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  • *No amount of guilt can change the past. No amount of worry can change the future.*
    *However, the actions you take today can make a big difference in all the tomorrow's of your life.*

    *Your past, present and future—everything is connected. Your past* *actions determine who you are today, and your present will decide who you will be tomorrow* .

    *It’s another great day! *

    *No amount of guilt can change the past. No amount of worry can change the future.* *However, the actions you take today can make a big difference in all the tomorrow's of your life.* *Your past, present and future—everything is connected. Your past* *actions determine who you are today, and your present will decide who you will be tomorrow* . *It’s another great day! 🔆* *GOOD MORNING MULTIMILLIONAIRE WISHING YOU A LOVELY DAY AHEAD 🌛🌞* 💗🥳🔥
    0 التعليقات 0 المشاركات 44 مشاهدة 0 معاينة
  • my lord make me to take your blessed mother as my mother cherished and love her all the days of my life for your name sake
    my lord make me to take your blessed mother as my mother cherished and love her all the days of my life for your name sake🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
    0 التعليقات 0 المشاركات 30 مشاهدة 0 معاينة
  • MEN, Listen Carefully

    1. Respect yourself first. The moment you lose self-respect, you become a pawn in someone else's game.

    2. Your appearance is your first impression. Invest in yourself, hit the gym, dress well—not for them, but for you. Confidence follows discipline.

    3. Master self-control. A man who can control his cravings for sex and food has already conquered most of his weaknesses. Discipline is the key to power.

    4. Your friends have battles too. Stop expecting them to always come through. Everyone is fighting a war you don’t see.

    5. If you put her on a pedestal, she will look down on you. A king doesn’t beg for loyalty; he earns it through strength and purpose.

    6. Betrayal always comes from those closest to you. Be wise with trust. Your worst scars won’t come from strangers.

    7. They will mock you, doubt you, and dismiss you—until you succeed. Keep building. Let success be your response.

    8. Temporary sacrifices lead to permanent stability. Missing out on fun today is not a loss if it guarantees a better future.

    9. Weak men seek pleasure, strong men seek purpose. Build, create, and contribute—don’t just consume.

    10. A true man doesn't beg for love, attention, or respect. He commands it through his actions and presence.

    11. Your time and energy are valuable. Don’t waste them on lazy, entitled people who bring nothing to the table.

    12. A woman can sense a weak man from miles away. Once she detects neediness, you’ve lost her respect. Don’t chase—lead.

    13. If she isn’t afraid to lose you, you are replaceable in her eyes. Become the kind of man she values, not the one she tolerates.

    14. Life is ruthless. One wrong move and you can lose years of progress. Move with caution and wisdom.

    15. Never negotiate desire. If you have to beg for love, respect, or attention—it’s already gone. Walk away with your dignity intact.

    16. Your mental health is your responsibility. When you're down, accept reality, strategize, and rise stronger. No one is coming to save you.

