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    THE LATE PRESIDENT OF UGANDA, Idi Amin wanted to change the name of Uganda to Idi. Everybody in his Cabinet agreed because they were afraid of him. But there was one man, Malyamungu. He said to Idi Amin, "Your excellency do you know a country called Cyprus?" Idi Amin said to him,"What does Cyprus have to do with the changing of Uganda to Idi?" Malyamungu replied, the citizens of Cyprus are called Cypriots. If we change the name of Uganda to Idi, we, the Ugandans shall be called Idiots" and the world will call us idiots, which we are not. Idi Amin looked at him and said "You and I are the most intelligent men in this cabinet. The name of the country shall remain Uganda and so it remained to this day. He was a lone voice yet it stopped the madness of the most despotic dictator that Africa has ever produced. The silence of good people makes evil to prevail. MORAL LESSONS 1. THE POWER OF COURAGEOUS TRUTH : Malyamungu demonstrated that speaking up against wrongdoing, even in the face of danger, can prevent disastrous decisions. Silence in the presence of injustice allows it to flourish. 2. WISDOM OVER FEAR: While others in the cabinet agreed out of fear, Malyamungu used wisdom and reasoning to counter Idi Amin’s idea. Intelligence, when used wisely, can challenge tyranny. 3. ONE VOICE CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE : Even when surrounded by silence, one bold individual can change the course of events. It only takes one person to challenge a bad idea and steer things in the right direction. 4. DICTATORSHIP THRIVES ON SILENCE: Evil prevails when good people refuse to act. The willingness to challenge authority when necessary is essential in preventing the abuse of power. 5. LEADERS NEED HONEST ADVISERS: A leader surrounded by fearful and sycophantic followers will make poor decisions. Good leadership requires advisers who are willing to speak the truth, no matter how uncomfortable. 6. NAMES AND IDENTITY MATTER: The story also emphasizes how names shape identity. HAVE YOU EVER ASKED YOURSELF THE MEANING OF NIGERIA?
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    The Pwan Success Summit was held on January 2025, which was a transformative event for individuals seeking growth and prosperity. Known for its dynamic approach to real estate and personal development, Pwan Group is renowned for the mantra "When you work it, you chop it," highlighting the rewards of dedication and effort. This summit will bring together industry leaders, motivational speakers, and aspiring entrepreneurs for a series of engaging workshops, keynote speeches, and networking opportunities. Attendees can expect to gain valuable insights into the real estate market, learn strategies for success, and be inspired to take actionable steps towards their goals. With its focus on empowerment and practical knowledge, the Pwan Success Summit is set to be an unmissable event for anyone looking to elevate their career and achieve new heights. #hilights #highlightseveryonefollowers Facebook
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  • Good morning my wonderful friends and followers. Have a blissful week!
    Good morning my wonderful friends and followers. Have a blissful week!
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    Happy Valentine's day to all my followers.
    Don't miss this video. Happy Valentine's day to all my followers.
