Evangelist Lekara Friday is a fiery and compassionate preacher of the gospel of salvation and redemption through Jesus Christ. He has a deep burden for soul winning. He's a preacher of the holistic truth of the whole Bible. He is endowed with spiritual gift which stations in Deliverance operation. He's blessed with the five-fold ministries. He's happily married as a good husband to evangelist Sarah Serekara Lekara and blessed with four children (two boys and two girls).
He is a gifted communicator and expositor the total truth of the Bible.
Evangelist lekara Friday extends beyond the pulpit, as he is also a mentor, counselor and intercessor. The enormous grace of God has been working through him with signs and wonders. Demons quake before him in his operations.
He is always available the render selfless service to those who need his attention
He is an authority in our generation over spiritual warfare.

  • 2 Δημοσιεύσεις
  • 1 τις φωτογραφίες μου
  • 0 Videos
  • ζει στην Port Harcourt
  • σπούδασε Missions/Communication στο Pentecostal Theological Seminary Eleme Rivers State
    Class of B. Sc
  • 27/05/1970
  • ακολουθείται από 2 μέλη
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