    17. Never lower your standards to accommodate mediocrity. Protect your peace and purpose at all costs.

    18. Pain is the best teacher. Bad days make good days more valuable. Learn from every struggle.

    19. In this world, respect is earned, not given. Be the kind of man people look up to, not the one they pity.

    20. A man with a mission is unstoppable. Find your purpose, chase it relentlessly, and let nothing distract you.
    MEN, Listen Carefully 1. Respect yourself first. The moment you lose self-respect, you become a pawn in someone else's game. 2. Your appearance is your first impression. Invest in yourself, hit the gym, dress well—not for them, but for you. Confidence follows discipline. 3. Master self-control. A man who can control his cravings for sex and food has already conquered most of his weaknesses. Discipline is the key to power. 4. Your friends have battles too. Stop expecting them to always come through. Everyone is fighting a war you don’t see. 5. If you put her on a pedestal, she will look down on you. A king doesn’t beg for loyalty; he earns it through strength and purpose. 6. Betrayal always comes from those closest to you. Be wise with trust. Your worst scars won’t come from strangers. 7. They will mock you, doubt you, and dismiss you—until you succeed. Keep building. Let success be your response. 8. Temporary sacrifices lead to permanent stability. Missing out on fun today is not a loss if it guarantees a better future. 9. Weak men seek pleasure, strong men seek purpose. Build, create, and contribute—don’t just consume. 10. A true man doesn't beg for love, attention, or respect. He commands it through his actions and presence. 11. Your time and energy are valuable. Don’t waste them on lazy, entitled people who bring nothing to the table. 12. A woman can sense a weak man from miles away. Once she detects neediness, you’ve lost her respect. Don’t chase—lead. 13. If she isn’t afraid to lose you, you are replaceable in her eyes. Become the kind of man she values, not the one she tolerates. 14. Life is ruthless. One wrong move and you can lose years of progress. Move with caution and wisdom. 15. Never negotiate desire. If you have to beg for love, respect, or attention—it’s already gone. Walk away with your dignity intact. 16. Your mental health is your responsibility. When you're down, accept reality, strategize, and rise stronger. No one is coming to save you. 17. Never lower your standards to accommodate mediocrity. Protect your peace and purpose at all costs. 18. Pain is the best teacher. Bad days make good days more valuable. Learn from every struggle. 19. In this world, respect is earned, not given. Be the kind of man people look up to, not the one they pity. 20. A man with a mission is unstoppable. Find your purpose, chase it relentlessly, and let nothing distract you.
    1 التعليقات 0 المشاركات 106 مشاهدة 0 معاينة
  • "Pr0stitut!on is now ho*kup, Ch@rm is now Grace, B@d character is now mood swings, F@ke life is now packaging, A br0ke young man is po*0r but a br0ke young woman is a strong woman, Happiness now depends on drvgs, Happiness now depends on drvgs, Drvnkard now see add!ction as excuse to depress!on. Molly is now the real joy giver, Sm0kérs now see it as a means of taking away their pa!ns, Cult!sm is now the norms definition of real men, Money now paddles the canoe of love.
    Meanwhile "I'm the table is now the slogan of a lady in relationship. Our old time friends are now strãngers due to change in financial status, Brothers now selecting brothers according to their standards, WHAT A FOWARDED GENERATION"
    Morals thrown to the wind,-⛔️ Erigga
    "Pr0stitut!on is now ho*kup, Ch@rm is now Grace, B@d character is now mood swings, F@ke life is now packaging, A br0ke young man is po*0r but a br0ke young woman is a strong woman, Happiness now depends on drvgs, Happiness now depends on drvgs, Drvnkard now see add!ction as excuse to depress!on. Molly is now the real joy giver, Sm0kérs now see it as a means of taking away their pa!ns, Cult!sm is now the norms definition of real men, Money now paddles the canoe of love. Meanwhile "I'm the table is now the slogan of a lady in relationship. Our old time friends are now strãngers due to change in financial status, Brothers now selecting brothers according to their standards, WHAT A FOWARDED GENERATION" Morals thrown to the wind,-⛔️ Erigga
    1 التعليقات 0 المشاركات 82 مشاهدة 0 معاينة
  • Use them when you need them

    Take charcoal or guava leaves when you have diarrhea

    Chew 3 pieces of orange seeds when you have stomach pains

    Take clove tea when you have mouth ulcers

    Drink a glass of water early mornings(5:00-5:30am) when you have constipation

    Take Ginger If you always feel like vomiting

    Take lemon grass tea when you have fever or chills

    Take cinnamon + lemon juice when you have loss of appetite

    Take lemon juice in warm water when you have sore throat or bloating

    Eat banana when your heart beat faster

    Take Ginger + garlic when you have joint pains, weak immune system or poor blood circulation

    Drink coconut water when you are dehydrated

    Eat more carrots for good vision

    Use them when you need them👇 Take charcoal or guava leaves when you have diarrhea 🍀 Chew 3 pieces of orange seeds when you have stomach pains 🍀 Take clove tea when you have mouth ulcers🍀 Drink a glass of water early mornings(5:00-5:30am) when you have constipation🍀 Take Ginger If you always feel like vomiting🍀 Take lemon grass tea when you have fever or chills🍀 Take cinnamon + lemon juice when you have loss of appetite🍀 Take lemon juice in warm water when you have sore throat or bloating 🍀 Eat banana when your heart beat faster🍀 Take Ginger + garlic when you have joint pains, weak immune system or poor blood circulation🍀 Drink coconut water when you are dehydrated🍀 Eat more carrots for good vision🍀 #copied
    0 التعليقات 0 المشاركات 56 مشاهدة 0 معاينة

    The sex act missing from your erotic repertoire
    The sex act missing from your erotic repertoire
    Quick question: are you using massage to prepare the body for the act of love, without focusing on the sexual organs? You’re missing out big time! Sure, these kind of sensual massages have their purpose as well: they stimulate the flow of energy through the body and concentrate it in the sexual organs. But I’m going to teach you a true powerbomb in terms of erotic massage: this kind stimulates the genitals and produces intense pleasure for both the giver and the recipient.

    And since we’re on this topic, do make sure you check out my Vagina Masterclass program. It’s filled with crucial information on how to better treat your lady’s vagina so that she only enjoys powerful orgasms from now on.

    Here’s what you have to do step-by-step:

    Hair pulling.

    Superficially caress the pubic hair, and after a few seconds, take small handfuls and gently tug on them. Start at the top of the pubis and travel downward, bit by bit, until reaching the vulva.

    Cycling around the labia minora

    Using your fingertips, stroke the inner part of your partner’s thighs until reaching the perineum. From there, continue along the inner crease of one labia minora (between the labia minora, the vaginal opening, and urethra) until reaching the clitoris. Massage the skin that covers it in a circular motion, and descend down the outer crease (between the labia majora and minora) until reaching the perineum. Repeat the cycle going around the opposite labia minora. Remember that at all times the massage must be slow and soft without excessive force.

