitress job at the pizzeria when this guy started courting her. Rich, smart, gallant, he gave such bouquets, read Yesenin's poems. She fell in love instantly, enchanted, hanging on his every word. One thing bothered her, though; Sergey was in no hurry to introduce her to his parents and friends, they met secretly and covertly, like thieves... He always said he was too busy, too much work...

    But everything went awry! As soon as the young man heard about the pregnancy, he changed completely, began screaming, and blamed Taya for everything:

    -'What were you thinking? What children? I have a contract in Spain, my fate is being decided! No problem, I'll arrange it, give you money, you'll go to a trusted doctor, to sort it out within a week!' - he declared sharply.

    Taya burst into tears, trying to reach her beloved:

    -'Sergey, what are you saying? I can't kill our baby... It's already alive, it feels everything! I thought you loved me and would be happy! And you? Just so you know, I will give birth!' - she burst out like scalded and rushed headlong back to her dorm, jumping over puddles...

    Sergey was furious! What a fool, a miserable orphan! He hadn't planned anything serious with her, just got carried away with a pretty waitress from the pizzeria, it happens. Actually, he already had a profitable match, an ambassador's daughter, Anna, and leaving for Spain was possible only after their wedding. What now? What if this poor girl runs off and tells his father? Or someone else? That's the end! Then he accidentally saw an ad in the newspaper: 'Tourist trip to Siberia! Romance, songs by the fire, beauty of the wild taiga forest! Unforgettable weekends!' 'This is my chance!' - thought the guy. The main thing is to plan everything carefully, and leave her there, this orphanage girl, no one will even search for her, she'll disappear in the forest, and good riddance!

    The next day, Taya couldn't focus at work, everything slipped from her hands. She had already been scolded twice and threatened with dismissal when suddenly the phone rang. The excited girl picked up, Sergey said:

    -'Taya, my love, I was wrong and acted rashly. Let's make up, I propose we go on a super journey this weekend, a tour to the taiga forests! You always dreamed of romance, right?' - he persuaded.

    The girl nearly shouted for joy! 'Hooray! He finally came to his senses! I knew he loved me!' - she rejoiced and of course immediately agreed. They had never traveled together, and she longed for it, three whole days together with her beloved.

    The beauty of the taiga region struck Taisiya to the core! Huge, powerful cedars, sprawling firs, a sea of cranberries and blackberries, and the clearest, intoxicating air away from the polluted city. She listened with her mouth open to the guide and didn't stray a step from him. The tour was coming to an end, the last route and the way home were left for tomorrow. They spent the night in wooden guesthouses near a small village of ten houses. Sergey was very nervous, his plan was at risk! The stubborn girl wouldn't separate from the group: she happily sang songs with everyone and ate fish she had caught herself, baked on the campfire. The guy realized, it was now or never.

    He woke up the already dozing girl, and anxiously began:

    -'Sweetheart, help! I lost my documents, probably dropped them at the rest stop! Let's go look! I can't go anywhere without them, it'll take a long time to replace them, there are bank cards, and licenses too!

    Taya hesitated:

    -'Let's do it tomorrow already, tell the guide, he'll help, we'll get lost ourselves? And it's nighttime outside...

    But the wretched villain continued to play on her sympathy:

    -'Look, will he turn the whole group around just for me! Honey, it's not far from here, I remember our route well! Besides, I'll take a flashlight, we always stayed on the path and didn't deviate into the depths!

    Naive and trusting, the girl agreed and went to rescue her beloved, not even noticing the coil of rope under Sergey's jacket. They walked for a long time, long off the daytime route, Taya was very tired and breathless from the fast pace, she was cold and scared. The forest at night was not at all gentle and friendly, she imagined predators under every bush and jumped at every branch crack...

    Taya couldn't take it anymore:

    -'Sergey, enough, I can't go any further! There's no sign of your wallet, and how much can you really see with a flashlight! Let's go back, we'll search more tomorrow!

    The young man behind her sneered evilly, and quietly said:

    -'Well, as you say, you decided it yourself! Be damned, idiot! I hate you!' - and he slammed a heavy log onto her head. The girl moaned and fell to the ground.