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    WANT TO WALK MORE CLOSELY WITH JESUS? THIS IS HOW…. Many times, we struggle in some aspects of our walk with the Lord for a very simple reason – we forget the OMNIPOTENCE of the One that has called us to glory and honour. Let’s illustrate this with the simple story we read in John 6:1-14. There was a need to feed several thousands of people that had come to a desert region to hear Jesus teach. In that location, it would have been practically impossible to buy/cook food for such a large crowd. Clearly, Jesus knew this! Yet, He asked Philip, “Where are we to buy bread, so that these people may eat?” (verse 5). Then, Andrew gave a response that made little or no sense. Hear him: “There is a boy here who has five barley loaves and two fish”. Perhaps, reflecting on the absurdity of his words, Andrew quickly added, “… but what are they for so many?” (verse 9). Yes, truly ridiculous! How can there be a pressing need to feed thousands and thousands of people, and you are talking about a young boy’s lunch!!! But, cue in Jesus. And the story changes instantly. At the end, thousands were fed to their satisfaction, and there were even 12 baskets of leftover! Why? Because, as we read in verse 6, Jesus Himself KNEW WHAT HE WOULD DO. (That was the key.) In an unrelated, but similar story, wine was urgently needed to save a bridegroom from embarrassment at a wedding in Cana, Galilee (John 2:1-12). Again, Jesus was there. And He simply told them to fill six large pots with water. Water? They were not in a wine factory. So, why tell them to fill the pots with water? Let’s remember that time was of essence – because the event had already run out of wine. In that situation, fortunately, there was someone that understood Jesus very well. Mary, His earthly mother. And she had clearly instructed the servants to do WHATEVER Jesus said (verse 5). Why did Mary give this counsel? Because, from experience, she knew that Jesus always KNEW WHAT HE WOULD DO. Why did I share these two stories? As I wrote earlier, we struggle many times in our walk with Jesus, either because we don’t really know Him. Or, because we forget that He’s an omnipotent God that ALWAYS knows what to do. Thus, when He tells us to do things that appear to be ridiculous, we balk! We struggle. We quickly engage our silly, tiny human minds and CONCLUDE that what Jesus is asking us to do does not make sense! For instance, how can Jesus tell us that, “… having food and raiment, we should be content”? (1 Timothy 6:8) Does He not know that we need other basic necessities of life – house, phones, etc. How can He tell us to, “… take no thought for tomorrow…” (Matt 6:34) Really? If we take no thought, how would we feed our family, clothe ourselves, and meet other basic necessities of life? So, faced with these clear commandments of Scriptures, what do we do? We, of course, rationalise those divine commandments! And re-interpret them within the scope of our puny human mind. We do not understand that by using this human framework, we immediately shut out God! And close the door to WHATEVER way He wants to manifest Himself and manifest His glory. For comparison, please imagine if Andrew had not simply obeyed Jesus and brought the boy’s lunch. Also, imagine if the servants at the wedding feast saw no sense in bringing water – when, clearly, wine was needed very urgently. Imagine how differently the two stories would have ended! And that’s simply because the carnality in the heart of man makes us to forget this simple, eternal truth: Jesus Himself ALWAYS KNOWS WHAT TO DO in the situations we face in life. That is, when we simply trust and obey Him IN SPITE of the alarm bells triggered by our human reasoning. For, indeed, in our walk with God, our human mind is our greatest enemy!!! And that’s because our human mind is patterned after the world. Patterned after the world’s value system that God warned us against in Romans 12:2. It is for this reason that many of us are stunted in our walk with God, and in our followership of Christ. Not soaring in faith, but trudging in the valley of unbelief – while calling ourselves believers in Christ. Do you see the irony clearly? Do you??? As we follow Jesus, we have to learn to trust Him completely with our lives. For He Himself KNOWS WHAT TO DO in every single facet of our lives. So, dear friends, what instruction has the Lord given you, either by personal revelation or by the illumination of His word, that you are struggling with? Just because it does not add up in your tiny, human mind? This may have greatly slowed your journey of faith with the Holy One that ALWAYS knows what to do when men trust Him. IN SPITE of their human wisdom and reasoning. Please repent today. And pray for the faith to TRUST and OBEY Him in ALL things, and at ALL times. For, “God is not man, that he should lie, or a son of man, that he should change his mind. Has he said, and will he not do it? Or has he spoken, and will he not fulfill it? (Numbers 23:19) God can be trusted. God can be trusted. “He said this to test him, for he himself knew what he would do.” (John 6:6) Thanks for reading, God bless you.