    Pulling skin.

    Stroke the inner thighs and groin. Separate the outer labia and, using the index finger and thumb, pinch some of the skin and gently pull it upwards. Let it go at the last second. Start near the vaginal opening and keep going along the outer labia, and finish near the clitoris. Do this about six times. Repeat the massage along the opposite outer labia and then along both labia at the same time using both hands. Repeat the entire massage along the inner labia while always finishing at the skin covering the clitoris.

    Circling over the clitoris

    Use the tip of your index finger to rub the skin covering the clitoris in a clockwise direction and then in the opposite direction. Do about twelve circles in each direction, varying the amount of pressure at random. Next, place your middle finger under the clitoris so that the hood covering it rests above your finger. Rhythmically move the finger up and down while covering and uncovering the clitoris as you drag the skin along. You must use light pressure during this massage. Remember that it is very important to be completely relaxed during this massage in order to find the clitoris. If there is no lubrication, you will not be able to drag the skin back to uncover the clitoris. Continue with the vertical movements along the clitoris and the skin while lightly increasing the pressure and the rhythm.

    Stroking the vaginal opening.

    Move the tip of your middle finger in a circle around the vaginal opening. Next, gently introduce the finger into the vagina and exert pressure on the opening as you remove it. Practice inserting and withdrawing the finger while applying pressure to a different part of the vagina each time.

    Opening the tripod.

    Press down on the center of the perineum using your pinky finger, and insert your index, middle, and ring finger in the vagina up to the third phalange. While pressing the perineum, separate your three fingers and press them up against the walls of the vagina. Keep applying pressure for a few seconds and then relax. Repeat this cycle ten times.

    Removing the honey.

    Insert your middle finger deep into the vagina and move it in clockwise circles while pressing the walls of the vagina. You can place your thumb on the clitoris, but keep your fingernail from touching and possibly harming it. Next, keep massaging in circles going the opposite direction. Make ten circles in each direction.

    Pressing the G-spot.

    During this massage, we will locate the woman’s famous pleasure point: the G-spot. Insert your middle finger up to the first phalange and rub it against the anterior wall of the vagina (behind which is the bladder). Move it up and down using minimal displacement and applying deep pressure for three minutes.

    Hot kisses,
    EROTIC MASSAGEFEMALE ORGASM The sex act missing from your erotic repertoire NU-Banners-models_1.gif EROTIC MASSAGE FEMALE ORGASM The sex act missing from your erotic repertoire Quick question: are you using massage to prepare the body for the act of love, without focusing on the sexual organs? You’re missing out big time! Sure, these kind of sensual massages have their purpose as well: they stimulate the flow of energy through the body and concentrate it in the sexual organs. But I’m going to teach you a true powerbomb in terms of erotic massage: this kind stimulates the genitals and produces intense pleasure for both the giver and the recipient. And since we’re on this topic, do make sure you check out my Vagina Masterclass program. It’s filled with crucial information on how to better treat your lady’s vagina so that she only enjoys powerful orgasms from now on. Here’s what you have to do step-by-step: Hair pulling. Superficially caress the pubic hair, and after a few seconds, take small handfuls and gently tug on them. Start at the top of the pubis and travel downward, bit by bit, until reaching the vulva. Cycling around the labia minora Using your fingertips, stroke the inner part of your partner’s thighs until reaching the perineum. From there, continue along the inner crease of one labia minora (between the labia minora, the vaginal opening, and urethra) until reaching the clitoris. Massage the skin that covers it in a circular motion, and descend down the outer crease (between the labia majora and minora) until reaching the perineum. Repeat the cycle going around the opposite labia minora. Remember that at all times the massage must be slow and soft without excessive force. Pulling skin. Stroke the inner thighs and groin. Separate the outer labia and, using the index finger and thumb, pinch some of the skin and gently pull it upwards. Let it go at the last second. Start near the vaginal opening and keep going along the outer labia, and finish near the clitoris. Do this about six times. Repeat the massage along the opposite outer labia and then along both labia at the same time using both hands. Repeat the entire massage along the inner labia while always finishing at the skin covering the clitoris. Circling over the clitoris Use the tip of your index finger to rub the skin covering the clitoris in a clockwise direction and then in the opposite direction. Do about twelve circles in each direction, varying the amount of pressure at random. Next, place your middle finger under the clitoris so that the hood covering it rests above your finger. Rhythmically move the finger up and down while covering and uncovering the clitoris as you drag the skin along. You must use light pressure during this massage. Remember that it is very important to be completely relaxed during this massage in order to find the clitoris. If there is no lubrication, you will not be able to drag the skin back to uncover the clitoris. Continue with the vertical movements along the clitoris and the skin while lightly increasing the pressure and the rhythm. Stroking the vaginal opening. Move the tip of your middle finger in a circle around the vaginal opening. Next, gently introduce the finger into the vagina and exert pressure on the opening as you remove it. Practice inserting and withdrawing the finger while applying pressure to a different part of the vagina each time. Opening the tripod. Press down on the center of the perineum using your pinky finger, and insert your index, middle, and ring finger in the vagina up to the third phalange. While pressing the perineum, separate your three fingers and press them up against the walls of the vagina. Keep applying pressure for a few seconds and then relax. Repeat this cycle ten times. Removing the honey. Insert your middle finger deep into the vagina and move it in clockwise circles while pressing the walls of the vagina. You can place your thumb on the clitoris, but keep your fingernail from touching and possibly harming it. Next, keep massaging in circles going the opposite direction. Make ten circles in each direction. Pressing the G-spot. During this massage, we will locate the woman’s famous pleasure point: the G-spot. Insert your middle finger up to the first phalange and rub it against the anterior wall of the vagina (behind which is the bladder). Move it up and down using minimal displacement and applying deep pressure for three minutes. Hot kisses,
    0 التعليقات 0 المشاركات 51 مشاهدة 0 معاينة
  • If he doesn't tell you his plans, he don't love you
    If he doesn't tell you his plans, he don't love you
    0 التعليقات 0 المشاركات 87 مشاهدة 0 معاينة
    So you won't see them as cheap, ignore them, disregard their feelings or outright reject them (rejection hurts like hell!) This can make a woman break down emotionally, become frigid, hate sex and see herself as worthless.