    To make sure, Sergey dragged the poor girl further from the path, tightly tied her with rope around a tree... The story continues in the comments...
    The groom sent his pregnant bride on a tour to the taiga and left her in the forest. What happened next? Taya took a long time getting ready and twirled in front of the mirror, critically examining herself. Well, today was a special day! Sergey had invited her to an expensive restaurant, surely he wanted to propose. She also had a surprise for her beloved; she had learned incredible news yesterday—she was two months pregnant. Her beloved would be thrilled! The girl was already anticipating their soon-to-be wedding, the beautiful dress, and her beloved by her side. Finally, even she, a poor orphanage graduate, was lucky in life. She hadn't settled into her waitress job at the pizzeria when this guy started courting her. Rich, smart, gallant, he gave such bouquets, read Yesenin's poems. She fell in love instantly, enchanted, hanging on his every word. One thing bothered her, though; Sergey was in no hurry to introduce her to his parents and friends, they met secretly and covertly, like thieves... He always said he was too busy, too much work... But everything went awry! As soon as the young man heard about the pregnancy, he changed completely, began screaming, and blamed Taya for everything: -'What were you thinking? What children? I have a contract in Spain, my fate is being decided! No problem, I'll arrange it, give you money, you'll go to a trusted doctor, to sort it out within a week!' - he declared sharply. Taya burst into tears, trying to reach her beloved: -'Sergey, what are you saying? I can't kill our baby... It's already alive, it feels everything! I thought you loved me and would be happy! And you? Just so you know, I will give birth!' - she burst out like scalded and rushed headlong back to her dorm, jumping over puddles... Sergey was furious! What a fool, a miserable orphan! He hadn't planned anything serious with her, just got carried away with a pretty waitress from the pizzeria, it happens. Actually, he already had a profitable match, an ambassador's daughter, Anna, and leaving for Spain was possible only after their wedding. What now? What if this poor girl runs off and tells his father? Or someone else? That's the end! Then he accidentally saw an ad in the newspaper: 'Tourist trip to Siberia! Romance, songs by the fire, beauty of the wild taiga forest! Unforgettable weekends!' 'This is my chance!' - thought the guy. The main thing is to plan everything carefully, and leave her there, this orphanage girl, no one will even search for her, she'll disappear in the forest, and good riddance! The next day, Taya couldn't focus at work, everything slipped from her hands. She had already been scolded twice and threatened with dismissal when suddenly the phone rang. The excited girl picked up, Sergey said: -'Taya, my love, I was wrong and acted rashly. Let's make up, I propose we go on a super journey this weekend, a tour to the taiga forests! You always dreamed of romance, right?' - he persuaded. The girl nearly shouted for joy! 'Hooray! He finally came to his senses! I knew he loved me!' - she rejoiced and of course immediately agreed. They had never traveled together, and she longed for it, three whole days together with her beloved. The beauty of the taiga region struck Taisiya to the core! Huge, powerful cedars, sprawling firs, a sea of cranberries and blackberries, and the clearest, intoxicating air away from the polluted city. She listened with her mouth open to the guide and didn't stray a step from him. The tour was coming to an end, the last route and the way home were left for tomorrow. They spent the night in wooden guesthouses near a small village of ten houses. Sergey was very nervous, his plan was at risk! The stubborn girl wouldn't separate from the group: she happily sang songs with everyone and ate fish she had caught herself, baked on the campfire. The guy realized, it was now or never. He woke up the already dozing girl, and anxiously began: -'Sweetheart, help! I lost my documents, probably dropped them at the rest stop! Let's go look! I can't go anywhere without them, it'll take a long time to replace them, there are bank cards, and licenses too! Taya hesitated: -'Let's do it tomorrow already, tell the guide, he'll help, we'll get lost ourselves? And it's nighttime outside... But the wretched villain continued to play on her sympathy: -'Look, will he turn the whole group around just for me! Honey, it's not far from here, I remember our route well! Besides, I'll take a flashlight, we always stayed on the path and didn't deviate into the depths! Naive and trusting, the girl agreed and went to rescue her beloved, not even noticing the coil of rope under Sergey's jacket. They walked for a long time, long off the daytime route, Taya was very tired and breathless from the fast pace, she was cold and scared. The forest at night was not at all gentle and friendly, she imagined predators under every bush and jumped at every branch crack... Taya couldn't take it anymore: -'Sergey, enough, I can't go any further! There's no sign of your wallet, and how much can you really see with a flashlight! Let's go back, we'll search more tomorrow! The young man behind her sneered evilly, and quietly said: -'Well, as you say, you decided it yourself! Be damned, idiot! I hate you!' - and he slammed a heavy log onto her head. The girl moaned and fell to the ground. To make sure, Sergey dragged the poor girl further from the path, tightly tied her with rope around a tree... The story continues in the comments...
    2 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 145 Views 0 önizleme
  • Lady shares the reason why her first pregnancy at 44 was a huge mistake
    Lady shares the reason why her first pregnancy at 44 was a huge mistake 😳
    15 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 82 Views 0 önizleme

