The greatest spiritual mistake you can make as a follower of Christ is to TRY TO MAKE HEAVEN.
This is a trick that Satan is using to cheat many believers out of their inheritance in Christ. Especially, the believers in the so-called ‘holiness churches’.
Here is the truth.
It was on the very day that you genuinely accepted Jesus Christ as your LORD and SAVIOUR that you made heaven!
It was on that very day that God Himself placed you in heaven on the merit of Jesus Christ. Not on the basis of what YOU HAVE DONE. Not on the basis of what YOU CAN EVER DO.
Just on the merit of Jesus Christ ALONE. That is ALL that God requires to put a man in heaven.
This is what the Bible makes clear in Ephesians 2:4-6, “But God, being rich in mercy, because of the great love with which he loved us, even when we were dead in our trespasses, made us alive together with Christ - by grace you have been saved - and raised us up with him and SEATED US WITH HIM in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus….”
Do you see this, friend?
Today, as you read this, you are ALREADY SEATED in heavenly places in Christ Jesus!
Please note that you are NOT standing in heavenly places. Neither are you perching in heavenly places. You are SAT there. SAT there by God Himself.
Do you know why? It’s because the price of the ‘ticket’ has already been fully paid, and you have accepted the invitation by grace. And by faith.
That’s WHY you are sat there. And, it is a settled matter. Settled FOREVER by the faithfulness of God that cannot lie. “… SEATED US WITH HIM in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus ….” (verse 6)
The ONLY requirement is that God now wants you to CONTINUE to sit where He has already placed you - in heavenly places in Christ Jesus. JUST KEEP SITTING THERE!
Please understand this clearly. If a man is struggling to enter a room where he is already SEATED, that man will suffer unnecessarily! He’ll be confused. He’ll be struggling. He’ll be looking for a door that does NOT exist.
Today, many believers are under this terrible affliction and confusion, as they try to make heaven! Instead of simply accepting the mind-blowing truth that God LOVES and TRUSTS them enough to place them in heavenly places on the very first day of their salvation.
You see, when a believer understands this truth, and embraces it, GRATITUDE will fill his heart. PRAISE will fill his lips. Because he’ll clearly see that God has not made salvation a hurdle to cross. But a blessing to simply ENJOY!!!
It is this deep gratitude that ‘fuels’ our obedience to God. And ‘fuels’ our love for Him. This is what ‘powers’ the JOY OF OUR SALVATION in Christ. Not our struggle to be holy. Not our aspiration to make heaven.
Rather than struggling to make heaven, our attention must turn FULLY to simply staying (by grace) in heaven! We must understand that the grace that brought us to sit in heavenly places in Christ Jesus, is sufficient to keep us sitting there – however narrower the way gets on earth. Halleluyah!
It is for this reason that Jesus kept emphasising this truth: ‘ABIDE IN ME’ (John 15:1-11). To ABIDE in Him is to recognise our status as New Creatures – and to continue to live in that way by grace – UNTIL THE END (Heb 3:14, 6:11).
Those last three words (until the end) are very important. For God has no pleasure in them that draw back (Heb 10:38). Such people simply draw back to their vomit and into perdition (2 Peter 2:20-22).
This is why the Bible urges believers to maximise the FREELY available grace to continue the race till the end (2 Cor 6:1).
In Christ Jesus, a believer is SAVED (past tense), is BEING SAVED (present tense), and WILL BE SAVED (future tense). We see these three related truths in Ephesians 2:8, 2 Corinthians 2:15, and Romans 5:10 - in that order.
This is the understanding that releases a true believer into REST, JOY, and PEACE in the matter of salvation in Christ Jesus. If you find yourself constantly struggling as you follow Christ, please pray that God should open your eyes to where you are seated in heavenly places.
Old Creatures do not live in heavenly places. You are today seated in heavenly places because God has already made you a NEW CREATURE. Halleluyah!!! Live according to your NEW NATURE. And, one day, you’ll shed this vile body and see Him in the fulness of His glory.
For that is where you dwell TODAY.
Just believe. Just trust. And just be thankful that Jesus has paid the FULL PRICE for the benefits you have been invited to enjoy for all eternity.
This is the grace of God. Enjoy it – till the very end!
“Nevertheless the foundation of God standeth sure, having this seal, The Lord knoweth them that are his. And, let every one that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity.” (2 Timothy 2:19)
Thanks for reading, God bless you.