    Sexual rejection from a husband can make a woman see herself as less desirable and ruin her self esteem by 80%! One of the ways you can boost your wife's self esteem is to make her know she is super hot, super sexy, and sexually desirable to you.

    Why is your wife cold in bed and doesn't respond sexually to you? Why does she hate sex? Why is she frigid? May be because you don't know these10 things and she is sick or afraid of telling you. Get to know them now and set her loose from all inhibition. By the time you are through and practice them continuously, your wife should have become a glorified husband seductress you never imagined! Let's go!

    1. WOMEN LOVE VARIETY IN BED: Same touch, same way, same method, same place, same time is super boring to a woman! Women love adventure. That is why we don't wear same clothe 7 days a week. Variety is the spice of sex. How you touch her yesterday may not be how she wants to be touched today. She may want back rub yesterday but toe massage today. It is your job to notice her, read her like a book and know when she wants passion or tenderness.

    2. WOMEN LOVE ROMANCE: gentle, passionate kisses, soft touches at the right places gradually sets a woman on fire!

    3. WOMEN LOVE TO TALK BEFORE SEX. Listening to her about how her day went makes you super sexy to a woman. Do not undress her till you have undressed her heart.

    4. WOMEN LOVE TO BE ON TOP: may be not all women but most. It keeps her in charge, control the depth and watch you enjoy her front view.

    5. WOMEN WILL GLADLY GIVE A QUICKIE IN THE KITCHEN, TOILET, ANYWHERE, any how you want it if you will respect her, show love, be tender, affectionate and not see her as a sex object for quick release.

    6. WOMEN LOVE TO HAVE THEIR CLITORIS STROKED TENDERLY, affectionately, appropriately at the right time before and during sex.

    7. WOMEN DON'T CARE ABOUT THE SIZE OF YOUR PENIS AS LONG AS YOU KNOW HOW TO MAKE GOOD USE OF IT, hit the right place, position at the right angle and get her moan in pleasure.


    9. THE FUEL OF SEXUAL PASSION FOR A WOMAN IS LOVE, CARE, ATTENTION, AFFECTION AND GENEROSITY WHICH YOU MAKE A LIFESTYLE, give her all the time not just at the moment you want sex. It makes her bond with you emotionally and eagerly makes love to you.

    10. WOMEN LOVE LONG DRIVE AND HATE PREMATURE EJACULATION. If you can withhold long enough before shooting and give her some pleasure, she will enjoy love making, enjoy you, pursue you and eagerly have sex with you.


    The post is strictly for legally married couples not kids who should be facing their studies. If you go into premarital sex, you lose favour with God, experience shame, sorrow and a crises laden marriage awaits you.

    Waiting for sex in marriage pays. You will have all the sex you want and enjoy it to the maximum if you do things right!