    When someone loves you, you know and you will feel it. There will be evidences to attest to it.

    Below are some of the evidences...


    When someone loves you, he or she will give you attention. We give attention to the things that we love.


    When someone loves you, they will care about your well-being. Anyone that doesn't care about your welfare does not love you.


    When someone loves you, they will communicate often with you as much as possible. Hearing the voice of whom you love is a delight.


    The natural outflow of love is giving. When someone loves you, they will give. It doesn't necessarily has to be money but there will be giving.


    When someone loves you, they will desire and long to spend time with you. When you love someone, you will desire the presence of the person. Anyone that doesn't like spending time with you, may not love you.


    The ultimate prove of love is sacrifice. Love is not self-seeking. Love always spends itself at the expense of the beloved. Someone that is not going out of his way once in a while to make you feel good, may not love you. Love is sacrificial.


    When someone loves you, they will patient with you. They will be patient with in your weaknesses, down time, etc.


    When someone loves you, they will try to protect you from harm, they will ensure that you are safe.


    When someone loves you, they will be kind to you. Love is kind. Harshness is a sign of hatred, resentment or anger not a sign of love.


    When someone loves you, they will vulnerable to you. They will loose their guard, put down their defence, they will dismantle the barricade and they will show you the weak side of them hoping you don't hurt them.


    When someone loves you, they will support you in whatever capacity they can.They will support your dreams and aspirations, they will support you financially, spiritually, emotionally and otherwise.


    When someone loves you, they will invest in you to make you better than they met you mentally, emotionally, economically etc. Love builds up.

    So these are some of the signs that shows someone loves you.

    How Do You Know That The Love Is Real?

    Give It Time

    I read something from Reno Omokri recently that made a lot of sense to me. In fact, it put what I want to say in perfect perspective for me.

    He says, "No mask can be worn forever. Give people time. Their mask will fall. Until then, don't marry or do business with them. Stay loving, but be alert."

    You cannot cover pregnancy forever, with time it will be revealed for all to see.

    So, give the person time. He says he loves you with all his heart, you are his morning star, sunshine, sugar in the tea, butter in the bread and his one and only woman, there's no problem. Give it time.

    When he asks for sex and you tell him no sex until marriage, will he still continue to love?

    When you find yourself in a very difficult situation, maybe you are critically ill, will he still continue to love?

    She says she loves you, you are her world and you mean everything to her. Without you she cannot live nor survive. You are her oxygen and life-force. There is no problem. Give it time.

    When you loose your job or suffer a major blow in your business, will she still love?

    When you are broke and unable to provide for her financial needs, will she still love or disappear with another guy?

    Don't rush things. Give it time. Time is a revealer. Time will reveal if the love is real or not, with time you will come to know if the person is saying the truth or lying. Love perseveres and love is long-suffering. Stay loving, but be alert.