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    WANT TO WALK MORE CLOSELY WITH JESUS? THIS IS HOW…. Many times, we struggle in some aspects of our walk with the Lord for a very simple reason – we forget the OMNIPOTENCE of the One that has called us to glory and honour. Let’s illustrate this with the simple story we read in John 6:1-14. There was a need to feed several thousands of people that had come to a desert region to hear Jesus teach. In that location, it would have been practically impossible to buy/cook food for such a large crowd. Clearly, Jesus knew this! Yet, He asked Philip, “Where are we to buy bread, so that these people may eat?” (verse 5). Then, Andrew gave a response that made little or no sense. Hear him: “There is a boy here who has five barley loaves and two fish”. Perhaps, reflecting on the absurdity of his words, Andrew quickly added, “… but what are they for so many?” (verse 9). Yes, truly ridiculous! How can there be a pressing need to feed thousands and thousands of people, and you are talking about a young boy’s lunch!!! But, cue in Jesus. And the story changes instantly. At the end, thousands were fed to their satisfaction, and there were even 12 baskets of leftover! Why? Because, as we read in verse 6, Jesus Himself KNEW WHAT HE WOULD DO. (That was the key.) In an unrelated, but similar story, wine was urgently needed to save a bridegroom from embarrassment at a wedding in Cana, Galilee (John 2:1-12). Again, Jesus was there. And He simply told them to fill six large pots with water. Water? They were not in a wine factory. So, why tell them to fill the pots with water? Let’s remember that time was of essence – because the event had already run out of wine. In that situation, fortunately, there was someone that understood Jesus very well. Mary, His earthly mother. And she had clearly instructed the servants to do WHATEVER Jesus said (verse 5). Why did Mary give this counsel? Because, from experience, she knew that Jesus always KNEW WHAT HE WOULD DO. Why did I share these two stories? As I wrote earlier, we struggle many times in our walk with Jesus, either because we don’t really know Him. Or, because we forget that He’s an omnipotent God that ALWAYS knows what to do. Thus, when He tells us to do things that appear to be ridiculous, we balk! We struggle. We quickly engage our silly, tiny human minds and CONCLUDE that what Jesus is asking us to do does not make sense! For instance, how can Jesus tell us that, “… having food and raiment, we should be content”? (1 Timothy 6:8) Does He not know that we need other basic necessities of life – house, phones, etc. How can He tell us to, “… take no thought for tomorrow…” (Matt 6:34) Really? If we take no thought, how would we feed our family, clothe ourselves, and meet other basic necessities of life? So, faced with these clear commandments of Scriptures, what do we do? We, of course, rationalise those divine commandments! And re-interpret them within the scope of our puny human mind. We do not understand that by using this human framework, we immediately shut out God! And close the door to WHATEVER way He wants to manifest Himself and manifest His glory. For comparison, please imagine if Andrew had not simply obeyed Jesus and brought the boy’s lunch. Also, imagine if the servants at the wedding feast saw no sense in bringing water – when, clearly, wine was needed very urgently. Imagine how differently the two stories would have ended! And that’s simply because the carnality in the heart of man makes us to forget this simple, eternal truth: Jesus Himself ALWAYS KNOWS WHAT TO DO in the situations we face in life. That is, when we simply trust and obey Him IN SPITE of the alarm bells triggered by our human reasoning. For, indeed, in our walk with God, our human mind is our greatest enemy!!! And that’s because our human mind is patterned after the world. Patterned after the world’s value system that God warned us against in Romans 12:2. It is for this reason that many of us are stunted in our walk with God, and in our followership of Christ. Not soaring in faith, but trudging in the valley of unbelief – while calling ourselves believers in Christ. Do you see the irony clearly? Do you??? As we follow Jesus, we have to learn to trust Him completely with our lives. For He Himself KNOWS WHAT TO DO in every single facet of our lives. So, dear friends, what instruction has the Lord given you, either by personal revelation or by the illumination of His word, that you are struggling with? Just because it does not add up in your tiny, human mind? This may have greatly slowed your journey of faith with the Holy One that ALWAYS knows what to do when men trust Him. IN SPITE of their human wisdom and reasoning. Please repent today. And pray for the faith to TRUST and OBEY Him in ALL things, and at ALL times. For, “God is not man, that he should lie, or a son of man, that he should change his mind. Has he said, and will he not do it? Or has he spoken, and will he not fulfill it? (Numbers 23:19) God can be trusted. God can be trusted. “He said this to test him, for he himself knew what he would do.” (John 6:6) Thanks for reading, God bless you.
