Many times, we struggle in some aspects of our walk with the Lord for a very simple reason – we forget the OMNIPOTENCE of the One that has called us to glory and honour.
Let’s illustrate this with the simple story we read in John 6:1-14.
There was a need to feed several thousands of people that had come to a desert region to hear Jesus teach. In that location, it would have been practically impossible to buy/cook food for such a large crowd.
Clearly, Jesus knew this! Yet, He asked Philip, “Where are we to buy bread, so that these people may eat?” (verse 5). Then, Andrew gave a response that made little or no sense. Hear him: “There is a boy here who has five barley loaves and two fish”.
Perhaps, reflecting on the absurdity of his words, Andrew quickly added, “… but what are they for so many?” (verse 9). Yes, truly ridiculous! How can there be a pressing need to feed thousands and thousands of people, and you are talking about a young boy’s lunch!!!
But, cue in Jesus. And the story changes instantly. At the end, thousands were fed to their satisfaction, and there were even 12 baskets of leftover!
Why? Because, as we read in verse 6, Jesus Himself KNEW WHAT HE WOULD DO. (That was the key.)
In an unrelated, but similar story, wine was urgently needed to save a bridegroom from embarrassment at a wedding in Cana, Galilee (John 2:1-12).
Again, Jesus was there. And He simply told them to fill six large pots with water.
Water? They were not in a wine factory. So, why tell them to fill the pots with water? Let’s remember that time was of essence – because the event had already run out of wine.
In that situation, fortunately, there was someone that understood Jesus very well. Mary, His earthly mother. And she had clearly instructed the servants to do WHATEVER Jesus said (verse 5).
Why did Mary give this counsel? Because, from experience, she knew that Jesus always KNEW WHAT HE WOULD DO.
Why did I share these two stories?
As I wrote earlier, we struggle many times in our walk with Jesus, either because we don’t really know Him. Or, because we forget that He’s an omnipotent God that ALWAYS knows what to do.
Thus, when He tells us to do things that appear to be ridiculous, we balk! We struggle. We quickly engage our silly, tiny human minds and CONCLUDE that what Jesus is asking us to do does not make sense!
For instance, how can Jesus tell us that, “… having food and raiment, we should be content”? (1 Timothy 6:8) Does He not know that we need other basic necessities of life – house, phones, etc.
How can He tell us to, “… take no thought for tomorrow…” (Matt 6:34) Really? If we take no thought, how would we feed our family, clothe ourselves, and meet other basic necessities of life?
So, faced with these clear commandments of Scriptures, what do we do? We, of course, rationalise those divine commandments! And re-interpret them within the scope of our puny human mind.
We do not understand that by using this human framework, we immediately shut out God! And close the door to WHATEVER way He wants to manifest Himself and manifest His glory.
For comparison, please imagine if Andrew had not simply obeyed Jesus and brought the boy’s lunch. Also, imagine if the servants at the wedding feast saw no sense in bringing water – when, clearly, wine was needed very urgently.
Imagine how differently the two stories would have ended!
And that’s simply because the carnality in the heart of man makes us to forget this simple, eternal truth: Jesus Himself ALWAYS KNOWS WHAT TO DO in the situations we face in life. That is, when we simply trust and obey Him IN SPITE of the alarm bells triggered by our human reasoning.
For, indeed, in our walk with God, our human mind is our greatest enemy!!! And that’s because our human mind is patterned after the world. Patterned after the world’s value system that God warned us against in Romans 12:2.
It is for this reason that many of us are stunted in our walk with God, and in our followership of Christ. Not soaring in faith, but trudging in the valley of unbelief – while calling ourselves believers in Christ.
Do you see the irony clearly? Do you???
As we follow Jesus, we have to learn to trust Him completely with our lives. For He Himself KNOWS WHAT TO DO in every single facet of our lives.
So, dear friends, what instruction has the Lord given you, either by personal revelation or by the illumination of His word, that you are struggling with? Just because it does not add up in your tiny, human mind?
This may have greatly slowed your journey of faith with the Holy One that ALWAYS knows what to do when men trust Him. IN SPITE of their human wisdom and reasoning.
Please repent today. And pray for the faith to TRUST and OBEY Him in ALL things, and at ALL times.
For, “God is not man, that he should lie, or a son of man, that he should change his mind. Has he said, and will he not do it? Or has he spoken, and will he not fulfill it? (Numbers 23:19)
God can be trusted. God can be trusted.
“He said this to test him, for he himself knew what he would do.” (John 6:6)
Thanks for reading, God bless you.