    There is absolutely no need to rush. May your marital sex life catch fire!
    Thanks for reading. God bless you. Cheers! Have a Gracious night rest!
    10 THINGS WOMEN LOVE ABOUT SEX BUT ARE AFRAID TO TELL YOU So you won't see them as cheap, ignore them, disregard their feelings or outright reject them (rejection hurts like hell!) This can make a woman break down emotionally, become frigid, hate sex and see herself as worthless. Sexual rejection from a husband can make a woman see herself as less desirable and ruin her self esteem by 80%! One of the ways you can boost your wife's self esteem is to make her know she is super hot, super sexy, and sexually desirable to you. Why is your wife cold in bed and doesn't respond sexually to you? Why does she hate sex? Why is she frigid? May be because you don't know these10 things and she is sick or afraid of telling you. Get to know them now and set her loose from all inhibition. By the time you are through and practice them continuously, your wife should have become a glorified husband seductress you never imagined! Let's go! 1. WOMEN LOVE VARIETY IN BED: Same touch, same way, same method, same place, same time is super boring to a woman! Women love adventure. That is why we don't wear same clothe 7 days a week. Variety is the spice of sex. How you touch her yesterday may not be how she wants to be touched today. She may want back rub yesterday but toe massage today. It is your job to notice her, read her like a book and know when she wants passion or tenderness. 2. WOMEN LOVE ROMANCE: gentle, passionate kisses, soft touches at the right places gradually sets a woman on fire! 3. WOMEN LOVE TO TALK BEFORE SEX. Listening to her about how her day went makes you super sexy to a woman. Do not undress her till you have undressed her heart. 4. WOMEN LOVE TO BE ON TOP: may be not all women but most. It keeps her in charge, control the depth and watch you enjoy her front view. 5. WOMEN WILL GLADLY GIVE A QUICKIE IN THE KITCHEN, TOILET, ANYWHERE, any how you want it if you will respect her, show love, be tender, affectionate and not see her as a sex object for quick release. 6. WOMEN LOVE TO HAVE THEIR CLITORIS STROKED TENDERLY, affectionately, appropriately at the right time before and during sex. 7. WOMEN DON'T CARE ABOUT THE SIZE OF YOUR PENIS AS LONG AS YOU KNOW HOW TO MAKE GOOD USE OF IT, hit the right place, position at the right angle and get her moan in pleasure. 8. WOMEN WILL GLADLY OBLIGE TO ANY SEXUAL POSITION AS LONG AS IT GIVES HER ORGASM. 9. THE FUEL OF SEXUAL PASSION FOR A WOMAN IS LOVE, CARE, ATTENTION, AFFECTION AND GENEROSITY WHICH YOU MAKE A LIFESTYLE, give her all the time not just at the moment you want sex. It makes her bond with you emotionally and eagerly makes love to you. 10. WOMEN LOVE LONG DRIVE AND HATE PREMATURE EJACULATION. If you can withhold long enough before shooting and give her some pleasure, she will enjoy love making, enjoy you, pursue you and eagerly have sex with you. Note that SEX IS STRICTLY FOR THE MARRIED. The post is strictly for legally married couples not kids who should be facing their studies. If you go into premarital sex, you lose favour with God, experience shame, sorrow and a crises laden marriage awaits you. Waiting for sex in marriage pays. You will have all the sex you want and enjoy it to the maximum if you do things right! There is absolutely no need to rush. May your marital sex life catch fire! Thanks for reading. God bless you. Cheers! Have a Gracious ❤️ night rest!
    0 التعليقات 0 المشاركات 69 مشاهدة 0 معاينة

    Everyone dreams of having the happiest marriage. You want someone who’s going to love you no matter what, you want a person to have fun with and most importantly, you want someone you can share a happy, fulfilling life with.
    If you desire a loving and lasting relationship with your spouse, both of you need to adopt the following habits below:

    Reading books on marriage, conflict resolution, and communication techniques will help your marriage. The more you invest in your marriage, the more valuable it becomes. Most importantly, Treat your spouse better than you treat anyone else.

    Believe it or not, communication is the key to a happy marriage. Never stop communicating. Stay on the same page. Make sure your spouse always knows how you feel. Keeping open communication is arguably the best thing you can do for your marriage.
    Make sure that you always communicate clearly about what you want and expect. Remember that good communication is what makes a marriage successful.

    3. DON'T GIVE UP:
    On your wedding day, you make promises to love your sweetheart forever through the good and bad times. But sometimes the bad outweighs the good by a lot, and marriages end up falling apart. But there are things you can do to make your happy marriage last forever. Be committed to make your marriage work. Don't think the grass is always greener on the other side. Most people who leave their marriages for someone else find the same problems in the new relationship, and many regret not having worked things out in their first marriage. Any married person will tell you that marriages wax and wane. There are good times, bad times, and so-so times. A marriage is viable if the good outweighs the bad, even by a little bit. The more you appreciate the good and try to let the bad roll off, the easier it will get, and the more fondness and connection you will feel towards your spouse.

    Speaking less and listening more is important if you want to build a strong relationship with your partner. It’s important you always pay close attention to what your partner has to say. Ask your partner how his/her day went and listen to him/her talk about their day.