The greatest spiritual mistake you can make as a follower of Christ is to TRY TO MAKE HEAVEN.
This is a trick that Satan is using to cheat many believers out of their inheritance in Christ. Especially, the believers in the so-called ‘holiness churches’.
Here is the truth.
It was on the very day that you genuinely accepted Jesus Christ as your LORD and SAVIOUR that you made heaven!
It was on that very day that God Himself placed you in heaven on the merit of Jesus Christ. Not on the basis of what YOU HAVE DONE. Not on the basis of what YOU CAN EVER DO.
Just on the merit of Jesus Christ ALONE. That is ALL that God requires to put a man in heaven.
This is what the Bible makes clear in Ephesians 2:4-6, “But God, being rich in mercy, because of the great love with which he loved us, even when we were dead in our trespasses, made us alive together with Christ - by grace you have been saved - and raised us up with him and SEATED US WITH HIM in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus….”
Do you see this, friend?
Today, as you read this, you are ALREADY SEATED in heavenly places in Christ Jesus!
Please note that you are NOT standing in heavenly places. Neither are you perching in heavenly places. You are SAT there. SAT there by God Himself.
Do you know why? It’s because the price of the ‘ticket’ has already been fully paid, and you have accepted the invitation by grace. And by faith.
That’s WHY you are sat there. And, it is a settled matter. Settled FOREVER by the faithfulness of God that cannot lie. “… SEATED US WITH HIM in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus ….” (verse 6)
The ONLY requirement is that God now wants you to CONTINUE to sit where He has already placed you - in heavenly places in Christ Jesus. JUST KEEP SITTING THERE!
Please understand this clearly. If a man is struggling to enter a room where he is already SEATED, that man will suffer unnecessarily! He’ll be confused. He’ll be struggling. He’ll be looking for a door that does NOT exist.
Today, many believers are under this terrible affliction and confusion, as they try to make heaven! Instead of simply accepting the mind-blowing truth that God LOVES and TRUSTS them enough to place them in heavenly places on the very first day of their salvation.
You see, when a believer understands this truth, and embraces it, GRATITUDE will fill his heart. PRAISE will fill his lips. Because he’ll clearly see that God has not made salvation a hurdle to cross. But a blessing to simply ENJOY!!!
It is this deep gratitude that ‘fuels’ our obedience to God. And ‘fuels’ our love for Him. This is what ‘powers’ the JOY OF OUR SALVATION in Christ. Not our struggle to be holy. Not our aspiration to make heaven.
Rather than struggling to make heaven, our attention must turn FULLY to simply staying (by grace) in heaven! We must understand that the grace that brought us to sit in heavenly places in Christ Jesus, is sufficient to keep us sitting there – however narrower the way gets on earth. Halleluyah!
It is for this reason that Jesus kept emphasising this truth: ‘ABIDE IN ME’ (John 15:1-11). To ABIDE in Him is to recognise our status as New Creatures – and to continue to live in that way by grace – UNTIL THE END (Heb 3:14, 6:11).
Those last three words (until the end) are very important. For God has no pleasure in them that draw back (Heb 10:38). Such people simply draw back to their vomit and into perdition (2 Peter 2:20-22).
This is why the Bible urges believers to maximise the FREELY available grace to continue the race till the end (2 Cor 6:1).
In Christ Jesus, a believer is SAVED (past tense), is BEING SAVED (present tense), and WILL BE SAVED (future tense). We see these three related truths in Ephesians 2:8, 2 Corinthians 2:15, and Romans 5:10 - in that order.
This is the understanding that releases a true believer into REST, JOY, and PEACE in the matter of salvation in Christ Jesus. If you find yourself constantly struggling as you follow Christ, please pray that God should open your eyes to where you are seated in heavenly places.
Old Creatures do not live in heavenly places. You are today seated in heavenly places because God has already made you a NEW CREATURE. Halleluyah!!! Live according to your NEW NATURE. And, one day, you’ll shed this vile body and see Him in the fulness of His glory.
For that is where you dwell TODAY.
Just believe. Just trust. And just be thankful that Jesus has paid the FULL PRICE for the benefits you have been invited to enjoy for all eternity.
This is the grace of God. Enjoy it – till the very end!
“Nevertheless the foundation of God standeth sure, having this seal, The Lord knoweth them that are his. And, let every one that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity.” (2 Timothy 2:19)
Thanks for reading, God bless you.