Many times, we struggle in some aspects of our walk with the Lord for a very simple reason – we forget the OMNIPOTENCE of the One that has called us to glory and honour.
Let’s illustrate this with the simple story we read in John 6:1-14.
There was a need to feed several thousands of people that had come to a desert region to hear Jesus teach. In that location, it would have been practically impossible to buy/cook food for such a large crowd.
Clearly, Jesus knew this! Yet, He asked Philip, “Where are we to buy bread, so that these people may eat?” (verse 5). Then, Andrew gave a response that made little or no sense. Hear him: “There is a boy here who has five barley loaves and two fish”.
Perhaps, reflecting on the absurdity of his words, Andrew quickly added, “… but what are they for so many?” (verse 9). Yes, truly ridiculous! How can there be a pressing need to feed thousands and thousands of people, and you are talking about a young boy’s lunch!!!
But, cue in Jesus. And the story changes instantly. At the end, thousands were fed to their satisfaction, and there were even 12 baskets of leftover!
Why? Because, as we read in verse 6, Jesus Himself KNEW WHAT HE WOULD DO. (That was the key.)
In an unrelated, but similar story, wine was urgently needed to save a bridegroom from embarrassment at a wedding in Cana, Galilee (John 2:1-12).
Again, Jesus was there. And He simply told them to fill six large pots with water.
Water? They were not in a wine factory. So, why tell them to fill the pots with water? Let’s remember that time was of essence – because the event had already run out of wine.
In that situation, fortunately, there was someone that understood Jesus very well. Mary, His earthly mother. And she had clearly instructed the servants to do WHATEVER Jesus said (verse 5).
Why did Mary give this counsel? Because, from experience, she knew that Jesus always KNEW WHAT HE WOULD DO.
Why did I share these two stories?
As I wrote earlier, we struggle many times in our walk with Jesus, either because we don’t really know Him. Or, because we forget that He’s an omnipotent God that ALWAYS knows what to do.
Thus, when He tells us to do things that appear to be ridiculous, we balk! We struggle. We quickly engage our silly, tiny human minds and CONCLUDE that what Jesus is asking us to do does not make sense!
For instance, how can Jesus tell us that, “… having food and raiment, we should be content”? (1 Timothy 6:8) Does He not know that we need other basic necessities of life – house, phones, etc.
How can He tell us to, “… take no thought for tomorrow…” (Matt 6:34) Really? If we take no thought, how would we feed our family, clothe ourselves, and meet other basic necessities of life?
So, faced with these clear commandments of Scriptures, what do we do? We, of course, rationalise those divine commandments! And re-interpret them within the scope of our puny human mind.
We do not understand that by using this human framework, we immediately shut out God! And close the door to WHATEVER way He wants to manifest Himself and manifest His glory.
For comparison, please imagine if Andrew had not simply obeyed Jesus and brought the boy’s lunch. Also, imagine if the servants at the wedding feast saw no sense in bringing water – when, clearly, wine was needed very urgently.
Imagine how differently the two stories would have ended!
And that’s simply because the carnality in the heart of man makes us to forget this simple, eternal truth: Jesus Himself ALWAYS KNOWS WHAT TO DO in the situations we face in life. That is, when we simply trust and obey Him IN SPITE of the alarm bells triggered by our human reasoning.
For, indeed, in our walk with God, our human mind is our greatest enemy!!! And that’s because our human mind is patterned after the world. Patterned after the world’s value system that God warned us against in Romans 12:2.
It is for this reason that many of us are stunted in our walk with God, and in our followership of Christ. Not soaring in faith, but trudging in the valley of unbelief – while calling ourselves believers in Christ.
Do you see the irony clearly? Do you???
As we follow Jesus, we have to learn to trust Him completely with our lives. For He Himself KNOWS WHAT TO DO in every single facet of our lives.
So, dear friends, what instruction has the Lord given you, either by personal revelation or by the illumination of His word, that you are struggling with? Just because it does not add up in your tiny, human mind?
This may have greatly slowed your journey of faith with the Holy One that ALWAYS knows what to do when men trust Him. IN SPITE of their human wisdom and reasoning.
Please repent today. And pray for the faith to TRUST and OBEY Him in ALL things, and at ALL times.
For, “God is not man, that he should lie, or a son of man, that he should change his mind. Has he said, and will he not do it? Or has he spoken, and will he not fulfill it? (Numbers 23:19)
God can be trusted. God can be trusted.
“He said this to test him, for he himself knew what he would do.” (John 6:6)
Thanks for reading, God bless you.