    When you put your relationship on social media, you invite the public to your relationship. Keep your private matters private. It’s a relationship between you and your partner and not between you, your partner and the public. You can share your fun dates with your partner or some nice photos together on your Facebook or Instagram app but make sure you draw the line where necessary.

    Finding ways to reduce the frequency of conflict in your relationship by letting go of the little things will help you build a strong relationship with your partner. Arguments are normal in a relationship but you should make sure you never insult your partner during an argument. Always listen to what your partner has to say during an argument.

    Commitment is very important if you desire to have a strong relationship with your partner. You have to decide to stick with your partner and make the relationship work irrespective of the flaws your partner might have. Couples who renew their commitments every day, in words and deed, are on their way to having a strong relationship.

    Spending quality time with your partner is important if you desire to build a strong relationship. Nothing substitutes for time together. No matter how busy you are, always create time to go out on dates with your partner.

    Partners in strong relationships have no secrets. If you desire to build a strong relationship with your partner, you have to be completely transparent with your partner. You don’t need privacy in your relationship if you want a strong relationship.

    Whether it be something as simple as watching a movie neither of you has seen, or something as extreme as skydiving, trying new things together as a couple is important if you want to have a strong relationship. Trying new things together keeps the excitement and passion going in your relationship.

    You shouldn’t save the compliments for big events alone, make complimenting your partner a regular occurrence. You make your partner feel special and noticed when you compliment him/her and this helps build a strong relationship.

    How you treat your partner in front of others matter if you desire to build a strong relationship with your partner. Never ever put each other down or say anything negative about your partner in public. Only say supportive and kind things to each other in public and save disagreements for when you both are alone.

    These three little words “I love you” are important if you want to build a strong relationship with your partner. No matter how long or hard your day is, always end your day by telling your partner how much you love him/her. End your day with the words “I love you”.

    You have to understand the value of compromise if you want to build a strong relationship. You may not always want to do what your partner wants but if it’s important to your partner, do it with a smile on your face.

    Couples that pray and play together stay together. Hand in hand each morning before you face the vicissitude of life, read a devotional, and pray together.
    Take turns to pray for your marriage, your challenges &your children. If its your turn to pray, lift your spouse's burdens to The Lord and thank God for the wonderful spouse He gave you.
    Never miss an opportunity to celebrate life's milestones together. Celebrate anniversaries and birthdays. Make it simple and sweet. Play and laugh together. Be merry with the person you married and watch your love for each other grow from strength to strength.
    You will not fail in marriage in Jesus Name.

