This day shall be glorious for you, divine guidance shall direct your step. Your ears shall be open for instructions and your heart shall respond in obedience. The fruit of your labour shall not be sour but pleasant and sweet. Every pursuit of yours shall end in testimony and praise. God will cause all things to work together for your good. Shame and regret shall never be your portion. As you keep His Word in your heart, your feet shall not slide Amen .
This day shall be glorious for you, divine guidance shall direct your step. Your ears shall be open for instructions and your heart shall respond in obedience. The fruit of your labour shall not be sour but pleasant and sweet. Every pursuit of yours shall end in testimony and praise. God will cause all things to work together for your good. Shame and regret shall never be your portion. As you keep His Word in your heart, your feet shall not slide Amen 🙏.
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