The greatest spiritual mistake you can make as a follower of Christ is to TRY TO MAKE HEAVEN.
This is a trick that Satan is using to cheat many believers out of their inheritance in Christ. Especially, the believers in the so-called ‘holiness churches’.
Here is the truth.
It was on the very day that you genuinely accepted Jesus Christ as your LORD and SAVIOUR that you made heaven!
It was on that very day that God Himself placed you in heaven on the merit of Jesus Christ. Not on the basis of what YOU HAVE DONE. Not on the basis of what YOU CAN EVER DO.
Just on the merit of Jesus Christ ALONE. That is ALL that God requires to put a man in heaven.
This is what the Bible makes clear in Ephesians 2:4-6, “But God, being rich in mercy, because of the great love with which he loved us, even when we were dead in our trespasses, made us alive together with Christ - by grace you have been saved - and raised us up with him and SEATED US WITH HIM in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus….”
Do you see this, friend?
Today, as you read this, you are ALREADY SEATED in heavenly places in Christ Jesus!
Please note that you are NOT standing in heavenly places. Neither are you perching in heavenly places. You are SAT there. SAT there by God Himself.
Do you know why? It’s because the price of the ‘ticket’ has already been fully paid, and you have accepted the invitation by grace. And by faith.
That’s WHY you are sat there. And, it is a settled matter. Settled FOREVER by the faithfulness of God that cannot lie. “… SEATED US WITH HIM in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus ….” (verse 6)
The ONLY requirement is that God now wants you to CONTINUE to sit where He has already placed you - in heavenly places in Christ Jesus. JUST KEEP SITTING THERE!
Please understand this clearly. If a man is struggling to enter a room where he is already SEATED, that man will suffer unnecessarily! He’ll be confused. He’ll be struggling. He’ll be looking for a door that does NOT exist.
Today, many believers are under this terrible affliction and confusion, as they try to make heaven! Instead of simply accepting the mind-blowing truth that God LOVES and TRUSTS them enough to place them in heavenly places on the very first day of their salvation.
You see, when a believer understands this truth, and embraces it, GRATITUDE will fill his heart. PRAISE will fill his lips. Because he’ll clearly see that God has not made salvation a hurdle to cross. But a blessing to simply ENJOY!!!
It is this deep gratitude that ‘fuels’ our obedience to God. And ‘fuels’ our love for Him. This is what ‘powers’ the JOY OF OUR SALVATION in Christ. Not our struggle to be holy. Not our aspiration to make heaven.
Rather than struggling to make heaven, our attention must turn FULLY to simply staying (by grace) in heaven! We must understand that the grace that brought us to sit in heavenly places in Christ Jesus, is sufficient to keep us sitting there – however narrower the way gets on earth. Halleluyah!
It is for this reason that Jesus kept emphasising this truth: ‘ABIDE IN ME’ (John 15:1-11). To ABIDE in Him is to recognise our status as New Creatures – and to continue to live in that way by grace – UNTIL THE END (Heb 3:14, 6:11).
Those last three words (until the end) are very important. For God has no pleasure in them that draw back (Heb 10:38). Such people simply draw back to their vomit and into perdition (2 Peter 2:20-22).
This is why the Bible urges believers to maximise the FREELY available grace to continue the race till the end (2 Cor 6:1).
In Christ Jesus, a believer is SAVED (past tense), is BEING SAVED (present tense), and WILL BE SAVED (future tense). We see these three related truths in Ephesians 2:8, 2 Corinthians 2:15, and Romans 5:10 - in that order.
This is the understanding that releases a true believer into REST, JOY, and PEACE in the matter of salvation in Christ Jesus. If you find yourself constantly struggling as you follow Christ, please pray that God should open your eyes to where you are seated in heavenly places.
Old Creatures do not live in heavenly places. You are today seated in heavenly places because God has already made you a NEW CREATURE. Halleluyah!!! Live according to your NEW NATURE. And, one day, you’ll shed this vile body and see Him in the fulness of His glory.
For that is where you dwell TODAY.
Just believe. Just trust. And just be thankful that Jesus has paid the FULL PRICE for the benefits you have been invited to enjoy for all eternity.
This is the grace of God. Enjoy it – till the very end!
“Nevertheless the foundation of God standeth sure, having this seal, The Lord knoweth them that are his. And, let every one that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity.” (2 Timothy 2:19)
Thanks for reading, God bless you.
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