    Please shear and leave comments.
    HOW TO KNOW IF THE LOVE IS REAL When someone loves you, you know and you will feel it. There will be evidences to attest to it. Below are some of the evidences... ✅ ATTENTION When someone loves you, he or she will give you attention. We give attention to the things that we love. ✅ CARE When someone loves you, they will care about your well-being. Anyone that doesn't care about your welfare does not love you. ✅ COMMUNICATION When someone loves you, they will communicate often with you as much as possible. Hearing the voice of whom you love is a delight. ✅ GIVING The natural outflow of love is giving. When someone loves you, they will give. It doesn't necessarily has to be money but there will be giving. ✅ SPENDING TIME TOGETHER When someone loves you, they will desire and long to spend time with you. When you love someone, you will desire the presence of the person. Anyone that doesn't like spending time with you, may not love you. ✅ SACRIFICE The ultimate prove of love is sacrifice. Love is not self-seeking. Love always spends itself at the expense of the beloved. Someone that is not going out of his way once in a while to make you feel good, may not love you. Love is sacrificial. ✅ PATIENCE When someone loves you, they will patient with you. They will be patient with in your weaknesses, down time, etc. ✅ PROTECTION When someone loves you, they will try to protect you from harm, they will ensure that you are safe. ✅ KINDNESS When someone loves you, they will be kind to you. Love is kind. Harshness is a sign of hatred, resentment or anger not a sign of love. ✅ VULNERABILITY When someone loves you, they will vulnerable to you. They will loose their guard, put down their defence, they will dismantle the barricade and they will show you the weak side of them hoping you don't hurt them. ✅ SUPPORT When someone loves you, they will support you in whatever capacity they can.They will support your dreams and aspirations, they will support you financially, spiritually, emotionally and otherwise. ✅ INVESTMENT When someone loves you, they will invest in you to make you better than they met you mentally, emotionally, economically etc. Love builds up. So these are some of the signs that shows someone loves you. How Do You Know That The Love Is Real? ✅ Give It Time I read something from Reno Omokri recently that made a lot of sense to me. In fact, it put what I want to say in perfect perspective for me. He says, "No mask can be worn forever. Give people time. Their mask will fall. Until then, don't marry or do business with them. Stay loving, but be alert." You cannot cover pregnancy forever, with time it will be revealed for all to see. So, give the person time. He says he loves you with all his heart, you are his morning star, sunshine, sugar in the tea, butter in the bread and his one and only woman, there's no problem. Give it time. When he asks for sex and you tell him no sex until marriage, will he still continue to love? When you find yourself in a very difficult situation, maybe you are critically ill, will he still continue to love? She says she loves you, you are her world and you mean everything to her. Without you she cannot live nor survive. You are her oxygen and life-force. There is no problem. Give it time. When you loose your job or suffer a major blow in your business, will she still love? When you are broke and unable to provide for her financial needs, will she still love or disappear with another guy? Don't rush things. Give it time. Time is a revealer. Time will reveal if the love is real or not, with time you will come to know if the person is saying the truth or lying. Love perseveres and love is long-suffering. Stay loving, but be alert. Please shear and leave comments.
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 165 Views 0 önizleme

    Yes, you should make love anytime you both want to but here are strategic times you don't want to miss and means the whole world to your spouse. Make your spouse feel super special during this period, enjoy love making like never before and help them overcome sexual temptation out there and stick to you -their honey pot, sweet sugar pie and paradise zone forever *winks*.

    1. Before they travel.

    2. After they return from travelling.

    3. Second to fourth days before and after menstruation for those with regular period and wants love making without the drama of pregnancy, condom, pills or injection.

    4. Ovulation period for those seeking babies.

    5. All through 9 months pregnancy day in, day out as your power can carry. (Don't vomit on uncle during the first trimester sha).

    6. When they are not happy.

    7. When they feel so lonely or depressed.

    8. On a cold rainy night.

    9. Early harmattan morning.

    10. During celebration e.g new job, business breakthrough, promotion, award of contract, etc.

    11. When you are looking super sexy and he can't take his eyes off you.

    12. When you are super charming and she is prowling all over you.

    13. After settling your "quarrel".

    Alright, there you go baby, go rock your lover's bed. Here you go uncle, start doing some press up and weight lifts, you need some energy to do your job during this period, laughs.

    Seriously, there is no time limit or barrier to anytime you want to make love to your spouse.

    Follow your schedule, rhythm passion, time table or whatever.

    Don't neglect those special moments either, love making during those periods are more meaningful, deep and affectionate but each family differs. Just do what works for you.

    I want you to experience uninterrupted bliss, joy and peace in every way you can in your marriage.

    Keep the ball rolling!