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    At 11 years old, this boy was abandoned by both his biological family and his adoptive family. His adoptive parents left him at a hospital and never came back. One day, I got a call from my social worker asking, "Can you take in an 11-year-old boy, just for the weekend?" His birth family had left him when he was just 2, and now, after 9 years in his adoptive home, his new family did the same thing. They had promised him a forever family, but those promises meant nothing. He was left like an object, and the thought of that broke my heart. I couldn’t believe it. "Where will he go?" I asked. There were no family members to turn to, no available foster homes. "He'll be placed in a group home," the social worker said. I couldn’t let that happen. I couldn’t stand the thought of him being sent to a group home after everything he had already been through. So, I made a decision to bring him into my home. And when he asked me, "Mr. Peter, can I call you my Dad?" I couldn't hold back the tears. My heart broke for him, but I knew then that I was going to be there for him. #highlightseveryonefollowers2025
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    At 11 years old, this boy was abandoned by both his biological family and his adoptive family. His adoptive parents left him at a hospital and never came back. One day, I got a call from my social worker asking, "Can you take in an 11-year-old boy, just for the weekend?" His birth family had left him when he was just 2, and now, after 9 years in his adoptive home, his new family did the same thing. They had promised him a forever family, but those promises meant nothing. He was left like an object, and the thought of that broke my heart. I couldn’t believe it. "Where will he go?" I asked. There were no family members to turn to, no available foster homes. "He'll be placed in a group home," the social worker said. I couldn’t let that happen. I couldn’t stand the thought of him being sent to a group home after everything he had already been through. So, I made a decision to bring him into my home. And when he asked me, "Mr. Peter, can I call you my Dad?" I couldn't hold back the tears. My heart broke for him, but I knew then that I was going to be there for him. #highlightseveryonefollowers2025
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    At 11 years old, this boy was abandoned by both his biological family and his adoptive family. His adoptive parents left him at a hospital and never came back. One day, I got a call from my social worker asking, "Can you take in an 11-year-old boy, just for the weekend?" His birth family had left him when he was just 2, and now, after 9 years in his adoptive home, his new family did the same thing. They had promised him a forever family, but those promises meant nothing. He was left like an object, and the thought of that broke my heart. I couldn’t believe it. "Where will he go?" I asked. There were no family members to turn to, no available foster homes. "He'll be placed in a group home," the social worker said. I couldn’t let that happen. I couldn’t stand the thought of him being sent to a group home after everything he had already been through. So, I made a decision to bring him into my home. And when he asked me, "Mr. Peter, can I call you my Dad?" I couldn't hold back the tears. My heart broke for him, but I knew then that I was going to be there for him. #highlightseveryonefollowers2025
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    AWERO, THE RIVER GODDESS Bankole Ikusika Episode 5: The Rising Tide of Dissent The air in the Kingdom of Iye was thick with tension and reverberated with uncertainty. As word spread about the budding relationship between Awero, the goddess of the river, and Kofi, the rebellious shepherd from Ewele village, discontent brewed among the inhabitants. Whispers of betrayal and betrayal echoed through the hearts of her subjects, igniting a fervor that demanded to be voiced. Awero had always believed in the power of love and connection, yet the very essence of her being now faced the threat of dissent. The villagers gathered near the riverbanks, forming a mass of voices laden with dismay. They regarded her not as their beloved goddess but as a figure whose choices questioned the sanctity of the traditions that had guided their lives for generations. Among them was Ayi, a fierce elder and protector of the kingdom's values, whose wisdom was respected but whose heart had grown hard over the years. “We must unite!” Ayi declared, her voice slicing through the murmurs like a knife. “This romance with Kofi stains the sacred waters we revere. If our goddess wishes to defy tradition, then we shall rise against her!” The crowd roared in agreement, fuelled by the fear that Awero’s love could taint their indelible connection to the Ije River. “We will not stand idly by while