    SECRETS TO HAVING A STRONG RELATIONSHIP Everyone dreams of having the happiest marriage. You want someone who’s going to love you no matter what, you want a person to have fun with and most importantly, you want someone you can share a happy, fulfilling life with. If you desire a loving and lasting relationship with your spouse, both of you need to adopt the following habits below: 1. INVEST IN YOUR MARRIAGE Reading books on marriage, conflict resolution, and communication techniques will help your marriage. The more you invest in your marriage, the more valuable it becomes. Most importantly, Treat your spouse better than you treat anyone else. 2. COMMUNICATION Believe it or not, communication is the key to a happy marriage. Never stop communicating. Stay on the same page. Make sure your spouse always knows how you feel. Keeping open communication is arguably the best thing you can do for your marriage. Make sure that you always communicate clearly about what you want and expect. Remember that good communication is what makes a marriage successful. 3. DON'T GIVE UP: On your wedding day, you make promises to love your sweetheart forever through the good and bad times. But sometimes the bad outweighs the good by a lot, and marriages end up falling apart. But there are things you can do to make your happy marriage last forever. Be committed to make your marriage work. Don't think the grass is always greener on the other side. Most people who leave their marriages for someone else find the same problems in the new relationship, and many regret not having worked things out in their first marriage. Any married person will tell you that marriages wax and wane. There are good times, bad times, and so-so times. A marriage is viable if the good outweighs the bad, even by a little bit. The more you appreciate the good and try to let the bad roll off, the easier it will get, and the more fondness and connection you will feel towards your spouse. 4. LEARN TO LISTEN Speaking less and listening more is important if you want to build a strong relationship with your partner. It’s important you always pay close attention to what your partner has to say. Ask your partner how his/her day went and listen to him/her talk about their day. 5. KEEP YOUR PRIVATE LIFE PRIVATE When you put your relationship on social media, you invite the public to your relationship. Keep your private matters private. It’s a relationship between you and your partner and not between you, your partner and the public. You can share your fun dates with your partner or some nice photos together on your Facebook or Instagram app but make sure you draw the line where necessary. 6. KNOW WHEN TO LET THINGS SLIDE AND LEARN HOW TO MANAGE CONFLICTS Finding ways to reduce the frequency of conflict in your relationship by letting go of the little things will help you build a strong relationship with your partner. Arguments are normal in a relationship but you should make sure you never insult your partner during an argument. Always listen to what your partner has to say during an argument. 7. COMMITMENT: Commitment is very important if you desire to have a strong relationship with your partner. You have to decide to stick with your partner and make the relationship work irrespective of the flaws your partner might have. Couples who renew their commitments every day, in words and deed, are on their way to having a strong relationship. 8. MAKE TIME TO DATE Spending quality time with your partner is important if you desire to build a strong relationship. Nothing substitutes for time together. No matter how busy you are, always create time to go out on dates with your partner. 9. BE TOTALLY TRANSPARENT Partners in strong relationships have no secrets. If you desire to build a strong relationship with your partner, you have to be completely transparent with your partner. You don’t need privacy in your relationship if you want a strong relationship. 10. TRY NEW THINGS TOGETHER Whether it be something as simple as watching a movie neither of you has seen, or something as extreme as skydiving, trying new things together as a couple is important if you want to have a strong relationship. Trying new things together keeps the excitement and passion going in your relationship. 11. COMPLIMENT YOUR PARTNER You shouldn’t save the compliments for big events alone, make complimenting your partner a regular occurrence. You make your partner feel special and noticed when you compliment him/her and this helps build a strong relationship. 12. NEVER PUT EACH OTHER DOWN IN PUBLIC How you treat your partner in front of others matter if you desire to build a strong relationship with your partner. Never ever put each other down or say anything negative about your partner in public. Only say supportive and kind things to each other in public and save disagreements for when you both are alone. 13. NEVER GET TIRED OF SAYING “I LOVE YOU” These three little words “I love you” are important if you want to build a strong relationship with your partner. No matter how long or hard your day is, always end your day by telling your partner how much you love him/her. End your day with the words “I love you”. 14. LEARN HOW TO COMPROMISE You have to understand the value of compromise if you want to build a strong relationship. You may not always want to do what your partner wants but if it’s important to your partner, do it with a smile on your face. Lastly..... 15. PRAY AND PLAY TOGETHER: Couples that pray and play together stay together. Hand in hand each morning before you face the vicissitude of life, read a devotional, and pray together. Take turns to pray for your marriage, your challenges &your children. If its your turn to pray, lift your spouse's burdens to The Lord and thank God for the wonderful spouse He gave you. Never miss an opportunity to celebrate life's milestones together. Celebrate anniversaries and birthdays. Make it simple and sweet. Play and laugh together. Be merry with the person you married and watch your love for each other grow from strength to strength. You will not fail in marriage in Jesus Name. #southafrica #relationship #relax #Lovestory #photochallenge #beauty #beautychallenge #BallonDor2024
    0 التعليقات 0 المشاركات 62 مشاهدة 0 معاينة
  • 7 untapped female HOT SPot

    First off make sure your nails are clean and not jagged. Nothing will ruin a massage quicker than an even nail. Heat up some edible massage oil so you can not only rub and touch, but lick as well. Once you have your partner stripped down so their completely naked, you’re ready to begin. Here are some of the top erogenous zones for an erotic massage.

    1. Behind the Knees

    Behind the knees? Yes really. It sounds unusual, but this almost never touched spot is a hot bed for sensitivity precisely because it’s always ignored. Softly graze your partners’ knees with your fingers letting them feel slightly tickled. Move onto to gently licking or nibbling on the back of the knees to really excite your partner and get them going. After all there are a ton of nerves to titillate in this spot! Just be careful; the skin is thinner here and not used to touch so don’t bite or nibble too hard.

    2. The Rear End

    This is almost a no-brainer, but it’s worth saying most people love a little ass action. Playing with your lover’s butt can involve spanking, squeezing, licking, and kneading. Since the skin is thicker you can get a little rougher here, slapping and applying more pressure than you would on other body parts.

    3. The Neck and Ears

    Just putting your hand on the back of your partner’s neck can be enough to get them titillated. If their hair is long, lift it up and put your mouth on their neck. While you’re in the general vicinity, lick and blow on their ears until you have them moaning for more. Use your fingers to trace your fingers down the spine and back up. Then cup your hands and squeeze the back of the neck so that your fingertips touch the ears. And of course make sure to rub the knots out of their necks easing the tension and allowing them to relax for a night of lovin’.

    4. Feet

    Even if you don’t have a foot fetish by any stretch of the imagination you can enjoy giving or receiving a sensuous foot massage. As long as the feet are clean of course! After a long day, there can be nothing more relaxing than having your feet rubbed. Both women and men enjoy a foot rub or having their toes sucked. The feet are also prone to tickling so keep that in mind when you’re fondling their tootsies. People either love or hate to be tickled, so if you’ve got a hater on your hands don’t keep tickling.

    5. Breasts/Chest

    We all know that women’s’ breasts are very sensitive, but did you know men enjoy a little nipple tweaking too? Start off by slowly and gently by circling the nipples along the outer edges. Lick them and blow on them creating a back and forth sensation of hot and cold. Nipples are major erogenous zones on both sexes. When it comes to women, there’s nothing like sucking on her breasts to get her headlights hard.