    Singles, this is STRICTLY FOR THE MARRIED, don't practice!
    BEST TIME TO MAKE LOVE TO YOUR SPOUSE Yes, you should make love anytime you both want to but here are strategic times you don't want to miss and means the whole world to your spouse. Make your spouse feel super special during this period, enjoy love making like never before and help them overcome sexual temptation out there and stick to you -their honey pot, sweet sugar pie and paradise zone forever *winks*. 1. Before they travel. 2. After they return from travelling. 3. Second to fourth days before and after menstruation for those with regular period and wants love making without the drama of pregnancy, condom, pills or injection. 4. Ovulation period for those seeking babies. 5. All through 9 months pregnancy day in, day out as your power can carry. (Don't vomit on uncle during the first trimester sha). 6. When they are not happy. 7. When they feel so lonely or depressed. 8. On a cold rainy night. 9. Early harmattan morning. 10. During celebration e.g new job, business breakthrough, promotion, award of contract, etc. 11. When you are looking super sexy and he can't take his eyes off you. 12. When you are super charming and she is prowling all over you. 13. After settling your "quarrel". Alright, there you go baby, go rock your lover's bed. Here you go uncle, start doing some press up and weight lifts, you need some energy to do your job during this period, laughs. Seriously, there is no time limit or barrier to anytime you want to make love to your spouse. Follow your schedule, rhythm passion, time table or whatever. Don't neglect those special moments either, love making during those periods are more meaningful, deep and affectionate but each family differs. Just do what works for you. I want you to experience uninterrupted bliss, joy and peace in every way you can in your marriage. Keep the ball rolling! Singles, this is STRICTLY FOR THE MARRIED, don't practice!
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 224 Views 0 önizleme

    I can't explain the excitement I felt as I drove to the hospital to bring Suzie and our newborn twin daughters home. I had spent the past few days decorating the nursery, cooking a big family dinner, and planning the perfect welcome. I even picked up balloons on the way. But when I arrived, my excitement turned into confusion.

    Suzie wasn't there. I just found our two sleeping daughters and a note.

    My hands shook as I unfolded it: "Goodbye. Take care of them. Ask your mother WHY she did this to me."

    I froze, rereading it over and over. What the hell did this mean? Where was Suzie?

    I asked the nurse, my voice trembling. "Where's my wife?"

    "She checked out this morning," the nurse said hesitantly. "She said you knew."

    Knew? I had no clue. I drove home with the twins, my mind racing, replaying every moment of Suzie's pregnancy. She seemed happy — or was I blind?

    When I got home, my mom was there, smiling and holding a casserole. "Oh, let me see my grandbabies!"

    I pulled back. "Not yet, Mom. What did you do to Suzie?"
    I WENT TO PICK UP MY WIFE AND NEWBORN TWINS FROM THE HOSPITAL — I ONLY FOUND THE BABIES AND A NOTE. I can't explain the excitement I felt as I drove to the hospital to bring Suzie and our newborn twin daughters home. I had spent the past few days decorating the nursery, cooking a big family dinner, and planning the perfect welcome. I even picked up balloons on the way. But when I arrived, my excitement turned into confusion. Suzie wasn't there. I just found our two sleeping daughters and a note. My hands shook as I unfolded it: "Goodbye. Take care of them. Ask your mother WHY she did this to me." I froze, rereading it over and over. What the hell did this mean? Where was Suzie? I asked the nurse, my voice trembling. "Where's my wife?" "She checked out this morning," the nurse said hesitantly. "She said you knew." Knew? I had no clue. I drove home with the twins, my mind racing, replaying every moment of Suzie's pregnancy. She seemed happy — or was I blind? When I got home, my mom was there, smiling and holding a casserole. "Oh, let me see my grandbabies!" I pulled back. "Not yet, Mom. What did you do to Suzie?" ⬇️
    1 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 186 Views 0 önizleme
  • A strong support system of family, friends, and healthcare professionals is crucial during early pregnancy. Sharing your journey with loved ones can help reduce stress and ensure emotional support when needed.

    #SifonSambo #YouAreNotAlone #WomensHealth
    A strong support system of family, friends, and healthcare professionals is crucial during early pregnancy. Sharing your journey with loved ones can help reduce stress and ensure emotional support when needed. #SifonSambo #YouAreNotAlone #WomensHealth
    6 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 597 Views 0 önizleme
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