our goddess cavorts with a mortal!” shouted Jume, a young villager whose passion echoed the sentiment swirling through the masses. “If love is to conquer, then it will do so over our dead bodies!” Awero and Kofi stood side by side, witnessing the storm brewing before them, hearts heavy with the weight of what was at stake. Kofi’s brow knitted with concern, and he turned to Awero. “This cannot be how they remember you. We must face them and explain the purity of our love. These fires of dissent only burn because they misunderstand,” he vowed. Awero’s heart ached. She had never wanted to bring unrest to her land, only love and healing. Yet she stood resolute, determined to claim her truth. “Then let us address them, Kofi. If they wish to love me as they do the river, they must first understand that my heart cannot be bound by tradition alone.” Together, they approached the gathering, their presence silencing the noise. Awero’s luminescent form shone brightly before the villagers, a figure of grace and longing. “People of Iye,” her voice resonated like a gentle waterfall. “I hear your concerns and understand your fears. But I ask you to embrace the spirit of love, for everything ties back to our hearts.” “But goddess!” an elder interjected, his voice shrouded in despair. “You would cast aside tradition, the very rules that bind us? Our ancestors gave us these truths to maintain balance, and now you toss them aside for a fleeting whim! What becomes of us?” Awero felt the burden of their doubts settle upon her, heavy like stones. She turned to Kofi, whose unwavering confidence bolstered her spirit. “This love is no fleeting whim; it is a connection borne out of understanding and a shared journey. I see greatness in him, and he sees the essence of me beyond my divinity. Shouldn’t we herald the love that strengthens us rather than the fear that chains us?” While her words spoke to many, the dissenters grew louder. “If you continue down this path, we will revolt! Kofi will become a symbol of your betrayal!” Ayi’s voice rang out in defiance, urging the villagers to take action. With fury rising like the waters of the river in a storm, the villagers began rallying together, spreading the words of rebellion like wildfire. Kofi felt desperation pool in his chest. “You cannot turn against the river, the essence of life that nurtured you!” he pleaded, raising his hands in a gesture of peace. “Awero does not abandon you; she seeks to redefine our understanding of existence, forging a path through love!” Awero, witnessing the anger of her people, felt a tear slip from her eye, a drop of shimmering water cascading down her cheek. “I do not wish to abandon tradition, but rather to encompass love as a part of it,” she spoke, a tremor in her voice. “Let us shift our people's notions from fear of the divine to respect for the love it inspires.” Yet Ayi’s followers rallied to her side like a tempest closing in. “We will not be silenced! Remove Kofi from our realm, or we will revolt and reclaim our land!” The threat loomed like thunderclouds. With hearts aching under the weight of chaos, Awero and Kofi withdrew to the riverbank, seeking solace in each other’s embrace. The waters lapped gently around them, belying the storm brewing above. “What hope do we have if they refuse to listen? Our love is drowned in a sea of rigid tradition,” Kofi said, anguish flooding his voice. Awero’s heart felt heavy at the thought of losing not only Kofi but also the love she had for her people. “We must do something, Kofi. If they rise against me, this will create a rift that will never heal. I cannot allow violence to taint the love we’ve fostered.” Kofi contemplated her words, a spark igniting within. “Perhaps it is a time for a vision—a way for them to witness the connection we share. Let them see what love can do, the strength of unity! Let us unite our worlds, not through force but through understanding.” Awero’s face lit up at this idea, her heart racing at the potential it held. “What do you suggest?” “We could gather the villagers to witness the harmony of our love. I will venture into the depths of the river, and you will guide me. Let them glimpse the beauty our bond can manifest—a celebration of love that transcends the mundane.” While Awero held apprehensions about exposing her true potential to the villagers, the thought of losing Kofi tore at her heart. “We shall do it,” she decided, quiet determination settling in her core. As twilight enveloped the sky, Awero and Kofi prepared for the moment where the essence of their love could be revealed. The villagers gathered stiffly near the water’s edge, wary eyes trained upon the couple. Ayi stood prominently among them, crafting her thoughts into a formidable wariness. “Let the goddess show us her folly,” she sneered, arms crossed defiantly. Awero called out to the villagers, her voice soothing yet firm as the currents of