*1. Always remember that you can grow without destroying others.*
*2. Always remember that your dreams can be fulfilled without sabotaging others.*
*3. Always remember that nobody must go down for you to rise.*
*4. Always remember that nobody must be shamed or embarrassed for your smile to be sustained.*
*5. Always remember that while others are rising, you can also rise.*
*6. Always remember that finding satisfaction in the pain of others will never bring you true happiness.*
*7. Always remember that what you wish others is a prayer for yourself.*
*8. Become the good fire that genuinely lights up others, not one that ruins the joy, goodwill, and expectation of others.*
*9. Never take delight in causing pain or sponsoring the tears of another.*
*10. Never ever use your position in authority to punish others for fear that your position would be taken from you. You never know tomorrow. Life is uncertain.* *Also, never use the position you occupy today to
*1. Always remember that you can grow without destroying others.*
*2. Always remember that your dreams can be fulfilled without sabotaging others.*
*3. Always remember that nobody must go down for you to rise.*
*4. Always remember that nobody must be shamed or embarrassed for your smile to be sustained.*
*5. Always remember that while others are rising, you can also rise.*
*6. Always remember that finding satisfaction in the pain of others will never bring you true happiness.*
*7. Always remember that what you wish others is a prayer for yourself.*
*8. Become the good fire that genuinely lights up others, not one that ruins the joy, goodwill, and expectation of others.*
*9. Never take delight in causing pain or sponsoring the tears of another.*
*10. Never ever use your position in authority to punish others for fear that your position would be taken from you. You never know tomorrow. Life is uncertain.* *Also, never use the position you occupy today to
*1. Always remember that you can grow without destroying others.*
*2. Always remember that your dreams can be fulfilled without sabotaging others.*
*3. Always remember that nobody must go down for you to rise.*
*4. Always remember that nobody must be shamed or embarrassed for your smile to be sustained.*
*5. Always remember that while others are rising, you can also rise.*
*6. Always remember that finding satisfaction in the pain of others will never bring you true happiness.*
*7. Always remember that what you wish others is a prayer for yourself.*
*8. Become the good fire that genuinely lights up others, not one that ruins the joy, goodwill, and expectation of others.*
*9. Never take delight in causing pain or sponsoring the tears of another.*
*10. Never ever use your position in authority to punish others for fear that your position would be taken from you. You never know tomorrow. Life is uncertain.* *Also, never use the position you occupy today to