    6. Inner Thighs

    The thighs often get overlooked when it comes to erotic massages because it doesn’t seem like there’s much feeling down there. But the sweet creamy thighs are actually mucho sensitive when it comes to touching, licking, and stroking. Besides the fact that there are many nerve endings, the thighs proximity to the genital will make your partner quiver with excitement. Knead them gently as you work your way up to center stage; the genitals.

    7. The Vulva

    Everyone loves being caressed down below. With women you can start off slow by stroking her lips with your fingers. Then you can move on to rubbing her clitoris until she gets squirmy and aroused. For men, very carefully massage the oft-neglected family jewels and the perineum. The trick is to take it slow! If you go straight for the gold, you’ll lose the ability to slowly build arousal in such a sensitive spot.

    As you can see when it comes to sexy erogenous zones the options are practically endless! Stay open-minded and creative and you may just find your own new erogenous zone.

    7 untapped female HOT SPot First off make sure your nails are clean and not jagged. Nothing will ruin a massage quicker than an even nail. Heat up some edible massage oil so you can not only rub and touch, but lick as well. Once you have your partner stripped down so their completely naked, you’re ready to begin. Here are some of the top erogenous zones for an erotic massage. 1. Behind the Knees Behind the knees? Yes really. It sounds unusual, but this almost never touched spot is a hot bed for sensitivity precisely because it’s always ignored. Softly graze your partners’ knees with your fingers letting them feel slightly tickled. Move onto to gently licking or nibbling on the back of the knees to really excite your partner and get them going. After all there are a ton of nerves to titillate in this spot! Just be careful; the skin is thinner here and not used to touch so don’t bite or nibble too hard. 2. The Rear End This is almost a no-brainer, but it’s worth saying most people love a little ass action. Playing with your lover’s butt can involve spanking, squeezing, licking, and kneading. Since the skin is thicker you can get a little rougher here, slapping and applying more pressure than you would on other body parts. 3. The Neck and Ears Just putting your hand on the back of your partner’s neck can be enough to get them titillated. If their hair is long, lift it up and put your mouth on their neck. While you’re in the general vicinity, lick and blow on their ears until you have them moaning for more. Use your fingers to trace your fingers down the spine and back up. Then cup your hands and squeeze the back of the neck so that your fingertips touch the ears. And of course make sure to rub the knots out of their necks easing the tension and allowing them to relax for a night of lovin’. 4. Feet Even if you don’t have a foot fetish by any stretch of the imagination you can enjoy giving or receiving a sensuous foot massage. As long as the feet are clean of course! After a long day, there can be nothing more relaxing than having your feet rubbed. Both women and men enjoy a foot rub or having their toes sucked. The feet are also prone to tickling so keep that in mind when you’re fondling their tootsies. People either love or hate to be tickled, so if you’ve got a hater on your hands don’t keep tickling. 5. Breasts/Chest We all know that women’s’ breasts are very sensitive, but did you know men enjoy a little nipple tweaking too? Start off by slowly and gently by circling the nipples along the outer edges. Lick them and blow on them creating a back and forth sensation of hot and cold. Nipples are major erogenous zones on both sexes. When it comes to women, there’s nothing like sucking on her breasts to get her headlights hard. 6. Inner Thighs The thighs often get overlooked when it comes to erotic massages because it doesn’t seem like there’s much feeling down there. But the sweet creamy thighs are actually mucho sensitive when it comes to touching, licking, and stroking. Besides the fact that there are many nerve endings, the thighs proximity to the genital will make your partner quiver with excitement. Knead them gently as you work your way up to center stage; the genitals. 7. The Vulva Everyone loves being caressed down below. With women you can start off slow by stroking her lips with your fingers. Then you can move on to rubbing her clitoris until she gets squirmy and aroused. For men, very carefully massage the oft-neglected family jewels and the perineum. The trick is to take it slow! If you go straight for the gold, you’ll lose the ability to slowly build arousal in such a sensitive spot. As you can see when it comes to sexy erogenous zones the options are practically endless! Stay open-minded and creative and you may just find your own new erogenous zone. Kisses!
    0 التعليقات 0 المشاركات 100 مشاهدة 0 معاينة
  • I noticed Women love like this type of men AMA GROOTMAN they say man built like this are romantic, caring, so sweet not us they even mentioned that they last longer ku tlof tlof so let's stop gym and eat alot drink alot so we join them.
    I noticed Women love like this type of men AMA GROOTMAN they say man built like this are romantic, caring, so sweet not us😢🚹 they even mentioned that they last longer ku tlof tlof 💔 so let's stop gym and eat alot drink alot so we join them.
    0 التعليقات 0 المشاركات 80 مشاهدة 0 معاينة
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