the river. “Tonight, I wish to show you what love has the power to create. Trust in this connection!” As she intertwined her fingers with Kofi’s, the air shimmered with anticipation. Kofi took a deep breath as he stepped forward, anchoring himself in Awero’s love. He plunged into the river, surrounded by the luminescence of the goddess’ magic. With each stroke, waves of light began to ripple through the depths, reflecting colors unseen; a twinkling symphony of blue and gold danced upon the surface. Awero whispered incantations that brought forth vision to the villagers—a luminous world of intertwined destinies where love conquers fear. As Kofi glided through the currents, the waters began to swirl and shimmer, crafting vivid scenes of life filled with joy and unity. Translucent images began to form around them; joyous villages thriving with laughter and mirth, couples tied together in bonds of love, strengthened by faith in each other, and the essence of life flourishing like the vibrant flowers that adorned their lands. The villagers watched with widened eyes, dazzled by this radiant display of harmony. As Kofi emerged from the water, his body enveloped in light, he took Awero’s hand, their ethereal connection illuminating the entire riverbank. “This is what we fear losing! Love deems more powerful than all, binding us to each other and to the land. I am a mere shepherd, yet standing by this goddess—I am home!” The spectators fell silent, the enchanting display weaving through their hearts, kindling sparks of curiosity where fear had resided. Awero, unfurling her arms, motioned for the villagers to gather closer to the river. “Witness the life we could cultivate, a flourishing realm where love, not fear, binds our destinies,” she impassioned, her radiant presence illuminating the night. “Should we not embrace what can bring joy—a soul both mortal and divine?” Slowly, the community began to shift, understanding unraveling within their hearts like the delicate petals of a bloom. Each villager contemplated their own relationships and the profound love that guided them through life. The doubts that once clouded their hearts began to lift, as whispers traversed the crowd. “Perhaps we have misunderstood,” a voice murmured from the back. “Are we not made stronger by love?” Yet Ayi, steadfast in her beliefs, raised her hands in defiance against the tide of change. “This will lead to calamity! You, dear people, are being blinded by a temporary dazzle! Remember our traditions!” As the tide of voices began to shift, Kofi felt the potency of the moment building. “We can honor our traditions while allowing for new growth, Ayi. Do not fear what you do not understand. Our connection only seeks to deepen the love we hold for each other and our land.” Ayi’s dark brow furrowed as she scanned the seeds of doubt taking root within the crowd. “You speak of love, yet love can lead us astray, and nothing remains sacred if boundaries are torn apart!” Awero, sensing Ayi’s deep anguish and struggling to maintain the bonds of ancient customs, turned to her with compassion. “I do not seek to erase your traditions—merely to redefine them. Allow our love to be part of this journey! We can intertwine the threads of our fates while honoring your wisdom, Ayi, joining our hearts as one.” The crowd murmured, captivated by her tender approach, while Ayi’s resolve faltered momentarily as she saw the light glimmering in their eyes. “Can we bend, yet remain strong? Can we love without losing the heart of our values?” Ayi’s voice wavered, her gaze flickered to the shimmering waters of the river, its depths symbolizing the profound understanding they sought. “Will this ensure our traditions hold their importance? That we honor our ancestors while embracing the love that binds us?” Awero nodded earnestly. “Let us forge a new path together, illuminating the values of both love and tradition. The heart is capable of holding both—together, we can transform what is in danger of being lost into something even more profound.” And slowly, as Kofi and Awero’s unwavering spirits revealed the light of possibility, the villagers begun to look at each other. Unraveling their fears, the ripples of understanding glimmered like stars in the night sky. In the face of chaos, Kofi and Awero had ignited a glimmer of hope—an understanding that could bridge the divide between love and tradition. Still, Ayi stood firm, the weight of history pressing against her resolve. “I will not relinquish my caution or let you lead me astray without proof of your worth,” she said, her voice resolute. “If you truly wish to unite love with tradition, then you must first prove your intentions. A goddess cannot simply declare her love and expect all to follow.” And thus, the challenge was laid before them. Awero and Kofi must endure trials of the heart, not only to prove their love but also to showcase that this union could invigorate the very essence of life within the village while retaining the wisdom of the past. It was a daunting task, but they were determined to fight for their love, to showcase that connection was more powerful than fear. The river flowed with renewed vigor that night, carrying both shadows of doubt and the light of understanding. Awero and Kofi found themselves at a turning point, where their love could ripple through the kingdom, transforming hearts and guiding the kingdom toward acceptance. With hope flickering in their souls, together they embarked on a journey that would redefine their destinies—a tug of war between love and tradition, where the outcome remained uncertain, yet hope towered billowy like the grand clouds above—a reminder that even in a storm, harmony could prevail, and love could illuminate their path. They would set out to forge new threads in the fabric of their people, weaving a tapestry that honored both love and history—ever stronger together, as the Kingdom of Iye River watched, waiting for the dawn of a new awakening to unfold... To be continued in Episode 6
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    UPDATE...... Retired Police Officer Receives N2 Million Gift A recent report by ATP Hausa revealed the story of Linus Monday, a retired Nigerian police inspector, who was arrested for conducting vehicle inspections despite no longer being in service. According to reports, the former officer continued stopping and checking people without authorization, which eventually led to his arrest by the authorities. In response to his situation, the founder of Berekete Family Radio, Ahmad Isa, announced a donation of N2 million to support him. Isa also called on anyone with information about the retired officer to come forward so he can receive the financial assistance. Help us spread the word to locate the retired police officer. Even if you retire try not to be tired.. #viralchallenge #followerseveryonehighlightseveryone #trendingpost #samblog
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    FACTS ABOUT MEN WHO DON’T TALK TOO MUCH... Men who don't talk too much can have some distinctive traits or characteristics that set them apart. Here are a few facts about such men: 1. Observant and Thoughtful: Men who are quieter often take time to observe situations before speaking. They tend to listen more than they talk, and when they do speak, it's usually something well thought out and meaningful. 2. Reserved or Introverted: While not all quiet men are introverts, many tend to lean towards introversion. They may find social interactions draining and prefer solitude or smaller, more intimate settings rather than large groups or constant chatter. 3. Comfortable with Silence: These men are typically not uncomfortable with silence. They can enjoy peace and quiet and don’t feel the need to fill every moment with conversation. Silence doesn’t feel awkward to them. 4. Deep Thinkers: Men who don’t talk much often have a rich inner world. They might spend a lot of time thinking, reflecting, and processing information internally before sharing their thoughts with others. 5. Strong Listeners: Because they don't talk as much, they often excel at listening. They tend to be good at picking up on subtle cues and paying attention to what others are saying, which can make them appear insightful and empathetic. 6. Emotionally Reserved: These men may not express their emotions verbally as frequently, but that doesn’t mean they don’t feel deeply. They might show their emotions through actions rather than words, and their quieter nature can sometimes be mistaken for aloofness. 7. Prefer Quality Over Quantity in Relationships: Men who don't talk much tend to value deep, meaningful conversations over casual small talk. They might form stronger bonds with people who appreciate their quieter approach to communication. 8. Self-Sufficient: Many quieter men are comfortable with their own company and don't feel the need to be constantly social. They might find satisfaction in hobbies, work, or quiet activities that don't require much verbal interaction. 9. Private: These men might be more private and reserved about sharing personal details. They are selective about who they open up to and prefer to keep their thoughts and feelings within a close circle of trusted individuals. 10. Mature and Calm: Often, men who don’t talk too much tend to be more measured in their responses. They may be seen as more calm, collected, and mature, as they take their time to consider their words before speaking. Ultimately, not talking much doesn't necessarily mean a man is shy or disinterested; it can often be a sign of someone who values quality over quantity in communication. TOGETHER WE CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE. #preciousandfamily #highlightseveryone #motivation #follower
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